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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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The Walking Dead has jumped and become awesome. If you've given up on it I highly recomend watching Series 3.


I concur. After the "prisoners don't listen to headshot advice lol" nonsense, it immediately started improving and had a solid third season.


I watched the first episode of Go On, based on NEWM's advice. Pretty much hate it. I like that it's a sitcom that deals with such head-on grief. I don't like that it's a sitcom with no jokes or likeable or interesting characters though.

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Last night's episode of Peep Show was the best of this current series. Mark playing the hat game is one of his all-time best scenes.


"It wouldn't be Snow Patrol, would it?"


"The Doors! Now I remember another band."


This series of Peep Show has been incredibly strong in my opinion. I think because it feels like it's been gone ages.

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Homeland has gone off the fucking deep end. Dexter is shit now too.


Also, the ending two episodes of Boardwalk Empire season 3 were incredible. It's hard to get better TV than that. Walking Dead has been firing on all cylinders too, although I don't see a good future for the show outside of season 3.


The end of Boardwalk was amazing television. Totally fearless writing and I love it!


Yeah I love how fearless the writers of Boardwalk are. So many shows will spend whole seasons building up to something but then not having the guts to go through with it in fear of changing the status quo or writing themselves into a corner that they don't know how to get out of. Boardwalk just goes for it and changes everything up that by the end of each season you feel like the characters have been on an actual journey and changed forever and have no idea how things are going to go next.


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Fuck sake, I'm well behind. I have on my Sky planner to watch: the last 2 episodes of Boardwalk (which my sister concurs with you are bloody incredible) and Sunday's episode of Peep Show. The wife is out tonight, so I will make it a priority to catch up. Boardwalk has been fanastic this series, even better than the second series. Looking forward to how these two episodes play out.


Anyone been watching Falcon? Is it worth a look?

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Just caught up and watched the final 4 episodes of Boardwalk Empire. Fucking hell, it's better than ever. It really says something when each series has somehow managed to get better, and this series is by far the best. The great thing is if you know about LCN, the five families and all that, you'll know that future series have the potential to be even better. There's so much that actually happened with the real characters after this, that mixing it with brilliant writing will do wonders. Basing a series so close to actual events has worked wonders for this programme.

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I was incredbly underwhelmed by this series of Peep Show. It's one of my favourite shows ever but this series just seems rather odd. I found myself not really paying attention to first episode as I found it so boring. The Jeremy in love with Dobby arc was incredibly uninspired and was executed as such.

Edited by BiffingtonClyro
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I think it was a case of TOO MUCH DOBBY. It reminded me of Poochie in the Simpsons.


Two, whenever Poochie's not on-screen, all the other characters should be asking 'Where's Poochie?


The series had about 30 seconds of Johnson, with A MILLION FUCKING HOURS of the terrible Dobby. And she's the WORLD'S MOST DESIRABLE WOMAN in the world of Peep Show, as well. Which sucked dicks. I refuse to believe that Jez would have loved her, it was daft. Spoiler for those who didn't see last night's episode...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Still. At least she's fucking gone now. Hopefully forever. Perhaps she'll humourously die while in New York?


[close spoiler]

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The series had about 30 seconds of Johnson, with A MILLION FUCKING HOURS of the terrible Dobby. And she's the WORLD'S MOST DESIRABLE WOMAN in the world of Peep Show, as well. Which sucked dicks. I refuse to believe that Jez would have loved her, it was daft. Spoiler for those who didn't see last night's episode...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Still. At least she's fucking gone now. Hopefully forever. Perhaps she'll humourously die while in New York?


[close spoiler]


I loved this series, but if I had one niggle it was that. I think she is pretty average looking. There was enough laughs that I could overlook that though.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

I am glad she is gone though, like I said I enjoyed this series a lot, but I prefer so many other recurring characters, like Johnson, Superhans and Geoff


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