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William Regal:

Does anyone have the WOS match from 86 with me,Big Daddy and Richie Brooks v Giant Haystacks,Cyanide Sid and Charlie The Gent please?A lovely old lady that lived next door to me in Blackpool told me it was the worst match she'd seen in 50 years as a fan.Please put it on YouTube and let me know.Thank you


Edited by JNLister
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Watched this today, the final Nitro before Uncensored 1996 (which the announce team do a monster job of putting over as the most must-see thing ever!).


What a show! Giant Haystacks and Big Show having a fight. Prick Lex Luger. Steiners vs Public Enemy in a wicked little match. Road Warriors and the Nast Boys killing each other. Arn Anderson getting a good match out of Beefcake. Mega Powers mega promo! Hogan and Savage vs Flair and Kevin Sullivan in a crazy brawl. And theN fucking ZEUS shows up, with Bane from Batman and Robin! Recommended viewing!


WCW Monday Nitro - it's fucking brilliant

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The amazing TNA knockouts Deck the Halls Christmas video shown on our version of last weeks Impact. They all look fantastic and it includes my favourite ODB which is always a bonus. The, shall we say, special guest appearance at 0:37 had me laughing so hard it woke my house mate up. Thankfully she is my ex so wasn't too pissed as I watched it at about 2am.






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Watched this today, the final Nitro before Uncensored 1996 (which the announce team do a monster job of putting over as the most must-see thing ever!).WCW Monday Nitro - it's fucking brilliant

This was ace. I love how much some of the audience hated Hogan in that Mega Powers promo at this point too. Such a superb watch though. One hour Main shows seem unimaginable these days, this was a treat.
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