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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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What about outside fake angles have they ever used the same name twice?


Well, Max Moon and Smash (and Doink for that matter) were both not angles but if you mean completely different characters with the same name then the only one I can think of is MVP.

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  • Paid Members
What about outside fake angles have they ever used the same name twice?


There have been more than one man playing Doink - Matt Borne, Ray Apollo, Steve Lombardi, Steve Keirn, Nick Dinsmore - but none of them have ever been a "fake" Doink, they have all just been "Doink."

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If they do that number then, Punks "in the club" as Meltzer puts it. The ratings aren't really doing much, but Punk is shifting a lot of merch and helped draw a significant PPV number, when nobody bar The Rock really draws PPV numbers (I'd say it's the brand that has been drawing since 'Mania). Vince will be happy with that.


A) doesn't prove that Punk is the draw, a contributing factor no doubt but I'd imagine it'll be more the story, B) even if the draw was all Punk that's one PPV that doesn't prove he's in 'the club' and C) why don't ratings matter now?

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A) doesn't prove that Punk is the draw, a contributing factor no doubt but I'd imagine it'll be more the story, B) even if the draw was all Punk that's one PPV that doesn't prove he's in 'the club' and C) why don't ratings matter now?

A) He was the key man in their hottest show in forever. To say it's more the storyline is silly, Punk spent three weeks delivering the best performances wrestling fans have witnessed in 10 years, they were so captivated by him they purchased a PPV that did a terrible number last year (and B PPV were all do awful before this). Yes, a good storyline matters, but without the performer you end up doing 80,000 buys domestic. It doesn't prove he's a long term draw, but it does prove to WWE that they can invest a lot of TV time into Punk and he will deliver business and artistic success. He's the most talked about man in wrestling just now, and 'mainstream' media wants to talk to him.


B) Not according to Meltzer. He says if he proves he can make them significant cash (eg. selling a lot of merchandise and producing a good PPV number) then they'll let him "in the club". Same as when Edge drew a couple of good TV ratings, WWE saw money in Edge.


C) Ratings matter, but WWE has many avenues that produce cash flow. Punks ratings haven't been great (although his return did draw people in), but people are buying his shit.


I'm sorry but Punk is making WWE good money and getting interviews with GQ, ESPN and appearing on Jimmy Kimmel etc. He's in the club.

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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I dont think he's in "the club" at all. Wade Barrett came straight from developmental into a feud with the companies biggest star leading a stable in the main event of the second or third biggest PPV of the year and he got pushed down the roster when it never worked out. They are rolling the dice on Punk to see if its a success or not. They've done stuff like this before. The ratings and buyrates have taken such a hit in the last few years and some of their biggest stars of recent years like Batista, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and Undertaker etc. are no longer there, that they need to take a spin on someone different. Give him six months and if he's in a better or similar position than he is now, then fair enough. But its way to early to judge at the minute. Especially when you consider the amount of times WWE has gotten cold feet with a new act and given up on him.

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  • Paid Members
I dont think he's in "the club" at all. Wade Barrett came straight from developmental into a feud with the companies biggest star leading a stable in the main event of the second or third biggest PPV of the year and he got pushed down the roster when it never worked out. They are rolling the dice on Punk to see if its a success or not. They've done stuff like this before. The ratings and buyrates have taken such a hit in the last few years and some of their biggest stars of recent years like Batista, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels and Undertaker etc. are no longer there, that they need to take a spin on someone different. Give him six months and if he's in a better or similar position than he is now, then fair enough. But its way to early to judge at the minute. Especially when you consider the amount of times WWE has gotten cold feet with a new act and given up on him.

Wade Barrett is different. He had 4 other guys with him and was clearly not ready for the big push (world class on the mic but really really average in the ring). I'd say Nexus was the 'draw', not Barrett.


Of course, maybe I'm being premature. But the signs are certainly promising, what with Punk getting a lot of pro-WWE/Punk media attention that Vince wanks over and Vince believing he was worth spending extra money on a 'real' song.

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On the two people/one name, the AWA Steve Regal did a few TV jobs for WWF. There's also the very very brief "Kane the Undertaker"


You know, that is probably the one I was trying to think of.


Not in WWE, but on the subject of same names, I read once that in the days of yore British wrestlers would get hold of American wrestling magazines and pick themselves some names out of them. Apparently we had a Greg Valentine and various others over here.

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There's also the very very brief "Kane the Undertaker".



I was under the impression that Kane the Undertaker was The Undertaker and that the Kane part of the name was dropped before he went on TV/PPV?


Might just be my memory playing tricks but I am sure I can remember PWI running a pic of the Undertaker just before he debuted on PPV under the Kane the Undertaker name.

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I was under the impression that Kane the Undertaker was The Undertaker and that the Kane part of the name was dropped before he went on TV/PPV?


Might just be my memory playing tricks but I am sure I can remember PWI running a pic of the Undertaker just before he debuted on PPV under the Kane the Undertaker name.

It was a bit of a strange one. They gave him the Cain/Kane name for his first TV tapings before Survivor Series, but they were to be aired after the PPV, and by the time Survivor Series came around they changed it. So he debuted oficially on PPV as the Undertaker, then had a few squashes as Kane the Undertaker for his TV debut(s), before reverting back to the Undertaker.

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  • Paid Members
You know, that is probably the one I was trying to think of.


Not in WWE, but on the subject of same names, I read once that in the days of yore British wrestlers would get hold of American wrestling magazines and pick themselves some names out of them. Apparently we had a Greg Valentine and various others over here.


Ones that come to mind are Skull Murphy, BlackJack Mulligan and Zebra Kid, plus Giant Haystacks was taken from Haystacks Calhoun and two guys teamed as the Road Warriors. Nagasaki went the other way.

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