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UKFF Questions Thread V2


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Didnt Ric have a injury as well that kept him out of Summerslam?

He might have had an injury, but i don't think it would've kept him out of Summerslam, as the match in question was only a couple of nights after it. I have no idea why he wasn't working a match, that whole event was booked extremely strangely with 3 of the feature matches being heel v heel or face v face. I'd have probably said the most logical thing to go with would be Flair/Savage and Warrior/Papa Shango, but for whatever reason, they chose to book the 2nd biggest show of the year with Kamala essentially working as the 'top' heel. It was a bit of mess, but somehow they managed to make it work and put on a great show.


From what i remember of that angle, after Warrior was announced as being the #1 contender for Summerslam, Flair and Perfect started shit-stirring, saying they were going to be in the other ones corner and getting them both suspicious of each other. It turned out to just be 'Part 1 of a plan to soften Savage up, so his subsequent title shot (plan B) would be against a weakened opponent. The ending was pretty cool where Savage wouldn't submit, and instead got pinned with the figure 4 as he fell unconscious. The duo of Flair and Perfect were tonnes of fun around that period.


If Flair wasn't already injured, he was certainly injured very shortly afterwards - he had ear issues which were causing problems with his balance. It's part of the reason his match with Bret Hart was on the road as well (and led to Bret Hart bitching about Flair not giving him a good match in his autobiography).


I'm not sure whether he was injured pre-Summerslam or not.

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According to Bret's book Flair was injured wrestling Warrior just a couple of days before their match, hence made a quick decision to take it off him in Saskatoon. They would not have put the belt on him if he was hurt before SummerSlam.


Interestingly enough, Flair wrestled Undertaker the night before in Regina (as seen on the Wrestling Grudge Matches tape) - imagine if Vince had decided to put the title on the Dead Man instead?

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I believe Flair's 2nd WWF Title win is only on the WWF "1992: Year in Review" VHS. That's a cracking tape, if I recall correctly.


I believe Savage had a legit knee injury at the time. That might have been why they wanted to take the belt off him. It wasn't exactly clean. If I remember right, Razor Ramon interfered through-out.


Yeah, I had that tape. Probably borrowed it to someone else and don't have it any more though.


If I remember, it was almost 3 hours long and seemed to encapsulate so much.


The 1993 tape was rubbish in comparison.

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I vaguely recall talk of Flair-Slaughter at SummerSlam 92, but it being dropped because there was no point him being in a throwaway match.

I was always under the impression that Mountie v Slaughter was tentatively pencilled in. I have no idea where i read it about, just an extremely hazy memory.


I know he was there, but i take it Piper was injured or something, otherwise he'd have been an ideal opponent to give Flair a worthwhile match if they had to run with Savage/Warrior.

Edited by Reznor
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I was always under the impression that Mountie v Slaughter was tentatively pencilled in. I have no idea where i read it about, just an extremely hazy memory.


That would have made sense. They started a program on TV which started (shockingly enough) with Mountie zapping Laughter with his cattle prod. Guessing Sarge decided to hang em up ahead of time.


Mountie had a bit of bad luck in 1992, he was scheduled to get an Intercontinental title match on PPV with Smithers at Survivors before good old Davey got sacked before being a massive crackhead. Shame, I thought Mountie was high-larious and deserved more out of that run than he got.

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Once they changed the Mountie's music and into a joke character, the gimmick was finished.


I thought he was a hoot.

"YES..... I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam........ THE MOUNTIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" etc.

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Im currently watching the Slammy awards from Monday night and when Christian comes out Michael Cole calls him Edge's buddy. When did this start instead of them being "brothers"? If it has been a while I apologise as I've only been dipping in and out of WWE for a good while now but thats the first time I remember hearing it.


They'd definately dropped the 'brother' aspect of the relationship before Christian left for TNA. I definately recall a tag match from that period where they teamed and were referred to as lifelong friends and long-time tag partners on commentary, but not brothers.

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I believe Flair's 2nd WWF Title win is only on the WWF "1992: Year in Review" VHS. That's a cracking tape, if I recall correctly.

You do. Nice mix of PPV's, Prime Time matches, and video exclusives. Also had Jannetty and Michaels first televised match which was pretty fun. Those tapes really turned to shit after '93 when they basically became PPV highlight tapes.


Didnt Ric have a injury as well that kept him out of Summerslam?

He might have had an injury, but i don't think it would've kept him out of Summerslam, as the match in question was only a couple of nights after it. I have no idea why he wasn't working a match, that whole event was booked extremely strangely with 3 of the feature matches being heel v heel or face v face. I'd have probably said the most logical thing to go with would be Flair/Savage and Warrior/Papa Shango, but for whatever reason, they chose to book the 2nd biggest show of the year with Kamala essentially working as the 'top' heel. It was a bit of mess, but somehow they managed to make it work and put on a great show.


From what i remember of that angle, after Warrior was announced as being the #1 contender for Summerslam, Flair and Perfect started shit-stirring, saying they were going to be in the other ones corner and getting them both suspicious of each other. It turned out to just be 'Part 1 of a plan to soften Savage up, so his subsequent title shot (plan B) would be against a weakened opponent. The ending was pretty cool where Savage wouldn't submit, and instead got pinned with the figure 4 as he fell unconscious. The duo of Flair and Perfect were tonnes of fun around that period.


Just to add to this, wasn't the match stopped and restarted later on in the night because it was originally so bad?


Unless my mind is playing tricks, when the footage aired on Mania, Todd Pettengill announced that the match was stopped and restarted later on due to Razor Ramon's interference, but I'm sure WrestleCall at the time reported that Vince stopped the original match because it was so bad.


Hard to believe Savage and Flair would put on a match that bad, but I'm sure I recall hearing this.

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Im currently watching the Slammy awards from Monday night and when Christian comes out Michael Cole calls him Edge's buddy. When did this start instead of them being "brothers"? If it has been a while I apologise as I've only been dipping in and out of WWE for a good while now but thats the first time I remember hearing it.


They'd definately dropped the 'brother' aspect of the relationship before Christian left for TNA. I definately recall a tag match from that period where they teamed and were referred to as lifelong friends and long-time tag partners on commentary, but not brothers.


Ah ok. Maybe I heard it then and just dont remember because I was watching regularly back then. Just seemed weird to me when I heard it while watching the Slammys last night.


Cheers :thumbsup:

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