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Anyone here know anything about scripting in PERL? I'm trying to write a script that will find and "print" variables of root words - for example, any words containing "know|knew", or "do|does|dont" - I'm pretty new to all of this stuff, although I use regex a lot for find and replace functions.

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So, one of me mates has signed up to do this and is looking for two more to join. If I can get the time off work. and sort out fundraising I've said would love to do it, as life's too short to be pissing about with anymore




Looks absolutely amazing.


Aside from sorting out approximately 2k, getting a basic knowledge of moto taxi repair, fluent in ductapese and the potential of death. Where's the downside?



Seriously, though given back issues, (which have been asymptomatic for years) should I really be considering doing something like this?

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I did part of the Mongol Rally a few years ago with a couple of friends - went as far as Prague with them. It was amazing and I wish I could do the full trip. Money and no-one to do it with plus I don't think my love of F1 counts as sufficient motoring knowledge to get me all the way to Mongolia prevents me from doing it mainly. I'd definitely recommend doing something like that though, it was fantastic and I'm totally jealous of you. You could easily do a crash course in mechanics that'd get you through an emergency, I'm sure.


My highlight of that trip was going around the old Nurburgring in a converted ambulance following a safety car because we were going too slow for the other traffic. And having paid to do 3 laps, were kindly asked not to do the other 2 for health & safety reasons! :)

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I did part of the Mongol Rally a few years ago with a couple of friends - went as far as Prague with them. It was amazing and I wish I could do the full trip. Money and no-one to do it with plus I don't think my love of F1 counts as sufficient motoring knowledge to get me all the way to Mongolia prevents me from doing it mainly. I'd definitely recommend doing something like that though, it was fantastic and I'm totally jealous of you. You could easily do a crash course in mechanics that'd get you through an emergency, I'm sure.


My highlight of that trip was going around the old Nurburgring in a converted ambulance following a safety car because we were going too slow for the other traffic. And having paid to do 3 laps, were kindly asked not to do the other 2 for health & safety reasons! :)


Ironically enough, same guy who's suggested this did the Mongol Rally last year, and made it as far as Bulgaria before some bent cops, put paid to the expedition, arresting him and his brother because they wouldnt pay a bribe and kicking them out of the country, after stealing their dosh and phones. Hasnt dampened his spirit any, and this looks fucking amazing, way too good to pass up if can do it possibly.

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I mentioned this the other week, but the eyes are fucked. I'm having a hard time keeping both open at the same time. As I type this now, the left one's closed. When they're both open, I'm fighting to not blink every second, and sometimes I'll blink but then it'll be a big hard wince of a blink with my eyes shutting tight or blinking loads of times rapidly, and I have to will them to open again but that can be a second or two later. It made me have to keep rewinding Game of Thrones to see what details I'd missed.


I've switched to the left eye open, right eye closed. The vision's a fair bit worse like this, so I think it might be this eye that's fucked. It's full of green shite when I wake up half the time. I don't know if that's unrelated though, I don't know whether the blinking and eye-shutting is some nervous twitch tourettes thing and maybe all the blinking and shutting has caused the one eye to go wonky... Or whether it's eye strain related and would be sorted by some decent glasses or a life away from staring at screens.


Back onto the right, it's much more comfortable. But anyway, UKFF, what is answer?

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Sounds like you have an infection in your eye if there is green stuff coming out Pitcos, I had conjunctivitus a few years ago and the doctor said that if the stuff coming out of your eye is green (kind of snot coloured), it's always a likely bet that it's an infection. I would go to the doctor/see an optician.

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Just bought an external HD, and the second I plugged it in, it killed my computer stone cold dead.


At first, it just killed the keyboard and mouse, and the podcast I was listening to was still playing. I couldn't power down because nothing was responding, so I had to flick it off at the wall. Since then, nothing. The light doesn't even come on. Any suggestions? It's nothing simple like a blown fuse or obvious, cheaply-fixed shit.

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