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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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I thought taped wrists was to do with protecting against broken bones or fractures. I may be completely wrong.


Yes, similar to martial artists and boxers.


Bit late to the party on this one, but the received wisdom I had was there was also an element of tricking the eye to it as well as the support element, IE your eye naturally follows the tape rather than the fist, so you're less likely to notice if the punches aren't as snug as they might be. Hence why darker-skinned wrestlers often opt for white tape, and lighter skin tones go for black.


As I say, recieved wisdom, so not necessarily 100% true.

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If there isn't any cricket/golf or other sports across the various ponds, then they normaly have one of the D-Shows each morning at 7am on SS2. Monday Bottom Line, Tuesday After Burn, Wednesday Vintage, Thursday Experience and Friday sometimes a Raw replay.

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just wondering if any wrestling is shown on SS 1 or 2? my mate gave me his sky id for my xbox, but you only get SS 1 and 2 as far as I am aware. I only really got it for boxing and wrestling.

Nope - you get all 5 Sky Sports channels streamed live through the XBox, so you should be fine.

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Any way I can trick my xBox into letting me use my Mum's SKY ID, here in the US&A?

Dunno - probably not, unless you can hide your IP etc. Plus, are you on the US version of XBox Live, or still using the UK one?


Give it a go trying to watch Sky on your computer using Mrs. Funeral's Sky ID - it's the same thing.

Edited by Big Benny HG
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Did Evolution at any point have every member with a championship?


E.g. HHH, World. Orton, Intercontinental. Batista & Flair, Tag Team.

Yeah from Armageddon 2003, when Triple H beat Goldberg & Kane in a Triple Threat to win the World Heavyweight Title, Batista & Flair won a Tag Team Turmoil and Orton beat Van Dam for the IC Title.

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I've seen some fantastic Dusty Rhodes' promos, probably some of the best promos ever, but its only really dawned on me that I haven't really seen him in too many matches, and those that I have seen have tended to be rather boring affair,s whether because they don't hold up or because they were at the time. Now I know Dusty's more of a promo guy than an in ring worker but what are the best Dusty matches?

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