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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Do WWE announce teams carry on doing commentary during commercial breaks? I was watching the Greatest Superstars Of the 21st Century last week and it's got the Angle/Lesnar Iron Man match from Smackdown in full, with no breaks for commercials. I assume that match did have commercial breaks but at no point did a commentator go 'We've gotta go to a break' 'Welcome back to Smackdown' etc. Do they carry on commentating in case the match is chosen for a future DVD release?

No. On the new CM Punk set there are a few ECW and RAW matches where the commentators say something about "We'll be back after the break" and the footage continues with WWE Home Video Exclusive caption in the bottom corner but no commentary for 2 minutes and then the commentators resume their commentary with the usual stuff they say after a commercial break.
That's interesting, I haven't heard of this before. I do remember there being a period where WWE.com kept the broadcast 'on air' during the ad breaks though, so I'm guessing the matches are from then.
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HIAC is one of WWE's potentially most brutal matches, which got me thinking about it being PG and all that malark. I don't particularly mind WWE programming being PG, but it kind of limits where they can go with certain matches, i.e. HIAC. You know it can never be too intense on a PG show (obviously I'm bound to stand corrected on that one :S). My question is, will WWE ever go back to being PG-13 or even 14? Is it dependent on Linda's senate run? Will it creep back on gradually or will they just get tired of it one day?

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How long is a piece of string I guess, at the moment sponsorship deals, the economy previous bad press and the senate run mean they are better off running a PG product as the advertisers they get pay more money and kids spend more time on the product I guess than the average young person would with so many alternatives in 2012 (very different world in 1999).


That said if it became more viable again to go in a more mature direction then I assume they would consider this direction. Whatever it is it wont be the same as the attitude era and will be something completely different

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What simon said. When the product was piping hot and watched by more than double the % of audience share than it is now, they attracted great advertising revenue and lucrative deals from big name brands. Even at the peak of the Attitude era, some companies pulled their advertising/sponsorship due to dissatisfaction with some of the more lurid show content and didn't want their products associated with the show. Now due to the lower viewing figures they have fewer options for these revenue streams, and unless wrasslin becomes popular again, they would be foolish to consider restricting those options with edgier content.

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Plus everyone got bored of 'edgier content' well before Raw went PG anyway. Bringing back fits, gore and swearing every week would be an initial shock, but it wouldn't be long before everyone just went "oh yeah, I still hate wrestling even with all that stuff in it."


That's interesting, I haven't heard of this before. I do remember there being a period where WWE.com kept the broadcast 'on air' during the ad breaks though, so I'm guessing the matches are from then.


The break-shows were in 2005/2006 (I think) during Raw, to fuck over the USA network for not cutting WWE in on the ad revenue. The iron man match was on Smackdown in 2003, and that one would have been a likely addition to a future DVD so it makes sense that they either kept the commentary going or added some in post-production.


The Raw tag match from 2008, Punk might've just asked for the break footage (which WWE always records, so they can do the "here's the big spot during the break that led to this lad being in a chinlock now" thing) to be included. Are there any TV matches on his DVD where the breaks are cut out?

Edited by King Pitcos
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Currently reading a site about the Dynamite Kid and it is talking about him having an odd reaction to having just taken horse steroids. What was that strange reaction? What happened? Cheers!



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I like to read Scott Keith's Raw Rant on my lunch on a Tuesday (yeah, what of it?!), but he can be a fucker for spoiling other stuff. Does anybody else read it that could confirm of there's any Bound For Glory spoilers as I'm watching that on Challenge tomorrow like some bloody commoner.




EDIT: I decided to be not such a pussy and just read it. No spoilers.


Here's a different question based on something I thought about reading the Ryback thread. What's Monty Brown upto these days?

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Didn't he quit to take care of a dead relative's kids or something? Or was that someone else? Or something I made up?


Jesus, this post turned out fucking useless.


EDIT: Wiki links to an article on wrestleview.com which says he lives in Michigan, works as a personal trainer and occasionally talks about returning to wrestling but never does anything about it.

Edited by opcws
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Yeah, something like that. Monty Brown's done with wrestling for good know though. He wasn't a spring chicken in TNA, if I remember. He pops up on the signing circuit, though.


TNA had a star on their hands there. Not a John Cena type, but definitely someone who could have been a big fish in the medium size pond they were at the time.

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I loved Monty Brown. His Alpha Bomb (I think it was called) was naff but The Pounce was great, as were his promos. Didn't agree with reading people say he was 'the next Rock', but he could have been a homegrown star when they needed one as they didn't have any other than AJ IIRC.

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