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[NSFW] Less commercial or conventional hotties

The Sparkmeister

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In a weird coincidence, I was coming to this thread to post the exact same woman. She is so hot I would sell my mother into slavery to touch one of her boobs. Although as soon as enough other people realise this, she'll be outside the domain of this thread.

Weird face, awesome rack. Schwingish.

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Bits used to be on when I got home from DJing, having spent the evening ogling young ladies on the dancefloor. Nuff said really.


One of the best shows on TV, but most of all the review about Echo The Dolphin was the best review, for one main reason

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Those Rosie Webster pics are horrific. It looks like her make-up was done by the same people that do all George Romero's films. She looks like any number of girls you see out on the lash any weekend, tarted up to the nines but actually not very nice when you look at them too closely. And that "Pop My Cherry" thing is pretty tacky.

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Rosie Webster is a bit like the two-face girl from Seinfeld - in these publicity photos, you never know whether she's going to look fit or rough. Perhaps she's one of those girls who looks good on film, but just doesn't photograph well? (I remember when the Wimbledon totty thread was going last year - I couldn't find a decent pic of Elena Dementieva on the internet, and yet I've never seen her on TV without having the urge to crack one out).


For the record, I have to admit that I fucking love Rosie Webster, but she has clearly benefited from spending half of her adult career in skimpy 'foolproof' outfits like the schoolgirl one that makes plain girls look like stunners on those School Disco nights. Personally I don't mind that she looks a bit rough some of the time, it adds to the air of attainability that's the key to her appeal.


Her tits, of course, look fantastic at all times.

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Those Rosie Webster pics are horrific. It looks like her make-up was done by the same people that do all George Romero's films. She looks like any number of girls you see out on the lash any weekend, tarted up to the nines but actually not very nice when you look at them too closely. And that "Pop My Cherry" thing is pretty tacky.


I have the slight feeling they are meant to look like that, these are shots she does in the storyline so making her look like a cheap tacky whore in them is the whole point.

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Those Rosie Webster pics are horrific. It looks like her make-up was done by the same people that do all George Romero's films. She looks like any number of girls you see out on the lash any weekend, tarted up to the nines but actually not very nice when you look at them too closely. And that "Pop My Cherry" thing is pretty tacky.


I have the slight feeling they are meant to look like that, these are shots she does in the storyline so making her look like a cheap tacky whore in them is the whole point.


I dunno. I've not watched Corrie since Rosie was a goth. The point is that linking to those pics in a thread about "hotties" is Trades Description Act material.

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Bits used to be on when I got home from DJing, having spent the evening ogling young ladies on the dancefloor. Nuff said really.


One of the best shows on TV, but most of all the review about Echo The Dolphin was the best review, for one main reason


Emily Booth is a goddess, anyone disputing this needs to die in the acid mines.

Edited by MRMIdAS
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Emily Booth is a goddess, anyone disputing this needs to die in the acid mines.

Aye, I'd say she's far too conventionally stunning for this thread. One of my main regrets about diving headfirst into the Internet's droves of free hardcore is that I can no longer wank over Emily's softcore stuff. Or Emmanuelle 3D. I used to fucking love L!ve TV and Bizarre magazine (although turn too many pages of that and a wank will go right downhill) when I was a youth.

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