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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I watch very little WWE these days, but I've only heard Edge and Christian referred to as each others 'very good friend' (which makes them sound like a gay couple) have WWE acknowledged that their being brothers was a work? If so why?

They stopped being referred to as brothers years ago. They've been childhood friends since around the time Edge's book came out.

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Would i be right in thinking that there was an archive of old Wrestling Observer Newsletter's flaoting around here at some point. THink they might have been from the late 80's.


I subscribe to the site now so have the 1992/1993 archives but could have sworn i seen older ones somewhere.

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In the WCW in the year 1995 what came first the last nitro of the year or Starrcade?

The last Nitro was on Xmas Day. Starrcade came 2 days later. First Nitro of 1996 was New Years Day.


Yep, and the Christmas Day Nitro doesn't even mention Starrcade. Seriously - that Starrcade gets almost zero build on the company's hottest new show.


WCW was weird.

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Hulk Hogan was filming Thunder in Paradise at the time. No point promoting a none-Hulkster WCW PPV, because they usually didn't draw shit without him anyway. And it featured a bunch of Japanese lads. That years Starrcade was treated like a B-PPV by the WCW top brass.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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Hulk Hogan was filming Thunder in Paradise at the time. No point promoting a none-Hulkster WCW PPV, because they usually didn't draw shit without him anyway. And it featured a bunch of Japanese lads. That years Starrcade was treated like a B-PPV by the WCW top brass.


They didn't even treat it like that though. It was basically a non-event. I think they mentioned the world title change on the next Nitro, but other than that it was like it never happened at all.


Still, I got to see Benoit/Liger and Guerrero/Ohtani live, so I'm not complaining.

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