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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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It's in there with X Men 3 and Alien Vs Predator as the biggest missed opportunities in cinema history.


I can't agree with that. On the surface the idea of Alien Vs Predator is a cool one, but when you boil it down and try and think of how you could place that into a film that lived up to the quality of the original Alien and Predator films and for it to live up to their (general) quality, I think it was pretty much an impossible task. It was always going to be Sci-Fi Channel Mega Snake Vs Gateroid level junk.

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Didn't want to create a new thread for this so it can go in here.... but thought it was pretty funny. Disney are doing an Agatha Christie's Miss Marple film. This is what the character looks like in all movie and TV adaptations, and how she is described in the books.




So clearly there is only one choice as to who Disney could cast for the role:






Much as I would love to stick my dirty sex in Jennifer Garner, that idea sounds rather bloody stupid, and ill thought-out. A huge chunk of the point of Miss Marple, as opposed to any other generic detective, is that she's able to move around, make enquiries and put things in motion without drawing suspicion, because people continually under-estimate her as a busybodying old lady. Much how Columbo's bumbling detective act plays a huge part in his eventual success in his cases.

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V for Vendetta - Gets better with every watch. Didn't really enjoy it first time out coz I was a huge fan of Big Ally Moo-Moo's work, but now I genuinely think it's better than the GN.


The Kings Speech - It was...well...it was stinking, and I didn't enjoy one minute of it. I don't know why Colin Firth was nominated for sounding like a pompous Simple Jack. The missus loved it though...


v For Vendetta is one of the worst movies ever made. It's in there with X Men 3 and Alien Vs Predator as the biggest missed opportunities in cinema history. It is absolutely unbelievably appalling in every concievable way. It's pretentious, poorly acted, poorly directed...it's a big fucking lump of shit.

While I wouldn't go THAT far, I agree that V For Vendetta is very poor. The graphic novel is one of my favorites and I just thought the film missed so much of the story that would've worked perfectly in the film. It sucks because I love the majority of the cast but I just couldn't get into the film.

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v For Vendetta is one of the worst movies ever made. It's in there with X Men 3 and Alien Vs Predator as the biggest missed opportunities in cinema history. It is absolutely unbelievably appalling in every concievable way. It's pretentious, poorly acted, poorly directed...it's a big fucking lump of shit.


The Kings Speech on the other hand is quite good. Colin Firth did alot more with his role than sounding pompous and deserved the praise he got. Not my favorite film of last year by any means but alot better than the above piece of film making cancer.


That's a bit bleedin' strong, isn't it? By that reckoning and on that logic, I could call The Kings Speech a Tom Hanks Philadelphia lesion on the body of movies I've seen in the past year...but I won't. Coz I'm a gentleman. Ah no, I didn't enjoy it because I found it boring, poorly paced and the only saving grace for me was when Guy Pearce was chewing up the scenery.

First watch, I didn't really like V for Vendetta. Second watch, I enjoyed it more...and then I got addicted. I was a fan of the GN since I was a teen so I was apprehensive about the flick from the off, BUT, it won me over in the end. Hugo Weaving's voice has always captivated me, and I think Portman made for a great Evey. I thought John Hurt was underutilised, granted, and Stephen Rea can have some shitters, but I think McTeigue I agree with the Swing there, the GN has dated at this stage. Still revolutionary at points, but I think the flick, now, is better and more relevant.

Like, I'm a HUGE Hellblazer fan and have a stack of Johnny Constantine comics, and you know what, I love the flick it spawned, despite it's flaws. Except Shia LaBeouf. I can't defend that. Actually, I'm going to pop that on me little box now!

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saw World's Greatest Dad tonight and thought it was fantastic.


It's a very weird movie in terms of story, i think the less you know going in the better but it deals with something i've actually thought about quite and it is something that kind of bothers me. Robin Williams is fucking great in the movie and it's a brutally honest look at how human's react to tragedy. Williams needs to qut doing his family stuff and get back to more serious roles, he's f'n awesome. I've been looking over on the shitty imdb boards and everyone's kind of torn on the ending...i loved it.


I think it's the kind of movie that gonna be a love/hate thing, most people just don't enjoy stuff like this...people seem to be complaining about the lack of laughs in the film :/ i think most viewers missed the point.

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v For Vendetta is one of the worst movies ever made. It's in there with X Men 3 and Alien Vs Predator as the biggest missed opportunities in cinema history. It is absolutely unbelievably appalling in every concievable way. It's pretentious, poorly acted, poorly directed...it's a big fucking lump of shit.


The Kings Speech on the other hand is quite good. Colin Firth did alot more with his role than sounding pompous and deserved the praise he got. Not my favorite film of last year by any means but alot better than the above piece of film making cancer.


That's a bit bleedin' strong, isn't it? By that reckoning and on that logic, I could call The Kings Speech a Tom Hanks Philadelphia lesion on the body of movies I've seen in the past year...but I won't. Coz I'm a gentleman. Ah no, I didn't enjoy it because I found it boring, poorly paced and the only saving grace for me was when Guy Pearce was chewing up the scenery.

First watch, I didn't really like V for Vendetta. Second watch, I enjoyed it more...and then I got addicted. I was a fan of the GN since I was a teen so I was apprehensive about the flick from the off, BUT, it won me over in the end. Hugo Weaving's voice has always captivated me, and I think Portman made for a great Evey. I thought John Hurt was underutilised, granted, and Stephen Rea can have some shitters, but I think McTeigue I agree with the Swing there, the GN has dated at this stage. Still revolutionary at points, but I think the flick, now, is better and more relevant.

Like, I'm a HUGE Hellblazer fan and have a stack of Johnny Constantine comics, and you know what, I love the flick it spawned, despite it's flaws. Except Shia LaBeouf. I can't defend that. Actually, I'm going to pop that on me little box now!


The Constantine movie though is a case of the film being so radically different from the source material in every way you can't really compare them. Constantine is a pretty good supernatural thriller, nothing to complain about but nothign to really write home about.


The V For Vendetta film is just bollocks. The opening scene where he says every letter beginning with V in the alphabet, the Benny Hill scene, the rioters all with V masks on...the film has no proper message, no political agenda, no tension, no excitement...it's just an embarrassment. I'm sure everyone who made it felt they were making an intelligent movie and gave themselves a right pat on the back. They should have shot themselves through the head so that such idiotic nonsense would never be released to the public ever again.

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Saw 'Rebel Without A Cause' for the first time. Really enjoyed it, and James Dean was very intriguing to watch, although I thought the storyline at the end was a bit forced and unbelievable, as if they'd just been reaching around for ideas so they could give it a tragic ending.

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I saw Unknown at the Cinema, was ok, quite a fun film with a slightly interesting plot and twist. Quite a cool setting though and Neeson does well with a limited script, 6/10.


Also, caught the final 3/4 of The Witches last night. Was the first time id seen it and I reckon id have shit myself if I saw this as a kid.

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It's in there with X Men 3 and Alien Vs Predator as the biggest missed opportunities in cinema history.


I can't agree with that. On the surface the idea of Alien Vs Predator is a cool one, but when you boil it down and try and think of how you could place that into a film that lived up to the quality of the original Alien and Predator films and for it to live up to their (general) quality, I think it was pretty much an impossible task. It was always going to be Sci-Fi Channel Mega Snake Vs Gateroid level junk.

I put off watching AvP for ages, because I couldn't imagine how it could live up to being any good, and only watched it because it was in the

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