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Anybody ever used Music Magpie to get rid of DVD's and the like? I've boxed up 11 boxes worth of stuff with a courier to come and collect in the next two days and if they pay out for everything it should be over £200... I'm guaranteeing they'll find a reason not accept some items though. Anyway, anyone had any experience with them? Was hesitant to use them but they were offering way more per item than CEX.

I've used them before, but not for a longtime. Took everything that I sent them

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Anybody ever used Music Magpie to get rid of DVD's and the like? I've boxed up 11 boxes worth of stuff with a courier to come and collect in the next two days and if they pay out for everything it should be over £200... I'm guaranteeing they'll find a reason not accept some items though. Anyway, anyone had any experience with them? Was hesitant to use them but they were offering way more per item than CEX.

I've used them before, but not for a longtime. Took everything that I sent them

Just had a ganders at the reviews online. Mostly very positive. Good stuff! Cheers man.

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Reminded on because of the router question, but does anybody know why streaming wont work via BT wifi?


My uncle is trying to use an app on his phone/smart TV, which works [on the phone] on 3g, but as soon as he's on the wifi....nothing at all. No errors, just nothing. Its some sort of movie/tv show app he's trying to get onto, but again works fine off the wifi.


The only thing I've seen if potentially changing the "channel" the wifi is broadcasting on, or something of the like. Can anybody help with that?

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Hot compress for a bit to loosen the hair and bring it to surface. This part is really important. If it's visible outside the skin, tease the end out with some tweezers. You're not trying to remove the hair completely, just get the end outside. If you need to, delicately slice the skin open to let you get at the hair, but still just teasing it out gently.


What the fuck are antibiotics going to do?

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After doing what Chest says just there, pop some cayenne pepper on it. When that settles (and it will burn a bit) put some manuka honey on the cunt.

Do that about three times a day for about three days and it should annihilate an infection like that.


I use cayenne for a lot of topical ailments. It’s amazing for stopping bleeding too. If I cut myself shaving and it’s a poxy one, I put some cayenne pepper on it and bite my tongue and drool in pain for a few seconds. But it works!
Have often wondered if it would negate the use for a tampon, and/or jamrag.

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So, after batting away warnings and concerns over the years from family and friends, I've admitted to myself that I am an alcoholic.


It's gotten especially bad over the last few years. Working nights as I do, this means getting home at around 8am (after drinking a couple of cans on the 20 minute bus ride home of course), drinking hard until I pass out at around 2 or 3pm and waking up a few hours later to get ready for work. Rinse and repeat for three weeks out of the month as I'd spent all my money on booze to do it the fourth week, apart from the couple of times I took out a payday loan to do so. Dickhead.


In the last year, drinking has impacted the relationships with my friends, I suspect my colleagues (Last summer I got sent home from work after turning up absolutely shitfaced when I neglected sleep to carry on drinking) and my girlfriend. We actually dated a few years ago but we got back together last August under the proviso that I control my drinking. Alcohol also ruined my Christmas when I drank eleven hours straight, including a bottle of whisky, passed out and missed my flight back to Dublin to see my family., 


Apart from one friend, who politely asked that I see someone about my drinking or else our friendship was out the window, and my girlfriend, I don't think I can tell anyone else. My parents would be devastated if they found out that I have a problem, especially my Dad who himself is a recovering alcoholic since about 1998. Come to think of it, he was around my age when he first sought help.


My missus is coming with me to my first AA meeting on Saturday, just five minutes up the road from my house. Absolutely shitting it to be honest. So I guess my question is, are there any alcoholics here on the UKFF? Has anyone here ever been to an AA meeting and how was it?


TL;DR - I'm an alky, feel sorry for me.

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Well done.


I'm an alky, I've actually had a meeting with the alcohol community support today as it was getting on top of me again, what with getting divorced and losing my job. It's a trite cliche and all that but that's the first step and the hardest step you've taken. AA didn't work for me but there are plenty of other routes available so don't worry if it isn't for you.


One day at a time and all that, hit me up if you want a chat or to vent or anything.

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Well done, Wretch. You've done more than a lot of people do and it'll only get better from here now.


It's cliched but stopping boozing/cutting back will give you a completely new lease of life.


Baby steps. Cut back first and then look at stopping. If AA doesn't work there a are a lot of others options too.


My biggest bit of advice is not to beat yourself up too much if you slip up or fall off the wagon. You'll get down about it and it'll become a cycle.


Good luck man!

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Can only echo the other statements - well done for taking the most difficult step, and good luck with it. I do think it's a shame you don't feel like you can talk to your folks about it though, as having a good support network can be so valuable, and it sounds like your Dad especially would be a helpful person to talk to about it.


Hopefully you can get to that point eventually, but for now support groups and these lovely chaps on the UKFF will be great, I'm sure. You've got Houchen in your corner; you'll be fine! ;)

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After doing what Chest says just there, pop some cayenne pepper on it. When that settles (and it will burn a bit) put some manuka honey on the cunt.

Do that about three times a day for about three days and it should annihilate an infection like that.


I use cayenne for a lot of topical ailments. It’s amazing for stopping bleeding too. If I cut myself shaving and it’s a poxy one, I put some cayenne pepper on it and bite my tongue and drool in pain for a few seconds. But it works!

Have often wondered if it would negate the use for a tampon, and/or jamrag.

got some "magnesium suplhate paste" for it today on nurses suggestion, the asda pharmacist asked if i was going to use it for anything dodgy, well i didnt intend to, but now i know i can, i want to!


had a look online and cant find any info on dodgy stuff i can do, anyone else on here know what i can do?!

Bath salts, innit?
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