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Comic Book and Superhero movie & TV discussion.

Bellenda Carlisle

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The tattoos don't bother me, I can see why people hate them but they're not worth getting hung up on. I guess the logic is Joker only wears a 3 piece suit because he was created 75 years ago and those were the only clothes that existed. A criminal psycho in 2015 may well have tattoos. I'm fine with the teeth, they must've been knocked out by Batman a few times, might as well do something fun with them. As said they had to go big because people loved Ledger's portrayal, there are worse directions to go in than to make him a bit too rock n roll, at least he isn't wearing his own face as a mask.

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Age of Ultron was just great. Loved all the different sub plots that it had, and James Spader was exactly how I thought he'd be, utterly brilliant. He has that eerily laid back voice that can be chilling one minute and hilarious the next. He's the reason I love Blacklist so much. Great great film, and loved the mid credit scene too.

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On a different note, here's a really good video about what if Man Of Steel was in color: https://youtu.be/Du-eYiD9OfM

This gives me an opportunity to talk about Man of Steel as I watched it for the first time a couple days ago.


Holy shit it was bad, and it culminated in the shittest ending I've ever seen in a superhero movie. Is Zack Snyder the Dolph Ziggler of filmmaking? I couldn't get over how shit a lot of that film was, it was would have been worse if not for the great cast (plus Henry Cavill is insanely handsome) but not even that could save how crap the whole thing was. The ending especially, with the destruction of the city, was easily the worst ending I've ever seen. It was the equivalent of Dolph flinging himself of a ladder and thinking it makes a great match.


This movie and the ones like it are exactly why I enjoy the Marvel films so much, with Marvel you're getting the fun film with a story that isn't complicated and can be enjoyed by everyone. I want to turn my brain off during these films and just have fun. Marvel IS John Cena! When Marvel destroys a city you don't take it seriously because you're told throughout its all fun, with all the dark arty films it makes zero sense to do that, well to do that and then end with this...




What the fuck? You have a shit 'serious' film and then end it with this?


I don't really get angry about films, it's just I couldn't believe how they managed to fuck up a film with that cast.

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Cobra is still the all-time benchmark for product placement in a film...


So, Ultron! It was decent fun, but I think I've been spoiled by Guardians a bit. Not a patch on the first avengers film and there's just too much stuff that made no sense at all.


Some of the humour was good, some of it seemed really misplaced (eg one liners and quips whilst loads of innocent civilians are being killed)



I liked the new characters, but there was zero character development for any of the characters we already know. And don't give me Hawkeye's secret family as an example because that was shit.


Really seemed like they tried to cram a bit too much in, and as a result a lot of bits of story had to be assumed and the blanks filled in by the viewer, and the characters suffered because there was too much stuff happening.


For example, I think the most rushed thing was Thor's spa treatment which gave him all the answers to what was going on.. They didn't really explain any of that.



Anyway, I still enjoyed it. I'm just not in any rush to see it again..

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I don’t think the Joker will have those tattoos come movie time. I reckon that was just a tribute to the Killing Joke cover and the fact it was an anniversary. Ayer has his finger on the pulse and knows the score, I reckon.

This looks nice:



Anyone see this? Leto shutting up a heckler apparently ‘in character’ at a recent concert. If that’s his Joker voice, it’s rather good.



Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I think Joker will have the tattoos in Suicide Squad but maybe not in a Batman vs Joker film that's set before.

If he doesn't have the tattoos it would be great marketing, give everyone something to focus their hatred on then take it away.


Heath Ledger was only 7 years ago and there will probably be another Joker in 10 years, they're just making a Joker for this time and there's something for everyone, there's the tattoos, emo look and stuff for the kids who want to copy and idolise him yet apparently he's also taking a lot from the Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Return -two of the best most serious Joker stories which should please the die hard comic fans. Finally he's being played by a great actor for people who don't care about that shit and just want a good film. I already like him more than Heath Ledger's dirty tramp Joker.

Edited by Call me Bellend
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