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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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This is making me want to watch all the WCW PPVs in order for some reason.


Between Dead Mike forcing a World War 3 upon his mate this weekend, the fact War Games '92 is never off the telly at Butch's house and now this, I'd say WCW has never been this hot. I'm so nostalgic, I may wank over Missy Hyatt later.

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Nobody will agree with me and this isn't in a massive let down sense, but my least favourite PPV personally is WrestleMania X8. Hated everything about it and still do. Left me feeling horribly depressed about my beloved wrestling. Upsets me even thinking about it. Flair vs Undertaker and Arns delicious spinebuster are the only things I remotely like about the whole thing.

Nah, I have an awful dislike of that one too. It was an absolute turkey yet it had the potential to be one of the best. Take the two obvious matches away and it was a collection of RAW matches basically. 2002 was a pretty good year for PPVs too with all the variety and different eras mixing.


Starrcade 97's a bit like that for me too. In absolute terms, of course it's not the worst, but relatively speaking, and taking all circumstances into account, it doesn't get much poorer. Nothing obviously needs said about Sting/Hogan, but we were also let down with Flair/Perfect and Raven/Benoit, both which could've been great. No Nash/Giant either, and not even a replacement match even though Hall was there. Eddy/Malenko was at least a step up from their ECW wankathons, but still lacked any excitement. Luger/Buff went on forever and slowly drained your will to live, and 'pre-Goldberg' Goldberg and Mongo were putting on a clinic. On top of that you had no Rey jr or Jericho (even though that would've been a perfect opportunity to sow the seeds of his heel turn), no luchadors, Savage hidden away in multiman filler, no sign of half the midcard - Finlay, Booker, Disco, Faces of Fear etc. It was just such a limp show, and it couldn't have happened at a worse time with such a big audience. I can't imagine too many of the newcomers would be too impressed.


Actually, for being considered one of WCWs top events, Starrcade has a pretty shit record for good shows post-80s.


In WCW, you could put forward an argument for almost anything from Starrcade 94 through to, and most definitely including Bash at the Beach 95, and between GAB 1999 and New Blood Rising which is more than a dozen shows! :laugh:

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In WCW, you could put forward an argument for almost anything from Starrcade 94 through to, and most definitely including Bash at the Beach 95, and between GAB 1999 and New Blood Rising which is more than a dozen shows! :laugh:


Steady on!


Actually, no... there weren't many bright spots. I thought Stampede 2000 was entertaining in a fast-moving car crash kind of way. Souled Out was really good because Benoit won the belt and Mayhem was BRILLIANT.because Hitman won the belt

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Was there ever the intention of doing a Hulk Hogan vs Loch Ness/Giant Haystacks programme?


It's been suggested that he was brought in to be another Dungeon roadblock for Hogan, but it was shelved when they realized just how limited he'd become.


EDIT - Loki said it. But yeah, his debut was basically squaring up to the Hulk at SuperBrawl.

Edited by air_raid
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  • Paid Members
Nobody will agree with me and this isn't in a massive let down sense, but my least favourite PPV personally is WrestleMania X8. Hated everything about it and still do. Left me feeling horribly depressed about my beloved wrestling. Upsets me even thinking about it. Flair vs Undertaker and Arns delicious spinebuster are the only things I remotely like about the whole thing.


Didn't you enjoy Rock vs Hogan, SOC?


Overall though, yeah, I was really disappointed with WrestleMania X8. For some reason I though Austin vs Hall would be awesome, it wasn't Austin vs Hogan but it was still a dream match for me. It came at a bad time though with Austin pissed off and beat up and Hall having been gone ages. It felt like a throw-away Raw match.


I'm so nostalgic, I may wank over Missy Hyatt later.


For a kebab and a can of Super Tennents, she'd probably let you do that for real.


Wrestlepalooza was a fucking awful PPV.


All I remember about that PPV is Sabu keep rolling to the apron to chuck up on the floor during his match with RVD. Vile.

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Overall though, yeah, I was really disappointed with WrestleMania X8. For some reason I though Austin vs Hall would be awesome, it wasn't Austin vs Hogan but it was still a dream match for me. It came at a bad time though with Austin pissed off and beat up and Hall having been gone ages. It felt like a throw-away Raw match.


I was pyschotic at the time that the five biggest names on the roster - Austin, Rock, Hunter, Undertaker and Angle - were being wasted on nostalgia acts (Hogan, Hall, Flair) and people beneath them on the food chain (Jericho, Kane). I know Jericho was champion, but come on. I knew the matches involving Flair, Hall and Hogan would not be pretty and apart from the decibel level in the Rock/Hogan match making it so exciting, the card was a total washout.


But I thought RVD/Regal was short and sweet, so it still beats SuperBrawl 2000.

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Havoc was largely balls (as was tradition) but even that has a staggering match with Rhodes/Windham vs "Steve Williams and Steve Williams" if you catch my drift - Dr Death & Stunning Steve.


The main event is pure Wrestlecrap, especially with the whole 'Spin the Wheel Make the deal' aspect (which they really should have gimmicked), but I have a strange love for that card, maybe nostalgia for the WCW Worldwide on ITV days I suppose.


Havoc 92 also has the fantastic angle where Paul E Dangerously fires Madusa from the Dangerous Alliance. Heyman was at his obnoxious best during that one.

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  • Paid Members
Nobody will agree with me and this isn't in a massive let down sense, but my least favourite PPV personally is WrestleMania X8. Hated everything about it and still do. Left me feeling horribly depressed about my beloved wrestling. Upsets me even thinking about it. Flair vs Undertaker and Arns delicious spinebuster are the only things I remotely like about the whole thing.


Didn't you enjoy Rock vs Hogan, SOC?



I hated it. Always have. That's a very large part of why I hated it so much. I love Hogan, Nash and Hall these days and I didn't dislike them as such then, but I didn't understand why the hell they were all being brought in. WWE didn't need them, they'd been on fire. The Invasion angle had passed, they were resurrecting the nWo angle of all things. Actually that could have been amazing, but the execution was piss-poor. It just all upset the whole flow of things in WWE and I wasn't enjoying it at all. They had all this amazing young talent already on the roster (and loads more set to come through). I hated how the nWo return played out and deeply hated the hammer and 18-wheeler angle attack on The Rock. I wasn't enjoying them being back at all. I had no time for Hogan at this point whatsoever. When the match played out like it did, I really didn't enjoy it. I was actually pretty gutted for The Rock, he seemed genuinely gutted. Worked out for the best for him in the long run though, i'm convinced to this day that it was how that match went down that cemented his decision and convinced him to run with doing the movies. The rest of the card suffered because all the focus shifted to the nWo shit and the horrible Triple H-Jericho stuff. Everything just seemed a mess and Hogan vs Rock was the heart of it all. I'm not and never really have been much of an advocate of the BIG Dream matches. Kane and Angle were put together last minute in a completely nothing match, they should have been doing something much more substantial. Edge and Booker had their shampoo match, DDP was challenging for the Euro title with Christian, The Hardys were in a thrown together tag match. It was all over the place. Everything began to get back on track around SummerSlam, but at the time no show has ever left me feeling so down and depressed following. Shows have been a shame, a let down, but this show actively depressed me. It felt like the end of the good times. Certainly my least favourite show ever.

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Re, SOC - Christ, the shampoo match. I'd (probably deliberately) forgot all about that.


I enjoyed Rock vs Hogan myself, but I can see what you mean. I was actually the opposite when the nWo return was announced. My expectations were high, unrealistically high in hindsight. The way it all played out was absolute dog shit, but at the time of their return all I could see was 3 of the biggest names in wrestling were headed back to the WWF. I was giddy and I genuinely thought a Vince McMahon booked nWo angle, with the likes of Austin and Rock opposite them in storylines, would be brilliant. But as you say, the execution of it was all to cock and Hall being gone soon after and Nash getting hurt didn't help either.


King Of The Ring that year was turd as well. I loved the second half of 2002 though. SummerSlam, No Mercy and Survivor Series were all quality. And I don't think I've ever been as excited about a debut as when Scott Steiner came in at Survivor Series. I didn't know anything about his injuries at the time and I really thought he was set to have a serious big main event run. The timing would have been great for it as well with Hogan, Austin and Rock all gone at the time.


Actually, since it's the questions thread, here's one -


Were there ever any plans for Steiner and WrestleMania XIX? There must have been at some point, right? Before he had the crap matches with Triple H, he was pushed pretty hard. He was kept strong in late 2002 up to the Royal Rumble in 2003, when he'd just come out and throw people about. I can't even think who they could have paired him with for that 'Mania but surely there was something in the plans when they brought him in?

Edited by wandshogun09
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Re, SOC - Christ, the shampoo match. I'd (probably deliberately) forgot all about that.


I enjoyed Rock vs Hogan myself, but I can see what you mean. I was actually the opposite when the nWo return was announced. My expectations were high, unrealistically high in hindsight. The way it all played out was absolute dog shit, but at the time of their return all I could see was 3 of the biggest names in wrestling were headed back to the WWF. I was giddy and I genuinely thought a Vince McMahon booked nWo angle, with the likes of Austin and Rock opposite them in storylines, would be brilliant. But as you say, the execution of it was all to cock and Hall being gone soon after and Nash getting hurt didn't help either.


King Of The Ring that year was turd as well. I loved the second half of 2002 though. SummerSlam, No Mercy and Survivor Series were all quality. And I don't think I've ever been as excited about a debut as when Scott Steiner came in at Survivor Series. I didn't know anything about his injuries at the time and I really thought he was set to have a serious big main event run. The timing would have been great for it as well with Hogan, Austin and Rock all gone at the time.


Actually, since it's the questions thread, here's one -


Were there ever any plans for Steiner and WrestleMania XIX? There must have been at some point, right? Before he had the crap matches with Triple H, he was pushed pretty hard. He was kept strong in late 2002 up to the Royal Rumble in 2003, when he'd just come out and throw people about. I can't even think who they could have paired him with for that 'Mania but surely there was something in the plans when they brought him in?


I myself was slightly interested with what Nash said on it.




Sounds like Austin just shot the whole thing down. I had heard about original plans were for Hall to go over Austin at Mania due to interference from Vince so maybe there was some truth in the matter.

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