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On the opposite end to Marty on the shoot interview league table, Kevin Steen interviewed Jay Lethal in a wonderful little shoot. Lethal's a really good bloke. Well worth checking out. He talks about his time in TNA a lot which is great. His stories of hanging with Nash and Flair are awesome.


The most interesting thing is Lethal telling a story that he heard, where AJ Lee (the women he trained and went out with for a period) was signing autographs and a fan asked her to sign a magazine and she told the fan "I only sign WWE stuff". The fan followed this up with "when is the last time you spoke to Jay Lethal" and AJ replied "who's Jay Lethal?" which Lethal is obviously isn't happy about. Its going to be really shit for her when WWE releases her and she's working in a call centre in a few years. I hate this bitch so much.

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The Jay Lethal Q&A we did in Manchester in August is on sale at Futureshock's website. Well worth checking out, Ian's spot on about him, a really sound down to earth guy. He can tell a story too. Some great stuff about Ric Flair, some of the stories vets told him about Randy Savage and loads more.


Not on commission either, just think it'd be a shame if this didn't get some circulation.

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On the opposite end to Marty on the shoot interview league table, Kevin Steen interviewed Jay Lethal in a wonderful little shoot. Lethal's a really good bloke. Well worth checking out. He talks about his time in TNA a lot which is great. His stories of hanging with Nash and Flair are awesome.


The most interesting thing is Lethal telling a story that he heard, where AJ Lee (the women he trained and went out with for a period) was signing autographs and a fan asked her to sign a magazine and she told the fan "I only sign WWE stuff". The fan followed this up with "when is the last time you spoke to Jay Lethal" and AJ replied "who's Jay Lethal?" which Lethal is obviously isn't happy about. Its going to be really shit for her when WWE releases her and she's working in a call centre in a few years. I hate this bitch so much.


Check a similar story out here: http://wrestlingmemorabilia.blogspot.co.uk...k-sin-cara.html

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My point is that just as I am respectful as a fan of the business that I love, Miss Lee needs to learn to be respectful to the business that's currently putting food on her table...although...she could use an extra sandwich or two.

Yeah, gutted for the guy.

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it seems petty that AJ Lee wouldn't sign whatever a fan has asked her to (within reason of course, and I'd think a wrestling magazine is within reason). It's not like the guy asked her to sign a naughty dvd or something.


It's funny how different people are. I was in the company of a former WWE star that had a terrible reputation. Like really bad. I only found out he would be around the day I'd faxed confirmation I'd be involved. I genuinely had a bad feeling thinking "christ, will this guy be such a twat he'll try to take the piss" etc. In my mind I decided to be polite and introduce myself as per, but give him a wide berth. Within hours I realised he was one of the nicest guys you could meet. He was actually really upset as he was working heel and the promoter asked him not to sign autographs, yet he still managed to sneak a few signatures where fans were going the extra mile (sticking posters through the dressing room window!). Clearly this guy might have earned a bad reputation in the past, but he was nothing but cool with fans when I was around him.


In fact the only instances I can recall of people being arsey with fans are the "vanilla midget" mob - currently known as the TNA cruiser/x division. Doesn't AJ Styles pull this sort of antic when he's working indies here and working as a face.

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At a WWE appearance AJ probably shouldn't be talking about indy guys. WWE operate in such a fashion that they don't acknowledge any other wrestling company and only worry about what they are doing. More to the point, why would the poor girl want to discuss what is apparently her personal life with some jebend stranger who thinks he's clever because he's watched a few ROH DVD's?

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Thats such a bizarre story to believe. A, why is Jay Lethal giving a shit about some fan story about something she allegedly said? B, What do people expect her to answer with? Just openly discuss her personal life and who she talks to C, the not signing the magazine thing seems harsh but as said if it was a WWE arranged signing then they are pretty strict with it, if she did it openly in a public setting then maybe they can complain. Oh and D, its probably some fan making stuff up.

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Or E, someone in WWE probably told him this happened, and he doesn't want to out them. Kevin Steen said he'd heard the story as well, and since Lethal has lived with her and trained her, probably knows her well enough to know she probably did say it. And I thought she was Mrs Hard Working Indy Girl who deserves her spot for working that rough 22 matches before signing with WWE schedule she did? Surely AJ cant be forgetting where she's came from?


Counting down the days to when she's charging fans at conventions $20 to hold her replica Divas title. Twat.


At a WWE appearance AJ probably shouldn't be talking about indy guys. WWE operate in such a fashion that they don't acknowledge any other wrestling company and only worry about what they are doing. More to the point, why would the poor girl want to discuss what is apparently her personal life with some jebend stranger who thinks he's clever because he's watched a few ROH DVD's?

That isn't true at all. Any of the wrestlers discuss stuff with fans who have actually paid to get into functions. Only complete knob heads get all upperty over it. And how does that make him clever because he asked "when was the last time she spoke to the person who trained you"? CM Punk's an absolute cock to fans at times, but he'd talk your ear off if you mentioned Ace Steele. If you have anything about you, you wouldn't care either way. Instead of acting like a diva and saying you wont sign any non-WWE shit. But this is a person with the date she won a fake belt on her neck, so her standards are in the shitter anyway.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Is it just me or has the standard of Kayfabe's shoots dropped recently?

Too many people are turning up completely wasted. Must be infuriating for the guy conducting the interview.


. Haven't watched it yet. Supposedly stoned out his gourd. Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Just watched some Japanese produced Stan Hansen shoot/doc I came across on youtube. Unfortunately all the parts haven't yet been uploaded and it only covers his early career in New Japan, but it is still of good length.





Stan hasn't got an ounce of bitterness in him so there's nothing particularly juicy or exciting about it but I still enjoyed it. All of my (and everyone else's) favourite wrestlers have ended up as embarrassing trainwrecks or are just plain old dead, so it's nice to see one make it through to the other side with his sanity intact. (Hokuto's the only other one and I was chuffed to find out that she and hubby Kensuke Sasaki are a TV celeb couple, earning her more fame than ever before without killing herself in the process.) It makes me wonder if the language barrier excluded him from political bullshit for the majority of his career and gave him a healthier outlook towards the business. There's lots of good match footage scattered about on it. Outside of the wrestling you get Hansen talking about Japanese cuisine, doing the laundry and taking strolls amongst the beautiful Colorado scenery. Which is all I want sometimes. Lovely old bloke and a really pleasant watch.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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