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Looking for some advice on this, basically regarding hangovers.


In recent times i've noticed that i am feeling hangovers a hell of a lot worse than i used to before. I'm hitting 29 in a few months time and it's never been a problem really before. I've always got hangovers but it's always been fair and just based on what i've consumed so i knew it was coming and couldn't complain. However in the last few months i've really noticed them starting to bite that extra bit harder.


The main trend i've noticed is that the morning/day after i feel rough but, arguably, not as rough as i'd expect i would given the circumstances. However the major knock on effect is the next again day (ie: usually Monday) where i feel absolutely dreadful like someone has sucked all the life out of me. I've experienced a come down or two when i was younger - not on the agenda here as those days are long gone - and although it's hard to describe how it feels i'd say it leans more towards that than an actual hangover. Even more strange is we are talking about this occurring after a pretty moderate night in the general context of things; sticking to beer or cider and no deviating onto mixing spirits, no shots, etc, etc.


I've always been concious of keeping hydrated after drinking and always used to sink a couple of bananas before bed for potassium but even those old faithfuls seem obsolete now.


People just laugh it off and say it's just the natural course of time but surely there is something else involved? No real lifestyle changes in terms of diet in this time - my diet is pretty poor i'lll be honest - although i have doubled my exercise 'regime' to 5-a-sides twice a week and badminton twice a week where by previously it was x1 of each.


Any ideas ?

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Yeah, those hangovers really bite you as you get older.


I just stopped drinking ( 33 now [not drinks, age] ) as Saturday night drinking was turning into a Sunday and Monday hangover and I wasn't even getting smashed drunk.

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The flipside is that, now you're older, you can stop acting like a twat and drink a little more responsibly. Drinking water at the same time as booze help a LOT, as does drinking a pint of water before you go to bed. In fact, that last one (that my dad taught me before I went to university) is pretty much the best hangover cure/prevention there is.

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Not had a hangover in forever. The PCW lot can attest to me drinking like a fish for most shows.


The secret, well not so secret is to either Motillium it (fucking god send that stuff) or Ibropufen before bed or juice or Powerade or food or something or a mix of all of the previous. No hangover, no feeling like crap. just the stench of beer kebab and fags in a morning.

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The secret, well not so secret is to either Motillium it (fucking god send that stuff) or Ibropufen before bed or juice or Powerade or food or something or a mix of all of the previous. No hangover, no feeling like crap. just the stench of beer kebab and fags in a morning.

Never heard of this one like! I have used tranquilisers and downers to relieve more severe hangovers in the past, though I wouldn

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Does anyone know a good website, ebay aside, for buying movie memorabilia?


I dont mind if it's not 'legit' i'm looking for novelty stocking fillers with a movie theme, saw some Omni Consumer Products cufflinks recently, exactly the kind of subtle thing i'm looking for.


Any links greatly appreciated.

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Does anyone know a good website, ebay aside, for buying movie memorabilia?


I dont mind if it's not 'legit' i'm looking for novelty stocking fillers with a movie theme, saw some Omni Consumer Products cufflinks recently, exactly the kind of subtle thing i'm looking for.


Any links greatly appreciated.

Where do you live?

If you live near London then there is usually a few memorabilia shows taking place in or around the city most months.

If you live near Birmingham then there is a memorabilia show at the end of next month where you should be able to pick something up.

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Does anyone know a good website, ebay aside, for buying movie memorabilia?


I dont mind if it's not 'legit' i'm looking for novelty stocking fillers with a movie theme, saw some Omni Consumer Products cufflinks recently, exactly the kind of subtle thing i'm looking for.


Any links greatly appreciated.


Firstly where can I get these OCP cuff links?


Secondly, have a look here, not cheap but worth a look.

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Until my late twenties I can count on one hand the amount of times I got a hangover. Twice that I recall. When my drinking career hit its stride I could drink huge amounts of alcohol and wake up feeling more or less fine. I wouldn't even get the ghost of a hangover. At some point though that all changed, and the next day when the alcohol wore off I would find myself feeling bone weary - tired in my bones in a way that would suck all the joy from the world. I have had grey hairs since I was sixteen. The prolonged hangover thing was he first real sign that, alas, I am not as young as I used to. I like, everyone else, am slowly inching toward death. For that, and other reasons, I now type this as a teetotal thirty year old. November 19 will mark one year without alcohol. Well, the last time I drunk was November 19, 2011. So, maybe November 20 will mark one year without alcohol. I have never been sure how that worked.

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