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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Just watched No Way Out 2003 on the network.


Why did they do the Rock/Hogan rematch here instead of at Wreslemania the following month? Although the WM18 match itself was pretty poor from an inring point of view, it was a considered a big success commerically. Surely doing the rematch would have done great business at Wrestlemania rather than the lead-in PPV

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Because they'd done that match last year and they had Austin vs Rocky 3 and McMahon vs Hogan which were two big matches as opposed to one? I think no way out 2003 and wrestlemania 19 are underrated really. I remember both of them being really good fun, which is all you can ask for really.

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Although the WM18 match itself was pretty poor from an inring point of view, it was a considered a big success commercially.


You know what, you're right. There wasn't a single plancha or Fujiwara armbar.


Did you hear those reactions?! That wasn't supposed to be the dynamic going into the match. The fans going apeshit for two talented performers audibly changed the flow and they both reacted peerlessly. That feeling was absolutely electric, and like Bret and Austin double-turning, like Cena v RVD at One Night Stand, like The Shield staring down the Wyatts, that was fucking wrestling.

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Although the WM18 match itself was pretty poor from an inring point of view, it was a considered a big success commercially.


You know what, you're right. There wasn't a single plancha or Fujiwara armbar.


Did you hear those reactions?! That wasn't supposed to be the dynamic going into the match. The fans going apeshit for two talented performers audibly changed the flow and they both reacted peerlessly. That feeling was absolutely electric, and like Bret and Austin double-turning, like Cena v RVD at One Night Stand, like The Shield staring down the Wyatts, that was fucking wrestling.

Flash back to an old post on here "If you watch that match with the sound muted - it's shit"

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  • Awards Moderator
Any match with the sound muted is shit.


Why the fuck would you watch wrestling with the sound off anyway?


Steamboat v Savage is poop with your eyes closed.

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Why did they do the Rock/Hogan rematch here instead of at Wreslemania the following month? Although the WM18 match itself was pretty poor from an inring point of view, it was a considered a big success commerically.


Cracking way of getting some extra buys from people that might have otherwise considered No Way Out a missable "B show" between the Rumble and WrestleMania. As was Steve Austin returning.

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Sorry if this one has been asked but was Jericho's first WWE theme an alt of a WCW one? I don't remember him using anything similar but I'm watching World War 3 1998 on WWE Network and Jericho's theme sounds similar to his early WWE one, but not actually the same and I don't remember it. I thought the WWE Network was unedited footage and WWE got the rights to WCW's music when they bought everything else.

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Judge for yourself. Here is Jericho's first theme :

Here is the theme he was using at the time in WCW :


Yeah I did check wikipedia and youtube and only came up with those 2, but it's a good editing job. It doesn't sound like it's been edited over the video at all so it threw me a bit.

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Hi guys,


just wondering if any of you have or know anyone that has ordered from the US WWE shop online recently? I just wondered what sort of prices shipping is and whether you got stung by customs at all? I tried to go through and order but every time I put in a UK address it comes up with an error and doesn't allow me any further.


Thanks in advance



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Did Jim Carey actually appear on Raw as part of the promotion for Man on the Moon? I'm sure I read some where or was told that he did and got in to a worked altercation with Lawler or something. If so is there footage of it?

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Lawler "getting attacked" by Lawler on set made all of the newspapers over here.


I think Carrey actually went as far as ending up in an Ambulance to Hospital because of it, despite the fact he was only pretending to be hurt the whole time. It was during the filming of the wrestling & Letterman scenes.

He is one of those actors that stays completely in character at all times on set so he was channeling Kaufmann by acting so erratic that his co-workers on set never knew if he was being serious or winding them up.


He never made any appearances on Raw. There were photos from the set in WWF Magazine though with Carrey posing for photos with Lawler and with Jim Ross.


Also: I think one thing Carrey did differently to Kaufmann was not let Lawler in on the work. Where Kaufmann & Lawler discussed what they were going to do in Memphis and on Letterman beforehand, Carrey did not tell Lawler he was going to kick off.

Edited by dopper
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Yeah I did check wikipedia and youtube and only came up with those 2, but it's a good editing job. It doesn't sound like it's been edited over the video at all so it threw me a bit.


Just to follow up on this - it's possible that while WWE are allowed to broadcast all the original programming in its' unedited form, that Jericho's WCW theme is a little too close to "Evenflow" by Pearl Jam for the legal team to not suggest the change.


I wonder, if you watched WW3 '98 to conclusion (or if anyone else has checked WCW PPVs) - is Dallas Page's "definitely NOT Teen Spirit" theme intact? My own tinkering with The Network last weekend at a friend's house was restricted to watching NXT Arrival, War Games '92 and then skimming through WrestleMania VI to check for music edits, thankfully none were found. "Here comes the Ax... here comes the Smasher..." - lovely.


And Capital Carnage, to see if the "nudity edited out" was all-encompassing. You don't even get to see Sable's match-winning TKO - I assume because one of Jackie's boobs fell out in the process.

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