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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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In regards to Hulk Hogan why didn't Vince keep the Hogan/Flair match off the house shows and have their first ever meeting at a major PPV?


From what I've heard this was McMahon being an arse. The dream match everyone wanted to see, WCW would've killed for and here's McMahon saying 'I don't care - it's going on a house show, because I can!' how true that is I don't know.

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Regarding Wrestlemania 2000 was there any plan on Mick Foley actually winning the WWF Belt on the show and then having a tournament leading up to Backlash to crown a new champion?


I think it was in Foley's 2nd autobiography where he explained that the only reason they asked him to come back and compete at WrestleMania was that they wanted a McMahon in each corner and Linda had no affiliation with anyone else.


Looking at the roster at that time there wasn't anyone really at a main event level outside of HHH/Rock/Big Show, so it was either hot-shot a mid-carder in to the WrestleMania main event or bring back a former main eventer.



Jericho talks about this in his second book, as they had his face on the poster for the four way originally, but Foley was substituted into the images late on. I suppose it depends how far in advance they did the posters up, but it certainly points to him having been in line for the main event ahead of time.

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In regards to Hulk Hogan why didn't Vince keep the Hogan/Flair match off the house shows and have their first ever meeting at a major PPV?


From what I've heard this was McMahon being an arse. The dream match everyone wanted to see, WCW would've killed for and here's McMahon saying 'I don't care - it's going on a house show, because I can!' how true that is I don't know.


To be fair, the only event that really deserved it was Wrestlemania, which was the original plan, and house shows were where they made the majority of their cash back then, yet were never acknowledged on TV (Undertaker lost loads on the road but was still being billed as Undefeated). Vince probably figured that they could run the match in some big markets early on, with Flair challenging Hogan, without harming Wrestlemania, which would've been Hogan challenging Flair.


Of course Wrestlemania then went tits up when Hogan decided to leave, which I've always assumed was the reason for the switch to Hogan vs Sid and Flair vs Savage.

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Who came up with the idea of Hogan taking the strap off Yokozuna? Heard different reports about how Vince came up with it or Hogan wanting a Wrestlemania win seeing as they didnt win the tag belts. For me alot of fans unecessarilly give Hogan alot of unfair criticism over the win seeing as it was to send the fans home happy.


I bet the Bret Hart fans didn't fucking go home happy. The only thing that made me crosser than my hero getting pinned because he had salt in his eyes was that yellow cunt marching straight back in and straight to the top.


Hogan says this, but it's in his book so it's probably lies. But they're entertaining lies.


The main event would pit Yokozuna, a seven-hundred-pound challenger, against the champion, Bret Hart. Yokozuna was slated to win that match and take the heavyweight belt. But when I got to the building, I told Vince, "Look man, we both know I'm done here. The moment has passed, the love affair is over. But I've got an idea that will allow me to pass the torch." "And what's that?" Vince said.


"After my tag match is over, when Bret Hart gets beat by Yokozuna, how about if I come out to protest the way Bret lost? Yokozuna's manager, Mr Fuji, can challenge me to get into the ring against Yokozuna - and boom, I beat Yokozuna to win the title. Then I go to the next Pay-Per-View and drop the belt right back to Yokozuna, and I'm out of here."


That was the deal. Vince agreed to it and I thought, Boy, I just stole me a couple more big paydays. And I didn't mind doing a job for Yokozuna because I loved the guy to death. It was all set.


Bret says in his book that Vince told him he now wanted him to drop the belt to Yoko just the day before 'Mania, and the whole scenario., and that Vince had been telling him he would retain and be champion for a long time. Hogan makes it sound like the company going with Yoko on top for a while had been the plan from the outset. Who knows?


In regards to Hulk Hogan why didn't Vince keep the Hogan/Flair match off the house shows and have their first ever meeting at a major PPV?

From what I've heard this was McMahon being an arse. The dream match everyone wanted to see, WCW would've killed for and here's McMahon saying 'I don't care - it's going on a house show, because I can!' how true that is I don't know.


Nothing was "saved for the PPV" in those days. Your biggest feuds all ran on the house shows. That's where the money was, the live gate. There's an absolute shitload of feuds in the 80s and early 90s which were pushed heavily on TV to sell the live shows but never had a pay per view blew off.


Of course Wrestlemania then went tits up when Hogan decided to leave, which I've always assumed was the reason for the switch to Hogan vs Sid and Flair vs Savage.


Sounds about right. Hogan losing, even on his way out, would have been out of the question.

Edited by air_raid
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Wondering if anyone can help - there's a song that WWE have used for a few of their video packages in the past (possibly for WrestleMania) and it kind of starts like "Flyyyyy awaaaaaay"...that's all I've got! Can anyone tell me the name of the song and who performs it?

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Of course Wrestlemania then went tits up when Hogan decided to leave, which I've always assumed was the reason for the switch to Hogan vs Sid and Flair vs Savage.

Hogan and Sid was always planned for Wrestlemania 8. Sid had it in his new, shiny WWF contract in 1991 that he would face Hogan at Wrestlemania 8. Meltzer has always confirmed this.


It was the main reason the WWF got Sid after numerous attempts to grab him.

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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Hogan and Sid was always planned for Wrestlemania 8. Sid had it in his new, shiny WWF contract in 1991 that he would face Hogan at Wrestlemania 8. Meltzer has always confirmed this.


This does make sense, thinking about the end of the Rumble. Bizarre that they actually made announcements of Flair/Hogan and acted for a week or two on TV that it was going to be the main event.


I mean, "plans" have changed at other points but not on quite such a grand scale. I doubt anyone raised more than a confused eyebrow at being denied Gunn vs Shamrock v Goldust v Venis at Mania XV.

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As far I was aware the hogan flair things was cancelled due to poor house shows, however It is interesting to see there was more to it.


From reading both Hogan and Harts accounts it sounds like Vince just played a little game with both of them, although from what I know Brett didnt take off as a main eventer till 94 anyway and the way things worked in the early 1990s I cannot see them doing a face vs face match hogan vs brett it was not like warrior hogan. So In this case Hogans attitude seems the most logical to get the big heel fuck over and then produce some faces to come for the next few years


In regards to WM 2000 I know among others Test and Y2J have been mentioned as candidates for the 4 way. However the original main event from what I gather went from Austin Bigshow to Austin Rock to HHH Rock and then they decided to cash in on big numbers and hold the rocks win for another month at backlash.

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What's going on with Christian?


Is he out for much longer?


Given the state of him he's probably off remaking Philadelphia, the bloke is just walking proof the wellness policy doesn't work , it should be mandatory for him to be on steroids


So in answer to your question, I don't know, sorry

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Trying to get a flatmate new to wrestling hyped for Wrestlemania by showing him top matches. We just watched the HHH vs Undertaker WM 27 match and he loved it, but we can't find a good copy of the WM 28 one anywhere. They're either out of sync or really shit quality. Any of you guys kind enough to find a link for me?

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