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Mr McMahon Netflix doc Thread

Hannibal Scorch

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6 hours ago, DEF said:

Whilst I absolutely agree I can also whole heartedly believe that insane story about Vince screaming at Shane. Sounds exactly the kind of mental Vince is and also that I'm sure Heyman was told to say it.


It's funny because after that story my first thought was "No way did that happen". I think it has some truth to it, Vince probably told him he would have to kill him before he would agree to it but Heyman turned it into this big dramatic scene like it was the Sopranos or something.

I went off Heyman around the Brock era, I started to see through his BS back then.

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There were a few backstage bits I'd never seen before, so I quite enjoyed those, but they were very few and far between.

The rest was your standard stuff:

  • McMahon fucking the territories
  • Wrestlemania
  • Monday Night Wars
  • Bret/Vince/Screwjob/Owen etc etc
  • Austin/McMahon
  • Austin/Rock
  • McMahon buying WCW
  • No competition and business slumps

It's so by-the-numbers that you could've easily written all that shit down beforehand and done a drinking game or something.

There are the teeniest tiniest glimpses of something interesting when it comes to Vince - his bad upbringing and how that could've impacted him going forward and his own relationship with his kids etc, but he was never going to go into that in any great detail.

Same with when he starts talking about having multiple brains and one of them thinking about sex or whatever. It's the closest you get to pulling back that curtain and seeing what's actually going on but he never lets it happen. Nor do they seem to push for it much.

All we're left with is the same stories. The same "it's business" line from an incredibly hypocritical man who thinks anyone who fucks with him is doing it personally but he's allowed to do anything he wants in the name of "business".

It had potential, if only because he was there and sat in front of them, but the opportunity wasn't taken.

I don't think we'll get anywhere near an open discussion until he's dead.


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4 hours ago, theringmaster said:

It's funny because after that story my first thought was "No way did that happen". I think it has some truth to it, Vince probably told him he would have to kill him before he would agree to it but Heyman turned it into this big dramatic scene like it was the Sopranos or something.

I went off Heyman around the Brock era, I started to see through his BS back then.

Oh it's definitely Heyman spinning it in his own way but the heart of it I expect to be true. Just imagine Vince going from zero to a hundred in the rage scale grabbing the knife and screaming it in Shanes face. It won't have been as articulate and Shakespearean it'll have been a psychotic rage filled abusive rant.

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I’ve watched the first three episodes.

It’s mostly worthless. The only thing that’s stood out is the hilarious moment when they cover Nitro competing, where all his bum-lickers try and put over that Vince, “doesn’t sell,” when things don’t go his way.

Triple H: “He doesn’t sell.”

Undertaker: “He never sold a thing.”

Pritchard: “Yeah, Vince’ll never let you see him sweat.”

Could have fooled me, lads. Fucker sold this documentary like The Rock taking a Stone Cold Stunner!


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Yeah I don’t get why ‘Vince never sells anything’ has been a thing over the years. Responding with the Billionaire Ted skits for one was proof he was gotten to when Nitro launched and then he sued them over Hall and Nash being portrayed too similarly to Razor and Diesel on WCW TV. Not to mention publicly crying about WCW/Ted Turner trying to “raid his talent” even though it was OK when he was doing it in the 80s when he gutted the territories of most of their top stars. He loves playing the victim, which is surely him overselling if anything.

I will say I did enjoy some of the old footage they used. The Gorilla Monsoon clips in particular were a highlight for me and I actually didn’t know he was lined up to take over the WWF before Vince Jr swooped in. 

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6 minutes ago, wandshogun09 said:

I will say I did enjoy some of the old footage they used. The Gorilla Monsoon clips in particular were a highlight for me and I actually didn’t know he was lined up to take over the WWF before Vince Jr swooped in. 

It was going to be called Pro Wrestling Gorilla.

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