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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Over the last few days I have been off work I have been watching a shedload of "The Office"


I have always been a HUGE fan of the original UK version of The Office so was nervous when I heard about the American version. I watched the first series and wasn't greatly impressed. I think I compared it to much to the (in my mind) superior UK version and I felt it fell well short. I decided to persevere with it and over the years I watched as much as I could but as the transmission dates over here seemed to be quite sporadic I always missed big chunks. I soon found other things to watch and so found whole series passing by without me watching a single episode. I got back into recently with the eps that they had been showing on Comedy Central. This was around midway through Series 7. At this point the show went on another annoying hiatus.


So...while I was off the last few days I decided to download what I had missed. I knew that series 9 had finished so I had about 2 and a half series to watch. I managed to do that it about 4 days..........about 60 half hour episodes !!!!!


What a treat, I loved it and the days flew by. I won't spoil the finale of season 9 but I think it is up there with one of the best pieces of TV I have seen. I loved it. I found myself wanting to watch it all again right after. I was watching loads of Office related stuff on Youtube just to get my fix. It has only been a day since I finished watching the series but I miss it already. Seems weird to say but I do. What a fantastic series. Such a great cast and ensemble. Highly recommend anyone to watch it who has never seen it before.


Speaking of recommendations, can anyone clue me in to something similar that I would like ? I love decent American sitcoms and have been watching quite a few lately. This is what I have watched:


The Office

Parks and Recreation

New Girl

Happy Endings

How I Met Your Mother


Arrested Development (still need to watch the new series)


Can anyone reccomend something that they think I might enjoy watching ?

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I'd reccomend Curb Your Enthusiasm, Trailer Park Boys and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia based off what you have there many of which are shows I also like and love the three iv'e mentioned. Their all fairly different but you should give a few episodes of each a try and see what works for you.

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I'd reccomend Curb Your Enthusiasm, Trailer Park Boys and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia based off what you have there many of which are shows I also like and love the three iv'e mentioned. Their all fairly different but you should give a few episodes of each a try and see what works for you.


Thanks for that. I have seen TPB and you were correct I loved it. Will give the others a try.



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Modern Family is definitely worth the time, it's a very warm-blanket kind of sitcom but well written and a great cast.

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It's Always Sunny is the best, besides Eastbound & Down. Workaholics is good too. And it's worth trying Modern Family, too, Mendoza.


Anyone watch the Mindy Project? I gave up after one episode.


I gave up on the idea of the Mindy Project after someone on here who generally has decent taste(possibly you) watched one episode and said it was shit.



I'll also co-sign Modern Family all day.


If you don't mind cartoons Mendoza, I'd also suggest Archer, Frisky Dingo, Bob's Burgers and Ugly Americans.

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Ive watched 20 odd episodes of The Mindy Project. Its nowhere near being great (or even very good, for that matter), but it hasnt been so shit that Ive given up on it. Its not something I will watch as soon as I download it, but its a harmless show if youve got 20 minutes of time to kill. Its a show clearly focused for the females, so your girlfriends will certainly like it more than you.

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I tried watching a few episodes of The Mindy Project but thought it was complete drivel so gave up on it.


Parks & Rec is fast becoming my TV comedy highlight of the week, I noticed yesterday that there are only 2 episodes of this season left on BBC Four, does anyone know if they have plans to show series 3 and beyond?

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It was a strange place to put it given BBC4's general content it would likely have made more sense on BBC3 or late at night on BBC2. I agree it's one of my favorite ever sitcoms and it only gets better.

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I actually do agree with that, I thought BBC 4 was a weird place to put it, and to be honest, had someone not mentioned on here that it was on BBC 4 I probably would have missed it altogether

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