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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Isn't it something to do with Helms seeing HBK ranting and raving at some old woman working in an arena cafeteria or something? Basically, I think Helms thinks Michaels' "Finding God" is a load of shit and a way to make money. He's probably right.

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Isn't it something to do with Helms seeing HBK ranting and raving at some old woman working in an arena cafeteria or something?

If you consider Chris Jericho to be an old woman, then yes.


The way that Helms tells the story is that he thinks Michaels's claims of redemption are disingenuous. He cites HBK's cursing at Jericho in the cafeteria as an example of "same old Shawn" and considers his hobby of killing things (I think he uses the word "murdering") to be an example of HBK not being a Christian really. Or something like that.

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Helms said on his Art of Wrestling interview that Michaels played a part in burying him backstage somehow too. Can't remember the details and can't remember if he implied that HBK did the same to anybody else in his 02-11 run, but I'm sure he said HBK had screwed him around in some capacity.


Only made me an even bigger Michaels fan, to be honest.

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Former WWE wrestler Shane 'Hurricane' Helms ripped into Shawn Michaels in the latest edition of his "Highway 2 Helms" web show.


During his weekly show, Helms said that Michaels is his least favorite wrestler of all-time after being around him while the two worked for the WWE.


He went on to say that Michaels is a hypocrite and that "his whole religious gimmick is a f***ing work".


Helms did admit to being a big fan of the "Heartbreak Kid" growing up but was really let down by him once they worked together. He added that while Michaels was a tremendous wrestler but when it comes to being a person he is a "cock-eyed, cross-eyed piece of s***."


He decided to get in one more blast at his childhood idol, claiming that Michaels was one of the biggest drug users in wrestling history and "snorted more coke and done more steroids" than anyone else in the business.


Helms has since taken another shot at Michaels on his Twitter page where he wrote, "I wonder if I backstab a bunch of people and hurt careers and families and slaughter animals for fun but then pray onstage, that make it okay?"


You have to wonder if there is a bigger axe to grind with Helms when it comes to Michaels or if this is just him trying to be outspoken on his show. Regardless, Helms has dealt with his own issues including being named as part of a Sports Illustrated investigation in May 2008 for receiving performance-enhancing drugs while working with the WWE and then getting arrested in Jan. 2010 for public intoxication before getting released by the wrestling company.


Shawn Michaels was asked by numerous Twitter followers about the negative comments that Hurricane Helms made about him. "From you all I have," Michaels responded when asked about the situation. "Verbal attack? Wow, pretty scary. Thoughts? Stick and stones, I guess?"


Michaels followed up later in the day by writing: "Wow, you guys are fired up. Sorry you have to deal with it. Don't worry, I don't. Comes with the territory. I have zero desire to do the internet stuff other than corresponding with you.


"You can make your own decisions and I will respect them. May I now return to having fun with you all, please? Life is too short for me to go through high school again." To read more from Michaels, visit Twitter.com/shawnmichaels_.

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Helms comes across as a bit of an angry nut in interviews that you see. Doesn't exactly come across as reliable.

That was the funniest part of his shoot interview. He starts by saying what an unfair reputation he has for being hot headed/ a fighter. Then spends the rest of the shoot interview talking about a dozen different nonsensical fights he got in, including a drunken one with his mate Jericho. He's fucking nuts.


I dont think the Michaels hate is for attention, but if he did bury him in 2003 (he gave no examples or evidence of how he did in the shoot.) Why wait so long to suddenly go mental about it? Its really strange.

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I think he was just copying his mate Matt in going off the rails and falling into a downward spiral. Seems the type to do that sort of thing. I'm sure there was a point when he was doing the PG sux stuff when Matt was doing it at one point, despite his kid-friendly gimmick giving him his greatest success.

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