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What have you been watching on (proper scripted) telly?

Dynamite Duane

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Jesus christ, Casualty is awful. My mum's watched it religiously for years and my sister's grown into that tradition too (hence me moaning about it here instead of Twitter or Facebook). They're constantly correctly guessing how each storyline is going to play out in the episode, then claiming it's because they're amazing at predicting it because they've watched it for so long, completely ignoring how bleeding obvious the writing is. The first ten minutes of every episode is a ceaseless bombardment of Chekhov's Guns. "Ooh, I bet this'll happen and this person'll turn out to be that." Yes, of course you do, because THEY JUST TOLD YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN.


On top of that, everything in the script is incredibly ham-fisted. Tonight, in 2013, we actually had a bratty goth teenager dropping a tissue on the floor and refusing to pick it up because "I'm not a cleaner". Then some old guy came over and smack talked her about respecting the hospital. It's so bad. It's not even like something a child would write. It's like something an adult would write with the intention of setting the world to rights, only to be fucked off by every agent they sent it to. Except they weren't. They got signed up. And it got broadcast on BBC One on a Saturday night. Fuck Casualty. Fuck it so much.

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Might start watching The Killing. Unsure whether to go with the American one or the Scandinavian one. Let The Right One In was crap and has made me wary of believing people's hyperbolic lies about things made in that part of the world. And AMC make some really good stuff, so I'm leaning towards the US one. I'm open to persuasion though, if the original one is loads better.

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Might start watching The Killing. Unsure whether to go with the American one or the Scandinavian one. Let The Right One In was crap and has made me wary of believing people's hyperbolic lies about things made in that part of the world. And AMC make some really good stuff, so I'm leaning towards the US one. I'm open to persuasion though, if the original one is loads better.


Id recommend watching the Scandi Season 1 first. Its 20, one hour episodes, all focused on one story, but never gets tedious. Brilliant, and extremely addictive.


I thought the US one had been cancelled after Season 2, but looks like it was brought back from the brink. I havent watched it yet, but I know someone who has, and I think they told me that it starts off very similar to the original, but veers off on its on direction about halfway throught S1. Think its meant to be a pretty solid show.


Season 2 of the Scandi one isnt up to much. Ive watched Season 3 recently, and its very good, but not as great as Season 1. Highly recommend S1, if nothing else.



Another stupendous Office last night. The first 40 minuter in a while but it was totally worth it.


I can't get the spoiler box to work on my phone, but without giving loads away, I loved the Jim and Pam story again (especially the manager of that office), the long awaited Toby payoff was great, and the end sequence reveal was again an exciting reward for long running fans. What a fantastic final flurry this show is going out with.


Yeah it was great. One of Andy's best. Everything but the Dwight stuff, I thought. Those scenes felt like a mini-pilot to that rumoured Dwight spin-off. Wasnt very good. Wonder if it was just a coincedence that Pam, Jim and Dwight were all away from the office for most of the episode. Maybe they are still trying to convince the bosses to try and season without them.

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Id recommend watching the Scandi Season 1 first. Its 20, one hour episodes, all focused on one story, but never gets tedious. Brilliant, and extremely addictive.


I thought the US one had been cancelled after Season 2, but looks like it was brought back from the brink. I havent watched it yet, but I know someone who has, and I think they told me that it starts off very similar to the original, but veers off on its on direction about halfway throught S1. Think its meant to be a pretty solid show.


Season 2 of the Scandi one isnt up to much. Ive watched Season 3 recently, and its very good, but not as great as Season 1. Highly recommend S1, if nothing else.


Cheers. Does season one not end in a cliffhanger for season two? If I get that far and it does, I'll watch season two as well and then hate it (and you) like I hate Lost.


I watched the first episode of Borgia last night, and wasn't too impressed. I'll most likely give it another one or two. Any fans of it here?

Edited by King Pitcos
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Cheers. Does season one not end in a cliffhanger for season two? If I get that far and it does, I'll watch season two as well and then hate it (and you) like I hate Lost.


If you're still talking about the Scandinavian one, then no - everything involving the first case and most of its cast of characters is pretty much tied up at the end of the first season.


I think I'm one of the few who quite enjoyed season two, but it's very short and much more 'formulaic' than what we got in the first series. I can't really judge the American one because I kept making unfavourable comparisons with the Danish one and wondering why they'd made particular changes, and gave up on it after 4 or 5 episodes. It may be that I would've enjoyed it more if I hadn't already seen the superior one.

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I've absolutely plowed through The Office over the last few weeks and especially during my week away where I watched 2 seasons. I'm now just a few episodes in on season 9. I'll spoiler tag this bit in case new watchers aren't aware (although I think it's pretty much common knowledge now)...


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I was obviously gutted when Steve Carrell left the show. His scenes with Holly and the final scenes with the peeps from the office were real tear jerkers. Yes it's not the same without him, but the show has remained quite strong to this point with some real great moments. To me that is a testament to how great the supporting cast/characters are. An absolute jewel of a show.


[close spoiler]

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Cheers. Does season one not end in a cliffhanger for season two? If I get that far and it does, I'll watch season two as well and then hate it (and you) like I hate Lost.


If you're still talking about the Scandinavian one, then no - everything involving the first case and most of its cast of characters is pretty much tied up at the end of the first season.


I think I'm one of the few who quite enjoyed season two, but it's very short and much more 'formulaic' than what we got in the first series. I can't really judge the American one because I kept making unfavourable comparisons with the Danish one and wondering why they'd made particular changes, and gave up on it after 4 or 5 episodes. It may be that I would've enjoyed it more if I hadn't already seen the superior one.


Would you not have just been bored and given up if the American one had done exactly the same things though? I'm assuming they're not different enough to be able to enjoy both as separate things.

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Would you not have just been bored and given up if the American one had done exactly the same things though? I'm assuming they're not different enough to be able to enjoy both as separate things.


Quite possibly, but I think you've nailed it with that second sentence. It's not different enough to be able to watch without referring to the original, but the changes they have made just come off inferior by comparison. I think it was some of the casting choices for certain characters that annoyed me the most.

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Black Mirror was much better this week! Quite tense.

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

when the gun was fake and the reveal first happened I was all "laaaaame!", but they went an interesting way with it.


[close spoiler]

");document.close(); good stuff.
Edited by Chest Rockwell
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<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I liked the ambiguity of the message in that it was more of a "here's some ideas to chew over" rather than the sledge-hammer morality of previous installations. In that, I think it was the overall relentless harshness of it that won me over.


[close spoiler]

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