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Someone's got a subscription to the Readers Digest, I see.


We used to get it here, although I never bothered with "Improve your wordpower" as I preferred the crappy inspirational stories. There was one once about a coach of Alabama's College Football team and his son had Down Syndrome. And it was all very heartwarming.

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He's still here, he's called Duke now. Top bloke if his posts are anything to go by.

[soppy] you're a peach Frankie. I've always thought I post too little of note to be noticed and always half expect to come up for white noise. So ta for that [/soppy]


On a seperate note, I'm typing on my phone and when I typed in "Frankie" it suggested I may have meant "crablike". So there we are

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Someone's got a subscription to the Readers Digest, I see.


We used to get it here, although I never bothered with "Improve your wordpower" as I preferred the crappy inspirational stories. There was one once about a coach of Alabama's College Football team and his son had Down Syndrome. And it was all very heartwarming.

Don't be shy, just ask. ;)


One example of cognitive dissonance is when people try and justify behaviour in themselves that they would normally be opposed to, or consider themselves opposed to within their own mind. The conflict created when you behave in a certain way (say for example making racist jokes, making allusions about black people being monkeys) that you would normally oppose (say by being outraged at a footballer being charged with racist abuse) so you have to justify it to yourself by crouching the racist joke or allusion under the guise of "this is what a racist person, or someone who is perceived to be defending a racist would say lol" in order to reduce the dissonance in your mind. And when that person presents themselves and actually believes that they're taking the moral high ground and fighting a crusade against that behaviour, even the mock-racist behaviour itself is considered within their own mind to be part of that moral fight against racism, the dissonance is incredible. It takes a special kind of idiot to be that hypocritical. But for someone else to come along and do the same thing even AFTER I've pointed out the flaw in the thinking, you need to be Pitcos-level stupid.

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There was also an article in an issue from 1995 that's still on a bookshelf in The Mill, Cefn Mawr, about educational computer games and how games like Carmen Sandiego would make all the kids geniuses. Didn't work.

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Someone's got a subscription to the Readers Digest, I see.


We used to get it here, although I never bothered with "Improve your wordpower" as I preferred the crappy inspirational stories. There was one once about a coach of Alabama's College Football team and his son had Down Syndrome. And it was all very heartwarming.

Don't be shy, just ask. ;)


One example of cognitive dissonance is when people try and justify behaviour in themselves that they would normally be opposed to, or consider themselves opposed to within their own mind. The conflict created when you behave in a certain way (say for example making racist jokes, making allusions about black people being monkeys) that you would normally oppose (say by being outraged at a footballer being charged with racist abuse) so you have to justify it to yourself by crouching the racist joke or allusion under the guise of "this is what a racist person, or someone who is perceived to be defending a racist would say lol" in order to reduce the dissonance in your mind. And when that person presents themselves and actually believes that they're taking the moral high ground and fighting a crusade against that behaviour, even the mock-racist behaviour itself is considered within their own mind to be part of that moral fight against racism, the dissonance is incredible. It takes a special kind of idiot to be that hypocritical. But for someone else to come along and do the same thing even AFTER I've pointed out the flaw in the thinking, you need to be Pitcos-level stupid.


Oh, do shut up. You're just so boring. When did you get this boring? You used to be alright.

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