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Can you catch herpes from sharing a bank note to snort cocaine with? Because I was at a party on Saturday and the rumour is a couple of the guys have it and I'm pretty sure that notes were shared.


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Can you catch herpes from sharing a bank note to snort cocaine with?


I'm no doctor (I don't even play one on TV), but I'm guessing you CAN get it (the Non-STD Mouth Ulcer version) from sniffing a bank note. It would go into your blood stream from there. I imagine when you sniff, stuff would be going out as well as in. You'd then be sniffing up the other guy's disease.


If you're talking about the STD version of Herpes and not the mouth ulcer version, no chance of it being spread. Can't get a STD sniffing it up.

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Is there any way to reduce the amount of crap you see on a website? Like adblocker but one that removes/reduces the ten million polls, links, cookie warnings, social media share buttons, videos etc that most webpages seem to have? Browsing news and tech sites on an old, slow computer is torturous. 

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Can you catch herpes from sharing a bank note to snort cocaine with?


I'm no doctor (I don't even play one on TV), but I'm guessing you CAN get it (the Non-STD Mouth Ulcer version) from sniffing a bank note. It would go into your blood stream from there. I imagine when you sniff, stuff would be going out as well as in. You'd then be sniffing up the other guy's disease.


If you're talking about the STD version of Herpes and not the mouth ulcer version, no chance of it being spread. Can't get a STD sniffing it up.



Thanks, Baz. Although according to Google, sharing notes is a way you can catch Hep C. So I may go get my insides or whatever checked.

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Anyone handy with computers that could give me some advice?


My laptop is randomly shutting off all of the time. I can't even get it to stay on for 5 minutes to create a restore point anymore. This has literally just started happening today... I really don't know anything about computers but I'd hazard a guess that it may be because I've been playing a stupid amount of Football Manager recently on a laptop that's a few years old and maybe it's overheated or something?


Hope there's a relatively easy fix and not too expensive to fix with Christmas and all... Plus I have so much stuff on there I really don't want to lose. Any help would be great.

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