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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Last night I watched The Wife Swappers, from the "Saucy 70s" range. At first I quite enjoyed it, even though I was largely ignoring the unattractive women and focussing on the decor, but after a while it basically became a public service announcement, extolling the dangers of wife swapping parties and how it leads people into crime, prostitution and mental breakdowns.

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saw Paul yesterday and enjoyed it...reviews have been kinda mixed with some real shockers floating about (the terrible Film 2011 slated it, does anyone enjoy that show?), most seem to focus on the film missing the Edgar Wright factor but i kinda enjoyed the film being a little more straight forward as opposed to having 10,000 cuts per scene. Thought the movie dragged a little in the middle but benefitted from a real strong ending...Paul is a likeable little fellow.


There's countless movie references in the film too, so if you're abit of a nerd you should get a kick out of spotting them.

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Just a quick one. For everyone thats into documentaries at the min check out Overnight If you've ever want to see a guy get the break of his life then fuck it all up this is the film for you.


It follows Troy Duffy after his script for The Boondock Saints gets optioned and made. You just find yourself sitting watching thinking 'My god, this man is an utter tool'

yeh, great doc. When it came out i was seeing it everywhere in magazines and stuff but then it seemed to disappear...well worth tracking down.

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Just finished watching The Chaperone with the wee fella.

It's...well...it's absolutely septic, but in fairness, HHH is actually very watchable. It's not the kind of film you want to spend an hour and a half scrutinising, but the editing was horrendous. Like Uwe Boll 'In the Name of the King' horrendous...

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Just watched Peter Mullan's NEDS. I had heard rather good things about it, however, I must say I was rather dissapointed in it. It was average at best. The main problem I had with it, was the distinct lack of storyline. It just sort of meanders to nowhere. Good performances throughout though.

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I watched Black Swan last night, and left the cinema feeling a bit 'really?' about it. Yeah Natalie Portman was great in it, and yeah there were some pretty twisted moments, but on the whole the film was a bit rubbish for me.


I chose that over The King's Speech aswell, purely because I thought the darker aspect of Black Swan would have appealed to me more. I was wrong :bored:

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I saw Ferris Buellers Day Off for the first time last night. God knows how I've reached 30 without seeing it.

I absolutely loved it. I can it becoming a Lazy Sunday Afternoon movie.

See, I was about 30 when I got round to seeing it for the first time, and I didn't see what all the fuss was about. I got to the end and thought "Is that it?"


It's no Mannequin.

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