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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Is there a website that tells you which matches are on which WWE DVD sets? Feel like watching Angle v Taker from No Way Out 06 but I've no idea if it's on any of my dvds. I know it's on Youtube but I much prefer to watch stuff on my big tv in DVD quality


Angle/Taker is featured on the History of the World Heavyweight Championship set.


I've got that set. Thanks for that, will dig it out tonight.

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Does anyone know what the original plans for Triple H were in 1996, before the whole Curtain Call business at MSG went down? I've read he was pencilled in to become King Of The Ring but where was he going from there?

He probably would have got the Intercontinental Title a lot quicker that he did. Probably nothing much would have changed apart from that. I can't see him being a "main eventer" around that time.

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I always heard the plan was for Shawn Michaels to wrestle a heel Diesel (which happened, but only for one PPV), a heel Razor Ramon, Triple H, Vader and then a returning Bret Hart in 1996/97 during his title run, before the spanner got put in the works when the Outsiders left and Triple H didn't get the King Of The Ring. If I recall, the KOTR winner got a title shot following the victory and Austin got one of a episode of Raw. Whereas you'd think HHH would have possibly got a pay-per-view out of it since they were pretty high on him at the time. Bret Hart even recalls a conversation on either the Face Off DVD or one of his shoot interviews where Michaels wanted to wrestle HHH and the 123 Kid on PPV as well to get all the Kliq paydays throughout the year.


Another one that got pulled was that Vader was supposedly meant to beat Michaels for the belt instead of Sid at Survivor Series 96.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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A heel Razor vs Shawn in 96 would have been fun. And they were 1-1 in Ladder matches so a third would have been good around that time. Would have been interesting to see how they'd have gone about elevating the Kid into that main event spot. Him and Shawn could have no doubt had some top matches with 20-odd minutes on PPV at their disposal.


Maybe Triple H would have got his shot on an In Your House or something.

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If I recall, the KOTR winner got a title shot following the victory and Austin got one of a episode of Raw.


I never thought I'd say this : you recall wrong. Austin didn't get a televised WWF title shot in 1996. He did wrestle Shawn non-title on the 14th October show, DQ when Vader interfered.


Another one that got pulled was that Vader was supposedly meant to beat Michaels for the belt instead of Sid at Survivor Series 96.


Yup, hence the December IYH being called "It's Time" despite Vader not even appearing on the card. Although given that Sid won the top contenders match a full two months before that show and even one month before they started promoting it on TV, fuck knows why they didn't call it something else.

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Is it ok to go to independent wrestling shows on your own?? None of my friends would even entertain the idea of going to a wrestling show.


I used to work in a cinema, and people would go to watch films on their own all the time. I always thought it was perfectly normal.

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Is it ok to go to independent wrestling shows on your own??


Depends. If you're 15 and worried what the other kids at school will say, give it a miss. If you're a grown up, do it. The only question should be if you think you'd enjoy a show by yourself or not.

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I'm fascinated by altered booking plans and what would/could have been scenarios, especially long term ones. I love the sound of those '96 plans. I've heard the Razor thing before, a Ladder Match for the WWF title between the two with the roles reversed from the year previous could have been pretty special, i'd have loved that. I adore Survivors '96, one of my favourite shows, Vader switching places with Sid is about the only thing that could have made it better for me, i'd have been all over that. Kid and Shawn headlining another show would have been great too. That could have been an epic title run for Shawn had the original plans stuck. As I say, fascinated by plans changing and the affects that follow. I love their being long term booking that is stuck to with a clear end result in mind that gets met. But it's interesting how that can affect something that develops organically outside of those plans. '96 and '97 are two of my favourite years in WWE, for how exciting the television was but also for all the other stuff that was going on with the company and it's big talent, on camera and behind the scenes and just how much everything and the industry changed as a result. It was a fascinating time and the booking squad having to be on their toes and constantly change things on the fly made for some awesome telly. It's interesting to me though how today, this and last year long term 'Mania plans involving Rock and Brock halted what may have been an earth shattering rise for Ryback.


I also miss the days of all the PPVs outside of the big five having different names and long for a return to that. What were some of you lots favourite IYH titles?

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I'm fascinated by altered booking plans and what would/could have been scenarios, especially long term ones.


Aye, 2011 following CM Punk's 'pipebomb' was an exciting time for this type of thing. Surely the plans at the time were for Punk to take the fall and give Cena another good title defence and then for Cena to begin a long feud with Alberto. Extremely bad timing for Del Rio and had Punk have left the company and Triple H and Nash not returned for that angle, Alberto may have flourished in his role.

Edited by thesimonbegz
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I wonder as well what the original plans for Nash were? I've heard him say that he was originally gonna wrestle Punk but failed a medical so it ended up being Triple H vs Punk. Would he have gone over Punk and remained a full-time part of the show or would have he eventually faced Triple H anyway.

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I wonder as well what the original plans for Nash were? I've heard him say that he was originally gonna wrestle Punk but failed a medical so it ended up being Triple H vs Punk. Would he have gone over Punk and remained a full-time part of the show or would have he eventually faced Triple H anyway.


Hes 50-something years old. Hes only got so many big time matches left in him. Probably a matter WWE making sure they got the most from their investment

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He sounded quite bitter in interviews afterwards about the whole thing, I think he was under the impression he was going to get a proper little run, rather than pretty much the one match. I'm sure he'd have done the job for Punk, or anyone for that matter - at that time he just had a point to prove about still having something left in the tank.

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