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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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Yes, Fassbender's film is more about Sievey's pre-Frank Sidebottom life. This is a documentary about his whole life and career. They should both be absolutely great.

I went to Chris Sieveys house once. His wife made me a glass of vimto.
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What are people's thoughts on Leonardo di Caprio? I think he is a decent actor, but he just isn't believable in the roles he gets. I couldn't take him seriously as The Great Gatsby, he was too harmless looking, young and cute and pampered and inconsequential. And now he is rumoured to be playing fucking Rasputin?! I can't imagine anyone less suitable to play a dark, twisted, weird Russian mystic/sorcerer.He pretty much ruined Gangs of New York for me as well, as again he just didn't fit the gutsy, troubled, violent role he has been cast in. Do other people have this problem or is it just me? I never seem to hear him get criticised,

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He's occasionally excellent, Di Caprio, but often miscast. At 38 he's still so babyfaced he could play early 20s, and so often just doesn't look adult enough for his roles.I really liked his performance in Django, but you couldn't stop thinking "oh look, it's Leo Di Caprio with a southern accent". His performance was rock-solid, it's just his face...Having said that, he was unexpectedly convincing in The Aviator playing a character across a large range of ages, so he can pull it off. I still think he's nominated for awards a hell of a lot more than he deserves.

Edited by Loki
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DiCaprio's brilliant. Been a fan of his for years. Basketball Diaries was one of my favourite books and films as a kid. I think a lot of people around my age still have a bit of a bias against him because of that teen hearththrob phase when he was in Romeo + Juliet and Titanic. For a while there, Leonardo DiCaprio was tantamount to Boyzone.

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I warmed to him after watching The Great Gatsby, having previously despised his chubby cheeks. He was always too young and handsome for the roles he did. In Shutter Island, for example, he looked far too fresh-faced to make me think he was a grizzled ex-WW2 cop. He nailed it as Gatsby, though, he really got that character down pat.

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I think a lot of people around my age still have a bit of a bias against him because of that teen hearththrob phase when he was in Romeo + Juliet and Titanic. For a while there, Leonardo DiCaprio was tantamount to Boyzone.

Precisely. Plus he'll always be this to me:-
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