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If a woman says no, but derives pleasure by the end, that means she must have wanted it.

Which is silly of her because it means that she might get pregnant, whereas if she didn't want it then the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

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Galloway goes from strength to strength

After being widely condemned for his remarks about the rape charges facing Julian Assange, George Galloway was under fire again at the weekend after calling someone a "window-licker" (a derogatory term for a disabled person) in a conversation on Twitter.


Galloway made the comment during a conversation on Sunday. He tweeted to @Hawfa: "you badly need medical help son. Will decent Rangers fans please substitute this windae-licker

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Galloway goes from strength to strength

The problem here is that Galloway could get away with stuff like that when he wasn't actively involved in politics or representing a constituency. A lot of his shit in the past has flown under the radar, so to speak.


That obviously isn't the case now.

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Galloway goes from strength to strength

The problem here is that Galloway could get away with stuff like that when he wasn't actively involved in politics or representing a constituency. A lot of his shit in the past has flown under the radar, so to speak.


That obviously isn't the case now.


Aye. I have to say I've always found Galloway entertaining as a voice from the margins who actually can express himself effectively against the oily PR merchants (key word here being 'can', though not always 'does'), but politicians generally have to be seen to be beyond reproach in their public conduct while 'on the job', so to speak - Twitter in particular is a minefield. The other year, one of our local councillors - a tory, needless to say - got in hot water for calling David Milliband 'a twat' on Twitter. Within a week, he had outed himself in the local paper as an alcoholic, been sacked from the Tory party, and launched a massive unprovoked attack on striking teachers and the Jarrow marchers in the same letter. Someone not in a position of civic responsibility might well have called him a 'window licker'...

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So, in the aftermath of this cabinet re-shuffle and nearly midway through their term, does anybody see the tories turning things around enough in the next couple of years to get a second term? I know there's always a chance and two years is a long time, but I can't see it personally. Osborne is a fucking disaster, and to me Cameron's best chance of sneaking another win would have been throwing him overboard this week. As that hasn't happened, I can't tentatively see them pulling out anything positive enough to defend their record with in 2015.

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So, in the aftermath of this cabinet re-shuffle and nearly midway through their term, does anybody see the tories turning things around enough in the next couple of years to get a second term? I know there's always a chance and two years is a long time, but I can't see it personally. Osborne is a fucking disaster, and to me Cameron's best chance of sneaking another win would have been throwing him overboard this week. As that hasn't happened, I can't tentatively see them pulling out anything positive enough to defend their record with in 2015.

I think they will get a second term to be honest. Has Labour done enough to provide an alternative? I don't think so.

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I'm not at all surprised that Osborne didn't get the boot, if he had then it would have been an admission of how much they've really fucked up and also the fact that he's Cameron's childrens' Godfather.....


What did surprise me though was Jeremy Hunt's promotion. I don't think Cameron could have picked someone who has a worse standing in the public's opinion, he came away from the Leveson Enquiry looking like a right dick and still, noone really knows what went on with regards to the BSkyB takeover bid so why he would throw him back in to the spotlight is just mental.


I totally agree with Magnum, they won't be able to turn things around and I'd say the same for the Lib Dems too so I'd expect Labour to have a landslide victory in 2015 and I imagine many of the Tory big wig's heads will roll.

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So, in the aftermath of this cabinet re-shuffle and nearly midway through their term, does anybody see the tories turning things around enough in the next couple of years to get a second term? I know there's always a chance and two years is a long time, but I can't see it personally. Osborne is a fucking disaster, and to me Cameron's best chance of sneaking another win would have been throwing him overboard this week. As that hasn't happened, I can't tentatively see them pulling out anything positive enough to defend their record with in 2015.

I think they will get a second term to be honest. Has Labour done enough to provide an alternative? I don't think so.


Its tricky, id pretty much ignore all opinion polls at this stage. It was always going to be a case of damaged limitations with whoever took over after the last election and the fact that its a coalition made that even more important. I think they probably will get a second term but I cant see them winning an overall majority, which would be a massive disaster again.

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I think they will get a second term to be honest. Has Labour done enough to provide an alternative? I don't think so.


To be honest though, the tories didn't do a whole lot of that to get in in the first place. A lot of what brought them to power in the absence of actual policies was the rhetoric of 'well, they can't be any worse than the last lot'. As they've now proven to be complete shit themselves, I don't think Labour will really need to provide that much of an alternative to get in. Elections these days seem to be like when your football team has a bad run - get rid of the useless knacker in charge first, ask questions about his replacement later.


For the record though, I think it might well end up being a Labour/Lib coalition.

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Well, a centrist mess with Nick Clegg looking sullen in the background is better than a centre-right mess with Nick Clegg looking sullen in the background. I do worry, though, that too many people will find the idea of Ed Milliband as PM laughable. Labour need a change before then if they're gonna win. Milliband's the worst kind of Labour leader from an election perspective - too left for the centrists, too centre for the leftists, and too much of a charisma vaccuum to convince anyone otherwise.

Edited by opcws
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