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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I was expecting Stephanie or Shane to be the revealed as the higher power and suspected for years that plans were changed at the last minute but looking back Vince was probably the only choice and they probably just made shit up as they went along to pad the Ministry story out.

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From the Buried Alive match I assume. Undertaker and Vince were pretty much onside in late 98. I always gathered we were meant to believe Austin beat Undertaker and Vince went "fuck this then" and plotted this whole plan out which involved Mable coming back and the Boss Man being hanged for some reason.

Was the plan always for Vince to be the higher power? It always seemed chucked together at the last minute, were they after someone from WCW or anything like that?


It makes sense given the Corporation's abuse of Kane the whole time he was a seemingly-reluctant part of their setup. I'm sure Taker would have appreciated "keep him out of the way, treat him like shit." Boss Man as a sacrifice always confused me. Especially when after leaving the Corporate Ministry just before KOTR, coming out (to Hard Times) the night after and rejoining merely be saying "I love you guys." But then, they would have been better buddies than Shamrock and Show anyway.


As for the Higher Power decision, yeah, it does seem a little "the plan has gone tits up, revert to Vince v Austin." A shame, I quite liked Vince and Austin as reluctant allies, and I loved the chaotic Austin/Rock/Vince v Taker/Trips/Shane six man that Shawn refereed on Raw. I'm sure we can all remember different names being thrown around, for me I remember reading the Higher Power was Jake the Snake. Which in hindsight would have been good purely because it would have been Jake back on TV, but at the time I thought "that would be WrestleCrap. It's not like he could have a decent match with Austin now!"

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Just turned on Impact for the first time in about 2 months. Gonna give it another shot after losing interest. What's been going down recently? How many Aces and Eights have been unmasked? What's with the random Bully Ray/Brooke Hogan romance thing? Who is the new annoying commentator?

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Who played Owen Hart in the 1998 DX interpretation?

A Canadian (I think) stand-up and impressionist, stage name Jason Sensation. Massive wrestling fan, wrestling impressions were a big part of his act, none of them near as good as his Owen IMO. He stuck around WWF for a few other bits at the time, including playing Commissioner HBK in the DX Corporation parody skit.
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Cheers Tommy and Statto Googled him and came across this...

Jason Sensation appeared on the August 24th edition of The Shoot. He came on to discuss his career and share some impersonations. Host Gary Cantrell welcomes him to the show and asks him how he got into doing voices. He explains that he and his family grew up on a farm in Canada, and they didn’t have much options of anything to do. Jason talks about how he and his brother having wrestling matches in the backyard and doing the post match promos. He mentioned that Macho Man was one of the first voices that he had ever done, and his parents would talk him into doing the voice at parties. Gary asked how he became a wrestling fan. Jason said “I don’t have a first memory of it, it’s just a feeling of it always been there”.Gary and Jason begin discussing his first night meeting Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith in Ottawa. He talks about how he did the voices in front of them. (In Owen’s voice)”I’m a Slammy Award winner, and Bret you’ll never be as good as me” he tells Owen. Owen tells him, “You can’t do Bulldog”. In Davey Boy’s voice, “C’mon British Bulldog, have a bite of my dog food”. Jason says they were both laughing hysterically. He said that Owen brought him backstage to meet with WWE’s Canadian President Carl DeMarco whom he did voices for. After the meeting he explained how he’d go anywhere a camera was at for attention to attempt to get into the WWE. He also sent numerous videos to Carl and continued to not get any responses.He talks about his first gig for WWE which was selling merchandise on the Canadian Home Shopping Network. He mentioned that not too long after he got another call from Carl who informed him that Vince McMahon was going to be at TSN’s Off the Record to discuss Bret Hart and the Montreal Screw Job. He was then introduced to McMahon during the commercial breaks. Jason did impersonations of both Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon. Vince laughed hard and said “We gotta get you on TV kid”. It wasn’t until 98 that Jason got a call from DeMarco to appear in Boston for WrestleMania 14 weekend. He then talks of a meeting he was involved in with Vince McMahon, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chyna, Steve Austin, and Mike Tyson. He gives Tyson credit for getting him the job after laughing uncontrollably over a Steve Austin impersonation. He says Mike Tyson put him over big time in that meeting.Jason goes on discussing his first few skits on RAW, but says that the story between him and Owen was dropped after he got stopped at the border. He didn’t have a green card, and he had been crossing illegally all that time. The week after he got beat up by Owen, he wasn’t able to make it to the next RAW due to being stopped at the border. Once WWE realized that they couldn’t get him, they rushed a contract to him. He said that he signed a 3 yr deal, and spent most of it at home collecting a check. He noted that he sent several script ideas to Russo and it went to no reply. During the last 6 months of his contract he was sent to Memphis, TN to train as a heel manager for a future main roster spot. He said Memphis was run wrong and all the wrong guys were in charge. He said that the main trainer was Terry Golden and said “He was one of the dirtiest guys in the business”. He said they went through a lot of wrestlers down there.He then began to shoot on Kevin Kelly. He said that Kelly put him through a lot of hell in Memphis. “Kevin Kelly was Bullsh*t” says Sensation. He said there was talk of him doing the Slam Jams for the WWF and said that was Kelly’s job at the time. He said at that point Kelly began to bury him to the office and reduced him to the job of a ring announcer. He said that Kelly even ridiculed him at position, and didn’t want him to get over in any way. “He (Kevin Kelly) made my life a living hell”.He talked about having a rib pulled on him by Kevin Fertig (ECW’s Kevin Thorn). He said that he pulled a rib on Fertig and was choked and thrown through a wall for his efforts. He called to file a complaint and Bruce Pritchard told him that “You were lucky that it wasn’t Steve Blackman or The Undertaker, because they might have not stopped” He also brought up an instance of Fertig sexually assaulting him in a hotel. “He ripped my clothes off, he ripped my underwear off, and I was like what’s this guy doing to me?” He then plugs the book that he’s putting out titled “Raped in Wrestling”. He mentioned that wasn’t the only occurrence of sexual assault. He tells the story of his first weekend in Boston. He was invited up to a Road Agent’s (whom he left nameless) hotel room with another wrestler to smoke Marijuana. After finishing the Marijuana, the agent began to grab him and pull him closer to molest him. He said the wrestler in the room was almost like he was standing there as a guard. He mentioned that he tried to squirm and get away and the agent said “Buddy if you don’t this, you’ll never gonna get into this business if you don’t fu*k somebody”. Jason said “It was the sickest moment in my life”, he went on to say that another wrestler came to the door and it was his out and he left. He made a complaint to management and said that telling just worked against him. He said he wouldn’t be surprised if things like that were still going on to this day.Jason said the reason why he’s waited so long to come out was that he was actually hoping for things to change and to possibly be rehired by WWE. He said after the death of his mother he realized that he would never be rehired and that he was ready to come out and speak. He said that to this day he still emails Jim Ross for a reason to his dismissal. He said he was going to tell all in his new book. He said that in that in WWE the good was good, but the bad was very bad. When asked for an example, he shared the story of a young wrestler by the name of Russ Haas. He talked about how Russ and his brother, current WWE wrestler Charlie Haas were in developmental prepping for a call up to the main roster. Jason said every single time they would come back from a dark match from TVs, Russ Haas was so depressed because “Quote Jim Ross and Quote Bruce Prichard” kept telling Russ: You guys are ready to go, you guys will be on tv but Russ you got to get bigger, Russ you got to get bigger, sorry Russ you got to get bigger.” Russ finally gave in and began taking steroids and it was one occasion in which there was air in the needle and it got to his heart and

Edited by Fox Piss
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Whatever happened to wrestling blogger The Scotsman? Is he still writing anywhere?

Graham McCaw of the "Kilt Report"? Used to love his stuff. "Kilt Report" was a daily newsletter primarily about the Indies too. Packed every day.


He's into his casinos now and I remember reading he was running his own small internet casino operation as well as a blog dedicated to helping you win. He's also married with kids now.


His "farewell" note is at http://scotsmanality.com/ (PICTURE AT THE TOP OF THAT SITE MIGHT NOT BE SAFE FOR WORK)

Edited by bAzTNM#1
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