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  • Paid Members
Then he can have my share of the whiny PM's. I know he doesn't want that.

nah, he'll just promote Family Guy PMSL to mod. He's not b othered about any of this, so can remain impartial

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I fucking love you lot. I got in today and suddenly had 8 pages of this to read. It's like a free gift with your Beano when you get a day like that. I've said it more than enough times, this forum is absolutely fucking marvellous. I dared to go on 411 to catch up with the news ahead of Raw, it crashed my computer so I fucked it right off and came here. It was a bit quiet On Topic but this thread more than made up for it. If these kind of threads are what stuff like the PCC generates, I'll miss it. I look forward to what comes next.


Anyway, it's all been really fun to read. Everybody wins in a prize in my heart, such a great mix of stuff.

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I'd love to know who it is that it making Woy and rick's life a misery with PMs and Reports. Name and shame, chaps, they're the real villains here. I'm fairly certain I've never Reported anything, apart possibly from a racist thing once.


Can't we all just get along? We're wrestling fans for fuck sake, we're cliquey enough as it is :p

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  • Paid Members

This is stunning stuff, 8 hour shift and I find that an imaginary internet group gets banned from a forum, christ Rick.




goodwork lads, loved your work. May you come back stronger and not in a nWo silver way.


EDIT: I've never reported anyone ever, I always forget you can and if so should be done for extreme cases. If the pCc can be so patheticallly banned than let's name and shame the big girls.

Edited by Chilli_Dog
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  • Paid Members
I fucking love you lot. I got in today and suddenly had 8 pages of this to read. It's like a free gift with your Beano when you get a day like that. I've said it more than enough times, this forum is absolutely fucking marvellous. I dared to go on 411 to catch up with the news ahead of Raw, it crashed my computer so I fucked it right off and came here. It was a bit quiet On Topic but this thread more than made up for it. If these kind of threads are what stuff like the PCC generates, I'll miss it. I look forward to what comes next.


Anyway, it's all been really fun to read. Everybody wins in a prize in my heart, such a great mix of stuff.


I just want to say what a thoroughly nice man NEWM is. And I mean that sincerely, I can't think of a single person on here who thinks he's a wrong 'un.

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  • Paid Members

I quite like the idea of a few bear trap like bannable offenses for people to slip into. How about also making people claiming they'll be 'done with WWE/wrestling' if something doesn't go the way they'd like ban worthy too? As well as people actively mentioning that they don't watch wrestling anymore because it's shit these days in OnTopic.

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  • Moderators
Just wondering how long a ban is on the chat, who is the person that created the UKFF and do you think people should be banned because they have bad grammar ?

About the same time your forum suspension finishes you annoying turd.

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