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Posts posted by chokeout

  1. There was a rumour floating round that before she left Sasha Banks was on, at most $500,000 despite her being a top merch seller so Mandy is going to be on nowhere near that in NXT and is probably making more through subscription services. If she's earning more money and she's fine doing it then fair play to her. 

  2. There was so many pieces from TV Offal that i would randomly remember years later. His delivery on it always reminded me of a proto-Charlie Brooker, filled with disdain for the content he was showing. His columns in the Mirror were always worth a read as well. I'll have to dig out my Dads Private Eye collections as I had no idea he wrote for them.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Fatty Facesitter said:

    I thank you for the avatar @chokeout. However, after you named the file 'fatty.thumb' I feel personally attacked. My thumbs are normal size, damn you. 

    You're lucky it looks so bloody amazing. 

    Haha, it was a genuine concern when I was naming it.

  4. On 11/16/2022 at 1:24 PM, Gus Mears said:

    I asked someone if I could take the seat next to them when they had a bag on the spare once. They said no. Needless to say I gave them a piece of my mind (said nothing and stood in the aisle like a twat).

    When we were on holiday there was a group of girls staying in the same hotel and my friend went over to start talking to them and spotting the empty seat asked "Do you mind if i sit here" They were friendly and said "no"

    At this point his brain broke, he heard "no" and just blankly stood there for what seemed like ages then turned and walked off, not realising that they meant they didn't mind and it was fine to sit down.


    He walked back over to us, still confused and we had to talk him through it, while pissing ourselves laughing. His response was " Shall i write them a note to explain" We still all think he's an idiot.

  5. Aldis has always been a massive overachiver for his talent level, never really being on the radar for the bigger companies. He jumped on the 'let's act like Nick Bockwinckle' train, that others have done so much better and managed to give himself a resurgence but was NWA champion for a million years and outside of a decent match with Cody and Tim Storm being ace, I'd be hard pressed to find a genuinely great match from him. He's the 'Albert was good in Japan' of US indies. 

  6. I know this is just turning into the weekly 'How good is Andor!' but jesus, what a show. 

    No spoilers but I still can't believe they greenlit a 12 part (with another 12 on the way!) , slow burn, show with no space battles and it's the best thing Disney have managed to do with the licence. 

    'One way out' 

  7. 2 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Thought Barbarian was a lot of fun. Needs a couple of really idiotic character decisions to kickstart it and the ending's not very good but very tense and well acted and the structure was the most impressive thing about it.

    Really fun horror film. 

    just on the idiotic decisions, was listening to a podcast about it yesterday and apparently it started of as a short with the Writer seeing how many Red flags he could put in a single conversation for the main character to ignore. 

  8. 3 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

    My prediction for the season finale: Meero is going to peg Cyril.

    Assuming the timelines line up I’m hoping Galen Erso walks in on them while it’s happening, giving him the idea for an exposed exhaust port on the Death Star. 

  9. I really can't stress enough how much I love this show. It's bleak, it's shows the mundane day to day stuff of the Star Wars universe, the inner workings of the empire, the bureaucracy of it all and most importantly they are building characters. Its amazing. Serkis is about 30 minutes of screen time has managed to show more character and journey than anyone in the last 3 Star wars films. 

    I see people complaining about the pace, mainly wanting a dogfight every 25 minutes but that's what you have Mando for

    Awards for everyone and more episodes, please. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, BomberPat said:


    The BBC Dracula series did a similar thing of trying to explain why Dracula would be averse to the cross and sunlight, though ended up with a completely nonsensical Steven Moffat bullshit ending for their troubles. 



    Dracula with an iPad. Never has there been such a monumental dip in quality between 2 episodes

  11. Not one specific horror franchise but i do have a soft spot for films trying to add a new pointless backstory to Dracula, because being a sexy immortal warlord just isn't good enough!

    Rewatched John Carpenters Vampires last week and the main vampire is Terry Silver from Karate Kid 3, which for some reason had always passed me by. He was the first vampire and was created due to a botched exorcism being stopped mid way through.

    Dracula 2000 I think is the one where it turns out that he is, in fact, Judas. The aversion to silver comes from him collecting the silver for ratting out JC. He tries to kill himself so is cursed to live forever and despises the religious iconography. Pointless drivel but top marks for trying.

    Basically, just blame the church for creating evil and you're on the way to a mid-level B-Movie

  12. 2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

    fucking hate the idea of a Jason prequel. His entire backstory is in the first film. We don't need to see anything more than that. 

    At the weekend I was talking to my other half about the Halloween films (we've watched 1-3 together, and she had caught a bit of the Rob Zombie Halloween 2 recently), and something I saw on Twitter - one of the issues with the sequels, and (presumably, I haven't seen them yet) the most recent trilogy, is that the people making them fundamentally misunderstood the central conflict; it's not Laurie Strode vs. Michael Myers, it's Sam Loomis vs. Michael Myers. 

    That moved us on to talking about the Rob Zombie movies, and I was saying how much I hated the amount of backstory they gave to Michael Myers - they made his family alcoholic and abusive white trash, they gave him all the dull by-the-numbers "child who will become a serial killer" tropes like torturing animals and poor mental health, and so on. When the whole point is that Michael Myers was a completely ordinary suburban white kid who flipped out and inexplicably killed his family. The idea that anyone was capable of what he did is far scarier than there being a Potential Horror Movie Villain checklist that he had worked through in his origin story.

    Basically, there are very few horror movies or horror villains that benefit from a prequel story. 

    100% agree and I've had the same discussion a few times. Michael was just evil which is far more terrifying than him coming from a broken home and Rob Zombie ret-conning that showed that he didn't really get the character.

    A story about a kid that just snaps and despite everyone's best efforts they know he's beyond saving and will do it again and again if he's given the chance.

    13 minutes ago, Silky Kisser said:

    Anyone watching Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities on Netflix? 

    I've only seen the first 3 but they've all been massively enjoyable. The short, punchy format is great and the acting, scenery and overall eery feel is cracking. 

    Fully recommended. 

    I'm 4 in and like any good horror anthology there's stronger segments but so far there's been nothing terrible and i'd love for it to be an annual thing. 'The Outside' had huge Tales from the crypt vibes with the way it was filmed, which had to be intentional.

    For anyone that hasn't watched it yet Graveyards Rats is available to watch in Black and White as an extra and is glorious

  13. 8 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

    Yeah a lot of those having been playing near me too but I’ve just not had the time to see any of them.

    Going back to The Thing for a moment, might I recommend the 2017 BluRay that Arrow released. Uses the 4K scan that you saw tonight, packed with extras and a fun commentary from John Carpenter & Kurt Russell (who are drinking throughout). 
    It’s currently £8.99 on Amazon


    Still one of the best commentaries of all time. 2 mates drinking and chatting and Kurt pissing himself laughing at his own hat in the film. I remember a dvd magazine years ago doing a run down of the best and worst commentaries and this was held up as the gold standard against the infamous Arnie /Total Recall one. 

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