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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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yeh, the ITV hatchet jobs are bad. There's an infamous version of Scarface available where all the swearing is cut out or better still dubbed over with other words.


Die Hard 4.0 even got hatcheted at the cinema, i remember all the swearing was cut out so they could get it in the multi-plexes rated a 12.


"Yippe Ki Yay M..." cut scene

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After seeing the directors cut of Aliens I always wondered why they cut the scene when Ripley finds out she outlived her daughter in cryosleep? It adds so much more to the maternal relationship between her & newt & wasn't a particularly long scene that would've affected pacing?


Best line in the TV cut of Robocop 'You're gonna be one bad mother funster'

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After seeing the directors cut of Aliens I always wondered why they cut the scene when Ripley finds out she outlived her daughter in cryosleep? It adds so much more to the maternal relationship between her & newt & wasn't a particularly long scene that would've affected pacing?


Best line in the TV cut of Robocop 'You're gonna be one bad mother funster'


I heard the version that said "bad mother-crusher".

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saw the recent remake of The Stepfather tonight...basic, cliche ridden slasher/thriller but that didn't not make it a fun watch. Amber Heard spending the majority of the film in a bikini gets it extra bonus points. It won't blow your mind, but if you want a decent little suspense thriller you could do worse.

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Fans of horrendous acting need to catch Danny Dyer's cock-er-ny buddy Tamer Hassan in Wrong Turn 3 on Sky Movies Premiere this week. Absolutely extraordinary. The whole movie is set in America, but was filmed in Bulgaria, with an entire cast of terrible British actors each with the worst accents you've ever heard. The whole thing is like an infant school play in its wooden-ness, but Hassan's performance...Jesus, you really just have to see it to get how bad it is.






"Jog on, esse"

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Last film I saw was 'The American' at the cinema last week. It was dull as fuck. Usually I'm a fan of George Clooney movies, but I didn't enjoy it at all.


We rented Ghost Writer this week, it's definitely worth a watch. It has Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan in it. I'd never heard of it before I saw a trailer for it on another DVD we rented weeks before. I'm also quite disturbed that Pierce Brosnan seems to be in a lot of movies I've seen recently. Ewan plays a Ghostwriter that's been employed to complete the memoirs of the former British Prime Minister. It's a Roman Polanski movie.


The next movie I want to see is The Town with Ben Affleck and Jeremy Renner. It came out here today.

Edited by Stephanie
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Fans of horrendous acting need to catch Danny Dyer's cock-er-ny buddy Tamer Hassan in Wrong Turn 3 on Sky Movies Premiere this week.


To paraphrase Kevin Smith, back when he was still entertaining, didn't we say everything we needed to say with the first Wrong Turn?


I really liked the first film so I can understand them making a sequel, but a third one?

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Fans of horrendous acting need to catch Danny Dyer's cock-er-ny buddy Tamer Hassan in Wrong Turn 3 on Sky Movies Premiere this week.


To paraphrase Kevin Smith, back when he was still entertaining, didn't we say everything we needed to say with the first Wrong Turn?


I really liked the first film so I can understand them making a sequel, but a third one?


The second one's actually a lot of fun. It has Henry Rollins as the host of a survivalist reality show. If the third one had been up to that standard, they'd have had a nice little B trilogy, instead they decided to make the worst movie ever.

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I only really remember one thing about the original, aside from Emmanuelle Chriqui's legs, and that is the bit where

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one of the characters is stood up a tree and somebody throws an axe that slices through her face, and the camera pans down to show that the rest of her body has fallen out of the tree leaving the top half of her head behind


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That was pretty cool. Otherwise it was pretty standard slasher stuff.

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saw Cyrus in the cinema yesterday, anyone expecting a Step Brothers/Superbad mash-up is going to be sorely disappointed. This is a low budget, sinister little dark comedy about something a lot of people go through. I enoyed it, but i'll admit i find it hard to adapt seeing comedic actors in such serious type roles. Go in with an open-mind and you might enjoy it, but i assume a lot of people will be leaving cinema disappointed and a little confused.


I was totally expecting a wacky laugh a minute gag fest but I thought it was pretty good anyway, it caught me by surprise that it had a more indie feel to it but it didn't bother me, it was just what I needed for a chilled mid week date film. The end disappointed me a bit though

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I really wanted it to end on more of a downer with cyrus killing himself or something instead of the non ending it had



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Defendor - Woody Harrelson is a self-made superhero, although less like Tony Stark and more like something out of Mystery Men. For what it is, it's pretty damn decent.


I saw this yesterday, weird little film, Woody was awesome, he went full retard though

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I was glad he died in the end, it was something they can't do with "real" superheroes and I also liked the fact that he was totally shit and didn't really do any good despite his heart being in the right place.


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The second one's actually a lot of fun. It has Henry Rollins as the host of a survivalist reality show.


Rollins is so awesome in that film, perfect role for him, I love him as an actor in the right sort of role and I'd really like to see him in more stuff.

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Four Lions

One of the better Comedies I've seen lately. It's like Spinal Tap, but with terrorists. I'd definitely recommend this.


The Lovely Bones

A serious failure from Peter Jackson. It's about a girl who is murdered and then, from the pont before complete Heaven, watches her family grieve and try to find closure. There's some decent performances here and some nice art direction (I don't include the acid-trip looking 'Heaven' in that), but so much of the film is illogical, silly and poorly written. But, most of all, it's the ending that really ruins it; it's terrible in so many respects and quite offensive too.


The Usual Suspects

A standard affair for the most part, but the ending making makes it.

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Watched Blood Diamond on Saturday night


Okay film but overly long and too much suspension of belief. There is realistic, then Hollywood real, just plain ludicrous. This reached the latter stage several times including child soldier suddenly loses the ability to fire gun in fire fight but regains it and loses it again in the most convoluted non twist in history. Running from a busy airfield in day light in plain view of people and not being stopped especially when is a semi wanted man. and so forth and so on. Also there are some gaping logic holes as well. Annoying


Watched AvsP:R after... Hmm Hilariously bad, but with some good set pieces and some cracking deaths a few in the hospital for example not the worst film Ive ever seen. enjoyable brainless fair, perfect for late viewing on a saturday night. Better than rubbish especially if you like straight to video films from the 1980's early 1990's Some of those are much much worse. How we lament their loss


Yesterday I watched Jumper again.. Jeezus Haydn Christiansen really is a plank of wood with fuck all charisma. Interesting concept and good to see Samuel L Jackson as the baddy again. The film is utterly ruined by Mr Wood though. He makes Adrian Paul look like a fantastic actor, and sucks out any empathy you may have to his situation by playing the film as a person who's face you want to smash to pieces. Jamie Bell was good in it, he played it as though was pissed off with everything ( he was in real life as he doesnt like the film apparenlty) but it makes the whole thing more fun

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