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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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One thing Ive always wondered is about Test. Looking back at his career when Stone Cold got written out of the storylines why did Test never get booked in the Survivor Series to win the WWE Championship? He was obviously the most over choice how storylines had gone to feud with the game yet they gave Big Show the belt. Nothing against Show but Test was the better wrestler and very over and with Austin gone they could of easily pushed the guy into a Championship match at Wrestlemania if they wanted but just stuck him in a European title match at mania instead.


I think Test was pretty much in the wrong place at the wrong time. They seemed at a loose end with what to do with him after Russo left with the wedding storyline supposedly still up in the air, and once the plan was hatched to have Triple H marry Stephanie, there wasn't much they could do with Test except have him play the patsy (to be fair, keeping Triple H strong as a heel at that point was far more important).


Although Big Show's title run was total shite, I expect they still had pretty huge plans for him as a potential main eventer at that point, and thought the surprise title win might be the thing to get him as over as they wanted him. Didn't really work out in the short-term, but it's very hard to criticise much of the booking in that period. Plus I think Test pretty much found his natural level as a midcarder/tag-team wrestler.

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One thing Ive always wondered is about Test. Looking back at his career when Stone Cold got written out of the storylines why did Test never get booked in the Survivor Series to win the WWE Championship? He was obviously the most over choice how storylines had gone to feud with the game yet they gave Big Show the belt. Nothing against Show but Test was the better wrestler and very over and with Austin gone they could of easily pushed the guy into a Championship match at Wrestlemania if they wanted but just stuck him in a European title match at mania instead.


I don't have all the info, but I remember reading something about him not being particularly clever when it came to politics or his reputation. There was a report back when he was with Stacey Keibler (both as his on-screen manager and his girlfriend), he and she got massive heat for not making it to a show, claiming they'd been snowed in at their hotel - problem was that RVD and Booker T did make it, making them look really bad.


It was a Meltzer report, I think - he then ended the article with a paragraph claiming that Test apparently had previous for this sort of thing, hence why the company didn't push him so much. They just thought he was unreliable and didn't "want it" enough.

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Trevor McDonald did a special on wrestling featuring clips from WWF and WCW. Might have been that. It also had Dixon on talking about using tributes and a woman complaining that a few lads on the estate gave her son a good hiding so it must have been wrestlings fault.


No it was a genuine broadcast or WCW and I watched a good 20 mins of it. it was on an obscure time so god knows what it was

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"diamond dust"


I wouldn't think about that one for more than a second or two. Wonky Japanglish. See "High Fly Flow", "Black Hole Vacation" and so on.

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"diamond dust"


I wouldn't think about that one for more than a second or two. Wonky Japanglish. See "High Fly Flow", "Black Hole Vacation" and so on.

I always thought 'Diamond Dust' was because it was a step-up from the 'Diamond Cutter' (a somersault Diamond Cutter, in fact). So, instead of cutting the diamond, it smashes it to dust.


Or something.

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"diamond dust"


I wouldn't think about that one for more than a second or two. Wonky Japanglish. See "High Fly Flow", "Black Hole Vacation" and so on.


Yep. Same with "Emerald/Ruby Flowsion" and "Exploider" - I asked Akiyama about both, and he said "Flowsion" was meant to be a fusion of "flowing" and "fusion", and "Exploider" was because it sounded (to him) like an "exploder" which fucks up a human body.


That makes sense! I did wonder how much "japanglish" might be involved with Diamond Dust. Lasso makes good sense too. Mare is still a strange one though. Northen Lights Suplex?


I think air_raid or $tew might know better on this one, but I think it's to do with Hase Hiroshi, whose nickname had something to do with the North Star and Northern Lights (in Japan, they seem to unite the two conceptually) - he used that particular suplex as one of his signatures.

Edited by Carbomb
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I think air_raid or $tew might know better on this one, but I think it's to do with Hase Hiroshi, whose nickname had something to do with the North Star and Northern Lights (in Japan, they seem to unite the two conceptually) - he used that particular suplex as one of his signatures.


Not much to add. Masanori Horie sez :


Hiroshi Hase created the move by himself when he wrestled as The Viet Cong Express #2 in the Stampede territory in 1986-1987 and named it from northern lights.


Well, Hase's wiki has him as #1 but whatever. Good enough for me.


If you don't know who Horie is by the way, he's forgotten more about wrestling than we'll ever know and shot the shit with all the wrestlers. Here he is in his youth, meeting the Thrillseekers in Smokey Mountain. Here he is with a young Apex Predator in 2002. Here with Kobashi. Here with Harley Race. You get the idea. And just to prove he'll have a photo with anybody... Shannon Moore.

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