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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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I like those new Orange ads, but still miss the original ones with those 2 execs fucking up everyone's films. Orange Film Funding Board wasn't it? Weird to think they've not done one for about 2 years now.

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Watched The Cabin in the Woods, which was good not great. Easy way to spend 90 minutes, though. Who was the bald guy who had a blades going through his head (and had that ball thing)? I assume its a refernce to another film, but I dont know what it is.


Also watched Safe, which was also good.


Think he's supposed to be a cenobite ( one of the baddies from Hellraiser) the thing in his hand is like the puzzle box they have.

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I like those new Orange ads, but still miss the original ones with those 2 execs fucking up everyone's films. Orange Film Funding Board wasn't it? Weird to think they've not done one for about 2 years now.


The trouble with them was that they only changed them about once every three months, so if you went to the cinema even slightly regularly you'd be sick of the joke fairly quickly, and you'd want to punch Steve Furst in the face. Which was a shame because he's probably a nice bloke.

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I like those new Orange ads, but still miss the original ones with those 2 execs fucking up everyone's films. Orange Film Funding Board wasn't it? Weird to think they've not done one for about 2 years now.


The trouble with them was that they only changed them about once every three months, so if you went to the cinema even slightly regularly you'd be sick of the joke fairly quickly, and you'd want to punch Steve Furst in the face. Which was a shame because he's probably a nice bloke.


That's where I know him from! Went to see the Matilda musical in the West End a couple of months ago and he was playing Mr Wormwood! I swear I knew him from somewhere and now I've realised, thanks a lot :thumbsup:

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Lawless is well worth a watch, I thought Dredd was pretty boring if im honest. Dredd didnt really have a character and wasnt developed at all, his only real actions were "what do ya think, rookie". Anderson was good but she wasnt really fleshed out as well as she could have been. the 'slow mo' got repetitive after the 2nd time i saw it and the action never seemed to get out of second gear. shame i really wanted to like it too, i like Alex Garland but that script was pretty rubbish...

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Watched Contagion the other night


Christ on a bike that's a grim film, double head it with Threads or something and it wouldnt be a happy night in. It's good, but I have a few issues


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Jude Law's character is fucking pointless especially, the bubble suit. Marion Coutillard's thing in Hong Kong was horrid and the deaths of Kate Winslet and Gywenth Paltrow werent particularly as shocking as they could have been. Winslets character was probably the most interesting, which was a shame



As for 3D having no option to see Dredd in anything other than 3d around here, I think I will pass

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Everyone should be sceptical of 3D. It is shit.


This needs to be on a fucking billboard or something. It's tolerable for kids films I can avoid, but I've started having to go to cinemas much further away just to see a film normally. From a studio standpoint it has it's benefits with the uplift in ticket price and it probably helps against piracy a little as no ones gonna handycam a blurry screen, but it really is turgid. Anyone that isn't satisfied with a film because the letters don't fly at you in the opening titles is an utter moron. It's getting even worse now as now as, with 3D filming in mind, shots of things coming at the screen are more deliberately included, thus looking totally dumb when viewed normally. I could go on all day about how much I absolutely detest 3D films, I really could. It's not a revolution, it's been around before and died out just like it will again sometime soon.


Out of interest, does anyone here really enjoy 3D and feel it makes the movie so much better that you couldn't imagine ever seeing a movie any other way?

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I shouldn't really care all that much because it's generally only superhero films that I don't care about and sundry other shitty blockbusters that tend to get made in the format. Can't see Woody Allen's next one being in 3D. But it's utterly worthless and does absolutely nothing in terms of furthering movie-making as an artform.

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