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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I was just wondering what made WWF have Summerslam in this country during 1992 ?


Domestic business was down, we were giving them monster merchandise sales and selling out every time they came over, and they knew they'd get a massive gate here and sell shitloads of merchandise. It was a good call. I've read several times that in terms of actual people in the building rather than "official attendance," it was the most attended WWF/E PPV ever.


In Bret's bookie he mentions learning from JJ Dillon that SummerSlam was going to be in either Washington or London, and he was scheduled to drop the Intercontinental title to Shawn, but he suggested to Vince that it would do better business in England if he dropped it to Davey and DBS could do the honours for Shawn when they get back. He also suggested the ladder match if Vince wanted him to drop it to Michaels in DC. Vince went with the former.


Two interesting notes - all the best things that ever happened in the WWF were because of Bret Hart's ideas. And even in 1992 he was suggesting alternative scenarios that both meant him avoiding getting pinned by Michaels. ;)


Anyone know why Jim Neidhart didn't enter the Hart Foundation stable in 1997 until a month into the angle? Was Neidhart unavailable? Or was it just something that came to them later on?


Speculation : Anvil wasn't under contract when the angle began, and Bret went to bat for Anvil to get him his job back as part of the story? Vince and Neidhart having a bit of a chequered past over money/lawsuits etc, I believe it may have required a bit of persuasion.

Edited by air_raid
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Is TNA's record attendance from a show over here?


Wembley this year had between 10,000 and 12,000 which it's said by falling anywhere between those numbers is their biggest attendance to date. Biggest domestic was 5500 in Brooklyn in July '10.

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Is TNA's record attendance from a show over here?


Wembley this year had between 10,000 and 12,000 which it's said by falling anywhere between those numbers is their biggest attendance to date. Biggest domestic was 5500 in Brooklyn in July '10.


No it didn't. 8,000 maybe.

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Is TNA's record attendance from a show over here?


Wembley this year had between 10,000 and 12,000 which it's said by falling anywhere between those numbers is their biggest attendance to date. Biggest domestic was 5500 in Brooklyn in July '10.


No it didn't. 8,000 maybe.


Even still, thats a 50% increase on their highest US attendance, which frankly is piss fucking poor.

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Have their been any good articles written about the history of deathmatches, or deathmatches in general? I seem to recall seeing one online, but I can't find it anymore.



Also, has anyone ever promoted a match that could only be won by countout? I used to do those all the time on No Mercy N64.

Edited by Big Rob
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  • Paid Members
Also, has anyone ever promoted a match that could only be won by countout? I used to do those all the time on No Mercy N64.


The only match I recall that had an element of that was the Savage/Crush falls count anywhere match at WMX which required a wrestler to be counted out of the ring for 60 seconds after a fall had taken place. Which was stupid, they should have just had a standard weapon-strewn arena-wide brawl ending in one pin.

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Does anybody know the deal between Sunny and Bulldog? Reason I'm asking is because I'm watching the Candido shoot and it didn't really confirm or deny and i remember the Sunny shoot (Later 1 after Candido died) saying she was going to tell the Bulldog story but then didn't and said she would leave it for her book.

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