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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Watched Enduring Love last night. Often felt like watching from the halfway point despite watching it from the start. The initial hot air balloon sequence was great, but after that it started to crumble a bit. Why at no point did Daniel Craig's character attempt to contact the police? Why is his girlfriend so short with him? He's being fucking stalked for Christ's sake. It was all very clumsy. I've not read the book so if someone has, can they fill me in?

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I watched The Informant! last night - a Matt Damon film from last year I had never heard of before, but picked up cheap as the Apollo across the road is having a closing down sale.


Really enjoyable little gem here. Understated but very funny with that, intriguing, and it really doesn't quite take the tack you might be expecting going in. Definitely recommend watching this. Damon is great.

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I bumped into that Vicky Binns lass who is popular on here. Absolutely tiny in real life. was tempted to ask her if she makes a good bacon sandwich, but decided against it.


Oh. When does it come out on DVD?

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Them is really nothing like any of those three films. I really liked Switchblade Romance but Martyrs and Inside are largely disappointing shock effect stuff, completely lacking in subtlety and hysterically acted.


I wouldn't say Dark Water is as good as A Tale Of Two Sisters but it is excellent though. My eldest daughter has a toy rabbit that looks exactly like the rabbit on the front of that bag. Not good.

Them is diffent to the ones listed but it's still associated and slotted into the "New French Extreme Wave" along with the others. I liked A Tale Of Two Sisters but prefered the eeriness of Dark Water.


Nothing disappointing about Inside, tis tremendous.


Yeah, Them is in a completely different category to those others, plus it's not French :) Switchblade Romance I kind of enjoyed but unfortunately once you get to the "ooh twist" ending it renders the whole film completely irrelevant as everything you've seen is contradicted. That's NOT good writing IMO.

French directors, mainly french cast, mostly french language, french funded but shot in romania. i'm calling it bloody french :laugh:


The twist absolutely sucks but up untill that point it's one of the best horror movies of the last decade.


Watched over the last few days, all first watches


April Story (Shunji Iwai, 1998) 4

Paprika (Satoshi Kon, 2006) 5

Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (Joe Berlinger & Bruce Sinofsky, 1996) 5

Paradise Lost 2: Revelations (Joe Berlinger & Bruce Sinofsky, 2000) 5


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Would anybody be interested in a film club section here?

Once every week or two, we can randomly select someone to select a film that can easily be picked up on DVD for less than a fiver, then we can discuss and review the film.

It could open up peoples eyes to different types of movies as well as a chance for people to recommend their favourite films.

All the posts will be put in a different topic to this one but the same topic will be used for all movies.

What you all think?

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Would anybody be interested in a film club section here?

Once every week or two, we can randomly select someone to select a film that can easily be picked up on DVD for less than a fiver, then we can discuss and review the film.

It could open up peoples eyes to different types of movies as well as a chance for people to recommend their favourite films.

All the posts will be put in a different topic to this one but the same topic will be used for all movies.

What you all think?


Brilliant idea, I'm in we could all vote for films.

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Would anybody be interested in a film club section here?

Once every week or two, we can randomly select someone to select a film that can easily be picked up on DVD for less than a fiver, then we can discuss and review the film.

It could open up peoples eyes to different types of movies as well as a chance for people to recommend their favourite films.

All the posts will be put in a different topic to this one but the same topic will be used for all movies.

What you all think?


Brilliant idea, I'm in we could all vote for films.

I've joined two this year......they died very quickly


But yeah i'll be in untill i have to watch something shit.

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I'm in, I like the idea of voting for a poster to select the film rather than all voting for the films. I remember the old film club died pretty swiftly but I was up for it initially.


EDIT - on 2nd thoughts thats a dumb idea. If the poster could be chosen at random then everyone would get a fair crack at it.

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I'd say the best way to do it would be for everyone to get a turn in choosing but instead of him/her just picking one film they pick 3/5 films and we have a vote to see which film it will be. It gives people options of what they'd rather watch which is better than somebody just telling us were all watching Norbit.


Also to include as many people as possible it might be a good thing to pick films that are to be shown on terrestrial tv or Sky. One of the big problems with these is everyone managing to get a copy.


Unless everyone involved is fine with Nigeling.

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It'd be better to pick something from the TV schedules, I reckon. It's especially easy if people have Sky+ or a similar alternative system. Most people don't want to be buying new DVDs just for the sake of a discussion.


Basically, what I'm saying is, I'm up for it but not willing to spend any money or arse about with downloads.

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