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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Nicolas Cage is my favourite actor, I've seen every film he's ever done (even an Italian language war film I had to buy on VHS off ebay)

If you went down his filmography and got rid of every bad film he's done he'd be up there with the most respected actors but he has no quality control and he works constantly -but he makes $20 mil a film and he's still massively in debt so i guess he has to keep making loads of films - the Ric Flair business plan.


when people ask me why I like him so much I say that most "good" actors act in a completely realistic manner, like they are the character and the events are really happening to them, Nic doesn't, he approaches acting more like a performance and isn't scared to be over the top and make it fun and I really enjoy that.


He has had a few misses but he's been brilliant in loads of films.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Grabbers. On the whole, that British low-budget horror-comedy with TV actors subgenre doesn't do much for me. This was Irish, though. It was watchable and fun enough, if you're a forgiving viewer. The alcoholic fella was the best bit. Story flat, effects not great, but one or two decent scary/tense moments.

Was quite a bit of fun wasn't it. Had that Tremors & Slither vibe going for it. I'm Irish and the first to shite on and skidmark up and down most Irish productions, but this was a surprising fun watch.


My mate wrote the music for Grabbers; said it opened in 10 screens in London and that was it. It's a tough market out there even for decent indy movies.


He did the score for Severance, Triangle and Malice in Wonderland (three of my all time fave flicks) too didn't he? Tell him he's a hero!

It's very tough over here too. An Irish production and opened for like two weeks in rural areas. An awful shame...

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Grabbers. On the whole, that British low-budget horror-comedy with TV actors subgenre doesn't do much for me. This was Irish, though. It was watchable and fun enough, if you're a forgiving viewer. The alcoholic fella was the best bit. Story flat, effects not great, but one or two decent scary/tense moments.

Was quite a bit of fun wasn't it. Had that Tremors & Slither vibe going for it. I'm Irish and the first to shite on and skidmark up and down most Irish productions, but this was a surprising fun watch.


My mate wrote the music for Grabbers; said it opened in 10 screens in London and that was it. It's a tough market out there even for decent indy movies.


He did the score for Severance, Triangle and Malice in Wonderland (three of my all time fave flicks) too didn't he? Tell him he's a hero!

It's very tough over here too. An Irish production and opened for like two weeks in rural areas. An awful shame...


He also did Black Death which is a decent film. We're working on a project together at the moment, which is very exciting. Nice guy.

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The Last Stand. If you can get past how wooden Arnie's acting is and the predictability of the film its good fun. Violent, fun, slick and daft in equal measure. It'll also tell you if you have a sick sense of humour aswell.

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Cloud Atlas was very good, I thought. Very ambitious film to make, and it was executed well. You can see how it had such a big budget, as there was lots of visually great locations and scenes. They did a good job of fleshing out all the stories, and explained the relationship between each story well. Unlike the book, where they tell 50% of each story continuously, then cycle back around to finish each story, the film dipped in and out of each story multiple times. Maybe the book format would have been better, who knows. Worth a watch.

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The Last Stand. If you can get past how wooden Arnie's acting is


To think i've never had a bad word to say about you until now..


When has Arnies acting not been wooden? its part of his charm.


Today I watched American Mary. after all the hype it had coming out of frightfest and its UK theatrical tour I was a little underwhelmed. there is a lot to like about it, but the poor pacing and execution of the third act, as well as a less than perfect sound mix with almost no foley in some scenes spoiled it a little. there was a brilliant movie in there, it just failed to come out at the end. thematicically it matches well with another festival favourite Excision, except that film manages to have a well formed script while keeping the set pieces.


I also watched Stake Land, I won the dvd at a festival over a year ago and finally got around to watching it. its pretty much The Road with vampires, I really enjoyed this.


Also, for anyone in the north west, Grimm up north are running screenings in Stockport and Manchester of some brilliant movies, listings can be found here



I cant wait for the Pascal Laugier double bill on Feb 7th!.

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The Last Stand. If you can get past how wooden Arnie's acting is


To think i've never had a bad word to say about you until now..


When has Arnies acting not been wooden? its part of his charm.


It seemed more so than usual, especially when you have Forest Whitaker in the movie also. Huge gulf between the two.

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Saw The Last Stand last night, Arnie was fantastic and made the film. Oh and the Camaro.


Finally got round to seeing Seven Psychopaths the other night. Brilliant film, I laughed like a drain.


Plus, Colin Farrell deserves some sort of award purely for this face



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I would implore everyone to go and see Beasts of the Southern Wild. Absolutely beautiful film, which packs an incredible emotional punch. I don't want to give away too much so will just recommend that you go and see it! It's probably my second favourite film of the year (after The Muppets).



Watched this last night. Very good film, with the lead girl being outstanding. I assume anybody who watched it will be so impressed with the girl that the Dad wont get half the credit he deserves.

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I saw Last Stand tonight.


Really enjoyed it.. Reminded me of Dredd in that it was a simple story told well. Funny without being ridiculous, and the action was spectacular without being over the top. The fist fight at the end was ace!


Saw The Last Stand on Friday afternoon and my balls still tingle. As a fan of disengage brain and enjoy the ride action movies, I was fucking delighted.


Had no idea how much I

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