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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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The Burke death scene was one of those things that fans always wanted to see. When it was originally released there was a production still of his character in the cocoon gloop found by Ripley and the footage never made it into either version. It it ended up as a very small scene in workprint version on the
Totally agree with it being cut out.


The other mystery is still the missing Marine who is seen in like 2 frames of the film


Is that Wierzbowski?


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I thought he plummeted to his death after the bag of ammo blows up under the cooling towers? I'm probably wrong, though.



Nope Hicks saves him from that. He has an offscreen yelp just after. Poor Wierbowski :(

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Oh yeah, Chokeout, it's SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read


that takes the dive.


See, now I have another excuse to watch it again just to confirm this.

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Anyway I have a load of films to get through mostly old horrors including this nice looking Hammer box set.




Looks like a mixed bag movie wise but for

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Absolutely love "seeking a friend for the end of the world"


One of the best films I've seen this year. The comedy worked for me, the drama as well and hell it gets quite emotional too. Good job i was the only one in the screening then :(


quite nice having the whole thing to myself to be honest

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  • Paid Members
Absolutely love "seeking a friend for the end of the world"


One of the best films I've seen this year. The comedy worked for me, the drama as well and hell it gets quite emotional too. Good job i was the only one in the screening then :(


quite nice having the whole thing to myself to be honest


Just seen a guy on Letterboxd review this and say he was the only one in as well. Looking forward to this.

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Absolutely love "seeking a friend for the end of the world"


One of the best films I've seen this year. The comedy worked for me, the drama as well and hell it gets quite emotional too. Good job i was the only one in the screening then :(


quite nice having the whole thing to myself to be honest


Really want to see that, no bugger is interested in seeing it though :(

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Absolutely love "seeking a friend for the end of the world"


One of the best films I've seen this year. The comedy worked for me, the drama as well and hell it gets quite emotional too. Good job i was the only one in the screening then :(


quite nice having the whole thing to myself to be honest


Really want to see that, no bugger is interested in seeing it though :(

So either you're seeking a friend for seeking a friend for the end of the world, or I've pointed out the joke that you made rather well.

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  • Paid Members
Absolutely love "seeking a friend for the end of the world"


One of the best films I've seen this year. The comedy worked for me, the drama as well and hell it gets quite emotional too. Good job i was the only one in the screening then :(


quite nice having the whole thing to myself to be honest


Really want to see that, no bugger is interested in seeing it though :(

So either you're seeking a friend for seeking a friend for the end of the world, or I've pointed out the joke that you made rather well.



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Just saw Savages and had one of the worst cinema experiences I've had in some time, if not ever. I went to one with the lady in a remote part of Brooklyn, tempted by $7 tickets. Everybody in the theatre talked through the trailers, which is acceptable at a reasonable level, but they were practically shouting over the sound. There were people up and walking around all the time, some of which were kids running in and out. From the minute the film started until the minute it finished there was an autistic kid sat at the front rocking back and forth in his seat constantly going "MMM.....MMM.....MMM" which, although there wasn't much that could've been done about it, was annoying in itself. However, it wasn't half as annoying as the constant laughter at trivial shit like whenever the words "motherfucker" and "bitch" were used, along with shouts of "OH SHIT!" "DAAAMNN" and "FUCKING CRAZY BITCH, OH!" It seemed like 95% of the audience thought they were at an audience-participation themed performance art, and were only there to laugh and/or drool over the drug theme of the film. Truly one of the most irritating and, quite frankly, shocking cinema experiences I've had.


As for the film itself, it's a bit shit. Promising trailer, interesting beginning, then a rubbish build-up to a lazy ending. The three main characters are so unlikable that it's hard to give a fuck if they prevail. There are plenty of seemingly important parts of the story that either don't make sense or are just touched upon and never mentioned again. For something that seemed to have a lot of potential, it was remarkably disappointing.

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Just saw Savages and had one of the worst cinema experiences I've had in some time, if not ever. I went to one with the lady in a remote part of Brooklyn, tempted by $7 tickets. Everybody in the theatre talked through the trailers, which is acceptable at a reasonable level, but they were practically shouting over the sound. There were people up and walking around all the time, some of which were kids running in and out. From the minute the film started until the minute it finished there was an autistic kid sat at the front rocking back and forth in his seat constantly going "MMM.....MMM.....MMM" which, although there wasn't much that could've been done about it, was annoying in itself. However, it wasn't half as annoying as the constant laughter at trivial shit like whenever the words "motherfucker" and "bitch" were used, along with shouts of "OH SHIT!" "DAAAMNN" and "FUCKING CRAZY BITCH, OH!" It seemed like 95% of the audience thought they were at an audience-participation themed performance art, and were only there to laugh and/or drool over the drug theme of the film. Truly one of the most irritating and, quite frankly, shocking cinema experiences I've had.


As for the film itself, it's a bit shit. Promising trailer, interesting beginning, then a rubbish build-up to a lazy ending. The three main characters are so unlikable that it's hard to give a fuck if they prevail. There are plenty of seemingly important parts of the story that either don't make sense or are just touched upon and never mentioned again. For something that seemed to have a lot of potential, it was remarkably disappointing.


I had exactly the same experience in a cinema in Brooklyn years ago, when I was travelling round the US. I think it was Rush Hour which had just come out. In that instance, it was a rather entertaining experience, but it certainly was weird. I wonder if it's just that cinema, if it's a "thing"?

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