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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady were at home and she asked me to pick a film. I could not make up my mind.


"I'm choosing a film then, so what ever I choose, it's tough tits" she said, and chose Proof on dvd.


The film had Anthony Hopkins in it, which ensured to me that I would have one enjoyable element. I actually found the film saddening because his character had a similar downward spiral to my grandad. Ouch. None the less, a moving if not forgettable way to spend 90 minutes. Not great but far from bad.


3 stars

Edited by Gordon_The_Gopher
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Last night I watched Wonderland, which was all about the porn star John Holmes' involvement in the Wonderland Murders back in the early 80s.


I had been looking forward to seeing this for a while because the original case is a really fascinating one. I'm not sure they got this film quite right though. The cast is fantastic and I enjoyed Val Kilmer more here than I did in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, plus Kate Bosworth finally showed that she can act. A bit. She's bloody lovely though. The cast as a whole is fantastic though but that's not really the problem here. The problem is that the film was too short for what it was trying to be, which was a Rashomon style multi-POV flashback narrative, and I thought it rushed through Holmes' recollection whilst not expanding enough on David Lind's recent past.


It was still pretty good but just felt slightly incomplete. I would like to see a proper biopic about Holmes one day too.


6 14-inchers out of 10.

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Bleh, double post.


Just watched The Machinist. I made a point of avoiding knowing stuff about this film as I really was looking forward to seeing it and didn't want it spoiled. I think the initial shock of seeing Christian Bale so thin actually almost overwhelms the early part of the film, but his performance in this is completely fantastic and he's a completely mad bastard for dropping, what, a third of his body weight for this role? Nutter.


I could barely fault this film, thinking back, the whole story is perfectly paced and the way it leaves little clues that lead to nowhere was something that Hitchcock would have been proud of. Actually, the only flaw with the film was the incidental music which didn't really fit the film for me and it was a bit off-putting at times. But, bonus points for Michael Ironside being in it.


Also, I had no idea that Brad Anderson directed Transsiberian as well, which was one of the best films I saw last year. I'm considering buying Session 9 now but I've heard mixed things about that - anyone seen it?


Anyway, 9 out of 10. Great stuff.

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Yesterday evening, me and the good lady were at home and decided to watch Hitch to lighten an otherwise quite difficult day.


"This has laugh out loud moments, I hope you like it..." she said, and we grabbed our snacks.


This film genuinely made me laugh and feel good about life. That guy from King of Queens was hilarious throughout and Will Smith is a star amongst stars. Also, Eva Mendes is ridiculously hot. The good lady even commented as such. Lordy! A very, very enjoyable film.


4.5 stars

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Bleh, double post.


Just watched The Machinist. I made a point of avoiding knowing stuff about this film as I really was looking forward to seeing it and didn't want it spoiled. I think the initial shock of seeing Christian Bale so thin actually almost overwhelms the early part of the film, but his performance in this is completely fantastic and he's a completely mad bastard for dropping, what, a third of his body weight for this role? Nutter.


I could barely fault this film, thinking back, the whole story is perfectly paced and the way it leaves little clues that lead to nowhere was something that Hitchcock would have been proud of. Actually, the only flaw with the film was the incidental music which didn't really fit the film for me and it was a bit off-putting at times. But, bonus points for Michael Ironside being in it.


Also, I had no idea that Brad Anderson directed Transsiberian as well, which was one of the best films I saw last year. I'm considering buying Session 9 now but I've heard mixed things about that - anyone seen it?


Anyway, 9 out of 10. Great stuff.


The "bad guy" in that film was utterly brilliant too, he was like Brando reborn. Turns out he's some English dude that's never really been in anything else. If I was a casting director, having watched that film, I'd have been on the blower to his agent straight away.

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Seen The A-Team tonight, never got into the TV series, but this was an enjoyable action flick that passed two hours, no filler acting material as well, all the main characters did their roles at least pretty well and the end does set up for a possible sequel.


Eight giggities out of ten.


Also a few weeks ago I went to see Toy Story 3, unusually for myself the local cinema was packed for this one (most shows I go to don't normally have more than 30 others at best) despite it being already out for a fortnight. I can't really put a foot wrong for this movie other than the fact that is was in 3D which this time I could tolerate, and maybe...


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

...that it had a plot where all the main characters from the first two movies carry on happily together at the end in a potential tearjerker classic Hollywood fluff style...



...but other than that, I'll be shocked if it doesn't pick up Oscars. Pixar does it again, nine out of ten giggities. Not bad for a U rated flick!

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No Way Out.. Good Cold War era thriller set in Washington, the MacGuffin of the photo is a bit lame, bit needs must and all that. It's a shame that things about the plot had been spoiled long before Id ever seen it so I knew what was coming.


Still decent movie and Costner, Hackman, Young and ahost of familiar faces cant go wrong.




Just seen Matchstick Men on ITV. Absolute delightful little film, that I hadnt seen or really heard about much, must have been sleeping or something when it was about.


Nic Cage, doesnt phone it in for once and Sam Rockwell is also pretty good in a movie that should have ended before.. '1 year later' as that kinda spoilt it a little. I wish Hollywood would stick to their guns once in a while regarding what could have been different.


Maybe thats wishful thinking, but the story was well thought out if a lil obvious, and as per some movies these days there is a twist that isnt really difficult to work out, but hey ho decent enough and George Formby just added to the class. Alison Lohman is also a very good actor it would appear given how old she actually is! Impressive to pull off that, at that age.

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Agreed. He's good at the crazy Nic Cage thing, which works in films like Snake Eyes or Con Air or The Rock, but outside of the specific genre of crazy-eyed action move star he's just terrible.

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Agreed. He's good at the crazy Nic Cage thing, which works in films like Snake Eyes or Con Air or The Rock, but outside of the specific genre of crazy-eyed action move star he's just terrible.


I thought he was great in Leaving Las Vegas, Adaptation & Bad Lieutenant

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