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If one of you chaps have recently joined a new company, and have just been talking to a guy about Wrestlemania as you said you were a wrestling fan... that's me :) If we've argued in the past on here, let's pretend it never happened ;)

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Is there a way of removing the sigs and avatars from members who have had their accounts disabled?


I just re-read the first Twatlist and Barley's avatar scared the shit out of me.

Edited by Jaffa
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For some reason, I've always called it the "Geek Forum". It seems to have got me out of explaining what it actually is to people at work who just assume its a film/music thing, and to mates who don't give a shit or my missus if she sees me on it, it just seems to have stuck from that. I think the work thing is the origin of the name, but the lad I watch wrestling with who doesn't give half as much a shit solidified it when he would always ask me "what did the geek forum think?" about a particular storyline or wrestler. One mate who's into wrestling a bit who saw the Booking Contest trophy the other week (as it currently sits parked on a chest of drawers in my dining room, Nicko, how about that eh?!) said "Oh, is that what you won off that Geek Forum thing?".


So there you go, actually saying "UKFF" sounds weird, when I think about it.

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