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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched Donnie Darko for the first time last night. Its been on my to watch list for a very very long time, but for whatever reason Ive never got round to watching it.


Plus Points


Mary McDonnell

Nice representation of Middle Class Suburban America

Some Nice Scenery



Negative Points


It was shit, utter dross, the narrative didnt make much sense either.

SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

The jet engine that was out of time, and that ultimately killed Donny, would have still been out of time when it killed Donny, seeing as his mum and sister werent on the plane that it fell from, creating a paradox surely? Basically the whole film never happened and their were no consequences for any of the actions whatsoever, which rendered the rest of it Girlfriend, Bullies, Crimes etc utterly pointless. Donny was dead at the end for sure, but the fact the death was caused by a jet engine that caused the rabbit to appear in the first place to guide it back to its right time, means the whole thing is impossible, even with Wormhole theory afaik, but im sure I will get corrected on this.


Poorly shot, shoddy camera work, badly acted and too long

Edited by patdfb
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I really liked Donnie Darko. I always tend to err on the side of supporting those kinds of films that people either hate or love, though.


Pat's completely wrong to say it's badly acted, though. There are many criticisms you could level at it, many of them justifiable, but that isn't one of them. Not quite sure how it was 'badly shot' as well.


Richie - all the recommendations you've had are great, but The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance and High Plains Drifter are masterpieces that you have to see.

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Watched The Good, The Bad and The Ugly last night. It was my first foray into Western territory, and I thought it was fucking brilliant. The story was absolutely fantastic.


The version I watched was a re worked, extended version (just under 3 hours) but at no point was I checking the clock to see how long was left, it kept me relatively excited for the duration. The only slight distraction was that a lot of the sound had obviously been re dubbed from the original, probably due to the original film no being in the best of condition when they came to re work it. Eastwood himself actually re voiced bits an pieces for his character.


On the whole, I was well impressed with the style and presentation. I

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Pat's completely wrong to say it's badly acted, though. There are many criticisms you could level at it, many of them justifiable, but that isn't one of them. Not quite sure how it was 'badly shot' as well.


Badly shot, in terms of it looking like a 'student' film, dunno if that was it was because it was the director's debut or what, but some of the editing was meh and as a result some of the shots really looked fucking awful if Im honest. I spose that will be edgy or something though



The Sparkle Motion Dance Stuff was horribly black and dark, I know it was in a theatre or auditorium or whatever, but some better lighting could have helped. And as per my last point below, some one had a good idea with this version of it


Sparkle Motion Dance



And then you have the discussion of Smurf Sex, where I must capture everything and have about 15 cuts in about the first min just to make sure nothing is left to chance in terms of showing the viewer everything, completely taking away from what is said, because you are forced to focus on everything else, whether you want to or not



As for thea cting, it felt like school play level or just above. This was apparent for Donnie and his Girlfriend, at a pivotal moment where they are meant to be under threat and ultimately his girlfriend gets run over and killed. I'm guessing laughing me balls off at the shit delivery, shit framing and completely redundant jump cuts, which completely killed it for me isnt the desired reaction. This was instead of being drawn in to the seriousness of the situation and worried about the protagonist and his girlfriends safety. The scene became completely the wrong kind of mood, all the jump shots to the bullies, the car and back, and you may as well have put the Benny Hill Theme to it for all the tension and threat it gave out.


The scene in question, with around 50 different shots in under 2 mins. Great if you want motion sickness



EDIT: To make the last paragraph not seem like a stream of conciousness

Edited by patdfb
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Pat's completely wrong to say it's badly acted, though. There are many criticisms you could level at it, many of them justifiable, but that isn't one of them. Not quite sure how it was 'badly shot' as well.


Badly shot, in terms of it looking like a 'student' film, dunno if that was it was because it was the director's debut or what, but some of the editing was meh and as a result some of the shots really looked fucking awful if Im honest. I spose that will be edgy or something though



The Sparkle Motion Dance Stuff was horribly black and dark, I know it was in a theatre or auditorium or whatever, but some better lighting could have helped. And as per my last point below, some one had a good idea with this version of it


Sparkle Motion Dance



And then you have the discussion of Smurf Sex, where I must capture everything and have about 15 cuts in about the first min just to make sure nothing is left to chance in terms of showing the viewer everything, completely taking away from what is said, because you are forced to focus on everything else, whether you want to or not



As for acting, it felt like school play level or just above, especially for Donnie and his Girlfriend, and at a pivotal moment where they are meant to be under threat and ultimately his girlfriend gets run over and killed, Im guessing laughing me balls off at the shit delivery, shit framing and completely redundant jump cuts, which completely killed it for me, rather than being drawn in to the seriousness of the situation and worried about the protagonist and his girlfriends safety, it became completely the wrong kind of mood, all the jump shots to the bullies, the car and back, and you may as well have put the Benny Hill Theme to it for all the tension and threat it gave out.


The scene in question, with around 50 different shots in under 2 mins. Great if you want motion sickness


Have you ever thought about watching the film like normal people?

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Have you ever thought about watching the film like normal people?


Define 'normal'.


Sitting down and enjoying the film for what it is. If I dislike a film it's not because the lighting was poor, the camera angle was too wide or some other artsyfartsy film student bullshit. It's probably because it didn't maintain my attention, or I didn't find it funny etc. You know, like normal people.


You may do poos wrong, but you're alright with me.


I'm learning Glads. I still wipe my bum standing up, but I at least use the toilet seat now. Baby steps.


EDIT:- I've just re-read that. I'm not suggesting I wipe my arse with a toilet seat.

Edited by Steve Justice
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pat, what's your issue with 15 cuts in a minute? Are you suggesting that's too many or not enough?


Too many, it was not needed and it was to the detriment of the script. So they had to establish Donnie could shoot, for later on, when he kills Frank, but the close up of the bottle smashing was utterly unnecessary and a reverse shot from behind the Bottle showing Donnie taking the shot would have relayed it better. The distance and accuracy needed for the shot, would have been more illustrative, rather than going close up of the bottle smashing which was just a 'money shot' and other than looking cool serving little purpose.


The squib could have been used just as effectively using the above set up and would have got the message across that Donnie was a crack shot, it didnt need to be up close and personal with the bottle, to hammer home the point. Later when Donnie shot Drank, you didnt see him getting shot, just Donnie firing and then a cut to Frank,dead, having being shot in the Face/Eye. That still conveyed the message that Frank was dead, despite the other 40 or so other different cuts for the scene, but you didnt need to see it actually was happened in close up to see that it had happened.


A group shot, a little to right and then zooming in or, using over the shoulder shots would have also conveyed the same message, in the smurf scene without taking away from the script, nor stopping showing Donnie as a crack shot or having fun with his friends, but thats just me

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Too many, it was not needed and it was to the detriment of the script.

15 cuts per minute is pretty conservative for a film made last decade. Unless the only films you've ever watched are Rope and The Silent House, I can't imagine anyone watching that Smurfs scene in Donnie Darko and thinking "bloody hell, this editing is a bit frenetic."

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