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DVDs and Films You Have Watched Recently #2

The Cum Doctor

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Add me to the Inception fan club. One of the best films I've seen for years. The concept, direction and acting was all amazing and would actually like to go and see it again. That's right, Me, paying to watch a film TWICE.Can't recommend it enough, but don't go on an empty stomach because it's quite long. Don't let that put you off though, you don't realise how long it is.

Oh bollocks dont be saying its long. I'll never be able to sit through that in one go.Thats the bastard cinema out.. again
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And Joseph Gordon-Levitt is amazing, I've been a huge fan since 3rd Rock From The Sun. I don't see how the guy can't become a huge A-lister(he's on the verge now).

I don't know why he isn't now. He was superb in Brick, and bloody good in Mysterious Skin as well.
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Christian Bale is fucking awesome in The Prestige. Once you know the twist the second viewing he's even better.And Green, Dicaprio is not "pretty solid", he's one of the best actors around right now. And Joseph Gordon-Levitt is amazing, I've been a huge fan since 3rd Rock From The Sun. I don't see how the guy can't become a huge A-lister(he's on the verge now).

I wasn't downplaying DiCaprio at all, he's one of my favourite actors and I too see a LOT of promise in Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Brick is the only thing I've seen in full but the buzz around him is only getting stronger and I've heard nothing but great things about his other work. Rescue Dawn was terrible though and I really didn't see the big deal in The Prestige but maybe a second viewing will make me appreciate it more. It usually takes me two viewings to really know how much I like/dislike a film. Believe it or not, the first time I saw The Big Lebowski I didn't really "get it".
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Went to see Inception today. Its a total mindfuck.. but in a good way. It took me about 45 minutes to get into it, but like someone else said, once you've got your head around the plot and goings on, its just brilliant.


I dont think I've ever sat through a 140 minute film and thought 'its ended already?' at the end.


I think I'll watch the most films I've ever watched in one month this month. So far I've already seen Shrek 4, Predators and Inception.. and these are to follow..


Toy Story 3


A Team

Karate Kid



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I've never been able to get into DiCaprio at all. He totally ruined Gangs of New York for me. I just couldn't take him seriously as a hard man and all round toughest guy on the block at all. He's too pretty - sorry but for me he didn't look the part and I haven't taken him seriously since. I admit that is purely down to my narrow-mindedness but I just seem to have come unstuck after that one role.


Inception sounds really interesting but sadly I don't know if I could enjoy it.


Can't watch watch anything with Tom Cruise in either.

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Saw Inception today, absolutly fucking brilliant! Honestly can't say enough about this. Nolan has outdone himself with this film. Better than Memento and The Dark Knight.


In a day where remakes, sequals and prequals are being produced left, right and centre, it was nice to seem something so original. Batman 3 next, can't wait!

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I'm a bit torn on whether or not to see The A-Team. On the one hand, I'm as big a mark for stuff from my childhood as anyone, but nearly everyone I know who's seen it says it's a horrible waste of two hours.

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I just want someone to tell me, without spoilers, that Inception is nothing like The Matrix before I go and see it. If it is then I'm not fucking interested.

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I've not seen Inception yet (gonna go to an IMAX in the week, I think) but I've loved DiCaprio since the triumvirate of This Boy's Life, The Basketball Diaries and Gilbert Grape.


Watched Youth in Revolt recently, it's just come out on DVD. Very good, in my opinion. A great turn from Michael Cera, who does his usual turn as the awkward geeky kid, but then shows another side as a Tyler Durden-esque alter ego.

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I watched S1m0ne last night, which got some really mixed reviews when it came out. I think it's problem is that it can't decide if it's a comedy or a satirical drama, and ends up doing neither as well as it should have done considering the cast. Still, it was okay and it was a novelty watching Al Pacino in a PG film.

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Watched Youth in Revolt recently, it's just come out on DVD. Very good, in my opinion. A great turn from Michael Cera, who does his usual turn as the awkward geeky kid, but then shows another side as a Tyler Durden-esque alter ego.


By sheer coincidence I watched that last night, it was rather good. Cera reminded me of what I'm regressing to how I used to be, and his Francoise character was highly amusing.


Interesting how between Youth In Revolt, Kick Ass and others, there are lots of films featuring the "lonely chronic masturbater" as central character/hero coming out - presumably so the lonely chronic masturbaters among us will identify, go see the movie and emerge with new (if misplaced hope) that we can get girls as fit as the hero does.


Funny shit though. Althought the most recent film I watched was Mannequin on telly, which reminded me I right now have a better chance with girls made of plastic.

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