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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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The new episode of Peep Show was absolutely ace - but Isy Suttie is a terrible, terrible actress. She seems to have somehow gotten worse. Johnson's eulogy was tremendous, though.


I loved Mark's job interview bit as well. "I'll just leave that comment to hang there like the bad fart it is". Very happy to see Johnson and Hans who were both great in the short time they were on.


Oh and Three-O Walcott.

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Three-O Walcott was awesome. I'll bet Mitchell had no idea what that meant, though!


Try watching her do stand up. Painful experience.


No, ta. I just struggled through Josie Long's boring stand-up, I think I'll head for the safe haven of Bill Hicks.

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So I've been watching Shameless for the first time recently and really enjoying it, but have a few questions -


How can they afford to give away all that for free on 4od? Seems a bit nuts.


I'm two seasons in. Does it maintain quality for the whole run more or less? Or does it fall off massively at some point?


What's the US version like - any good? Really can't imagine it; it's a very British show.


The show begins to dip in quality around the time all the main characters start to leave (I can't remember exactly but around Season 4 or 5 I think) then it gets progressively worse from there on in until it borders on unwatchable. I haven't watched any of the last season or two because the dive in quality was so massive. They do their absolute best to make sure any likeable or entertaining characters either leave or die, and that every episode is specifically about nothing at all and goes nowhere. It's shit beyond shit.

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I need a bit of motivation to watch the end of S1 of Homeland. I've watched 8 episodes and whilst I think it's good, I don't find it anywhere near as addictive as the hype had suggested. To be fair, I thought the same of the first series of Breaking Bad and then that went up about twenty gears and became ridiculously good. Guess I'd better stick with it and get in to the second series.

Claire Danes' acting can make it that way, at times. It's definitely worth trooping on though.


I'm having a similar problem with the second season of Boardwalk Empire. I quite enjoyed the first season, but I'm finding it a bit of a chore sitting through the first part of the second season. Doesn't help that every episode is nearly an hour long.


I found the season season miles better than the first. Stick with it, it's got some great stuff coming up. The last two episodes have some shocking twists. Season 3 is great too.


Boardwalk Empire can be a show though where sometimes the plot doesn't seem to move forward very much but the acting, dialogue and production is so fucking great I'm still completely engrossed.

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The alien Pee Wee Herman girl in Fresh Meat is worse, but based on some dialogue in last night's episode, her weird shitness is at least partly intentional. Quite a weird, anticlimatic ending to the series. Highlight was Josie's dancing when Oregon was all sad.


I've gone off Sons of Anarchy a bit. The plot seems unnecessarily convoluted. Still great though, just some of the shine's gone compared to when I blasted through the first four seasons.


Heather in Fresh Meat has a weird mouth, it doesn't seem to move much when shes talking. She's one of them that could be quite fit if it wasn't for the short hair. Also, JP stole the show this series, Jack Whitehall is tremendous in this role.


In regards to Sons of Anarchy, I'm up to the episode....

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

After Opie has been killed


[close spoiler]


.....and i must say, this season isn't as gripping as the first four. Although, Harold Perrineau is brilliant as Damon Pope.


Started watching Peep Show last night. It's never really been on my radar as things to watch, but I enjoyed the first episode so will be watching more tonight.

Edited by Nick James
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Peep Show's brilliant. I don't think Fresh Meat has surpassed it, but they're a great one-two combo from the creators. Jack Whitehall is fantastic as JP. I watched his stand-up DVD the other day, that was a letdown.


I've started watching Californication, I'm about seven episodes in. It's not very good, but I'll keep watching it.

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I thought Cali's best season was it last (5th i think)



It does get better in season 2.


Does the daughter learn how to act? I'm not sure I've ever hated anyone on television as much. She's so fucking creepy and wooden. Was she one of the producer's kids or something?

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Anyone see the new Idiot Abroad on Friday? I've got that and the Walking Dead Sky+'d to watch later. And of course Peep Show is on tonight as well.


Back on Idiot Abroad, I'm not sure if I like that they've got Warwick Davies with Pilko this time. Was it any good?

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Since my son has turned 4 his tv habits have changed from cbeebies and the like to Cartoon network, Which for me is class as I can watch with him and enjoy the cartoons more then early learning shite. Anyway he likes these two cartoons and they are on from 9am but to me they seem aimed at a more mature viewer and on further searching its show on Adult Swim in America dont even know how its on that early.


Adventure Time


Regular Show


After one episode of Regular Show about picking up girls my son now runs around shout "Get some digits get some dinner"

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I thought Cali's best season was it last (5th i think)



It does get better in season 2.


Does the daughter learn how to act? I'm not sure I've ever hated anyone on television as much. She's so fucking creepy and wooden. Was she one of the producer's kids or something?



No it's actually unbelievable how she got a job. I kinda thought i was missing something because she continues to act like that. Surely she must of been pulled up on how shit she is.


Plus her big square head irritates me.

Edited by Fox Piss
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