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Update - Casting Grid states the The Riddler is real; also states that JGL is "interested".


A Casting Grid has been sighted and it apparently states that not only is the Riddler going to be the main baddie of 'Batman 3', but it also states that JGL is "interested" in the part.


Now that Inception is out in theaters and Christopher Nolan is presumably free to work full-time on Batman 3, are you ready for the next round of rumors about the superhero sequel? Too bad, because you're getting them anyway. First Showing has heard from a source who has laid eyes on a "casting grid" that names The Riddler as a character in Batman 3, and has Joseph Gordon-Levitt's name alongside the character as an "interested" actor.


It's important to know that Gordon-Levitt's name on there is in no way confirmation that he'll take the part, and more likely a reflection of the pervasive Internet rumors that said Nolan wanted Gordon-Levitt for the role-- or at least a logical assumption that Gordon-Levitt is on the shortlist. It's also worth noting that the Batman 3 script isn't yet finished and there's been no formal casting process whatsoever, so while the Riddler's involvement in the third film may be assumed by lots of people, don't ever stop expecting the Nolan brothers to switch things up at the last minute.


So what solid news should we take from this, if anything? Not much, unless you want another scrap of evidence that The Riddler could very well show up in Batman 3, and even more vague hope that Gordon-Levitt could be the guy to play him. Nolan has shown a penchant for working with a handful of the same actors over and over again, and Gordon-Levitt as The Riddler would indeed be fantastic, but it's hard to imagine that Nolan will follow up Heath Ledger's landmark performance as The Joker with yet another central villain so well-known in the Batman universe. I'm still expecting a far more obscure villain along the lines of The Scarecrow to take the lead in Batman 3-- and if Gordon-Levitt winds up playing him, all the better.





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While not an upcoming poster/trailer this article deserves a mention purely for the bit in bold.....


Sun Clicky



Eighties star STEVE GUTTENBERG..........

.......The actor is hoping the follow-up will encourage movie bosses to reignite some of his other 1980's hits.


He added: "It's definitely time for another Police Academy


it really is about time we had another Police Academy movie! :D


Star? Come on...

I'd like to see another Police Academy, but, I just know there will be a bunch of old farts trying to ruin it by moaning how It's "not as good as the orginals" like they do with all remakes and such.

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"In QUARANTINE, an apartment building in Los Angeles was quarantined by the CDC (Center for Disease Control), trapping the frightened residents inside as a deadly mutant virus turned the residents into rabid killers. QUARANTINE 2: TERMINAL picks up later that night at LAX, as passengers board a flight to Nashville. When a passenger becomes violently ill with a mysterious rabies-like virus, the plane makes an emergency landing at a large metropolitan airport. Jenny (Mercedes Masohn, CBS
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This is also the place for film gossip right? Seems a bit silly posting this as it's own topic :/


Anyway my future husband Joseph Gordon-Levitt had a little accident whilst filming his latest movie Premium Rush yesterday.


From his Tumblr:


My first real wreck today. Busted through the rear window of a cab. Luckily got my elbows up. Coulda been way worse. No, but it was my fault, I was going too fast. The director, Dave Koepp, was extremely concerned for my well-being, but I made him RECord the wound. Anyway, Premium Rush is gonna be awesome. Gratuitous ER footage to follow, stay tuned
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