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The John Cena Appreciation Thread

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'Taker's retirement was godawful. 

I know we were getting shot of him anyway - and a lot of it was his own doing - but it should have been one of the moments in company history.

Werther it's the Sting match, putting Reigns over or something else to do with the streak, it's at a WrestleMania. Not the fourth biggest show of the year. He goes out with his character and mystique protected. Either a lights off, lights back on deal or the human touch of him just walking off acknowledging the fans. 

Instead they seemingly wheeled it out to drum up monthly sub interest for the covid doldrums and flew down Savio Vega and fucking Mideon so they could go on the batter with him the night before a bit of a light show in an empty arena. 

Circumstances, yeah, but they could have held off for something better. I wouldn't call it substantial. I don't think they've ever, ever played it back more than a month after it was said and done. 

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Does he get Hall of Fame next year? Or the following? 

I know Batista has been penciled on since his cancelled induction, does he wait another year so Cena can get his or can we just have a Las Vegas blockbuster of Rock, Cena and Batista all in the same class? 

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I’d absolutely be up for one final round of Cena vs Orton, playing all the hits. The circumstances that led to the match being played out and made us sick of seeing it were 10 years ago. They were each other’s most frequent rivals and yet never wrestled one on one at a Mania. It’s my preferred choice rather than splitting the crowd against Punk. The only thing that makes me hesitate is that it should be Cena’s last match and if they do it at Mania it won’t be.

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11 hours ago, The Dart said:

Quietly?  Did you miss his retirement ceremony that closed the 4th biggest show of the year?  The one that made the mainstream news enough that people at my work who don’t watch wrestling mentioned it.

Is that the one where the Thunderdome chanted "Thank you Taker"?

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Undertaker’s Final Farewell will always be iconic for what a whopper Kane looked. Like a stag do prank, where everyone tells that one lad it’s fancy dress. Brilliant.


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Undertaker having to pretend to be emotional while they pipe in pre-recorded "thank you Taker" matches. Why they didn't just wait until after the pandemic and have him "retire" then I'll never know, it's not like he's stopped showing up.

Cena's an odd one for me. I associate him far too much with the direction of WWE that turned me off watching them. With the exception of the Punk MITB match, I don't think there's a single John Cena match or moment I would ever feel tempted to go back and rewatch. I have no nostalgia tied up in him at all. 

But in spite of that I've long argued that he's in many ways the "best" top guy WWE ever had; the ultimate company man, and ridiculously giving - Hogan or Austin would never have allowed themselves to be essentially squashed by Brock Lesnar, which was one of the weirdest and most compelling matches WWE had pulled off in years, and absolutely rebuilt Lesnar as a killer after an interminable Triple H feud. The WWE spin machine was already eulogising him as an all-time great, and while I don't think he'd factor on my list at all, in their world it's easy to see why.

What's odd is the extent to which he's devalued himself, or WWE have devalued him, ahead of this. He entered into his "part-timer" era, but rather than being treated like a wrestling God deigning us with his presence the way Triple H and Undertaker were once they reached that status, he's just sort of poked his head through the door to do a promo or muck about in the midcard - tagging with Awesome Truth, losing to Austin Theory; really everything since they did the weird "the biggest star in the company isn't booked at Wrestlemania" angle leading to him getting squashed by The Undertaker, he's been in a thoroughly weird position, to the point that it almost feels like he would need building back up to be a credible main event act again. 

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

he's devalued himself, or WWE have devalued him, ahead of this. He entered into his "part-timer" era, but rather than being treated like a wrestling God deigning us with his presence the way Triple H and Undertaker were once they reached that status, he's just sort of poked his head through the door to do a promo or muck about in the midcard - tagging with Awesome Truth, losing to Austin Theory; really everything since they did the weird "the biggest star in the company isn't booked at Wrestlemania" angle leading to him getting squashed by The Undertaker, he's been in a thoroughly weird position, to the point that it almost feels like he would need building back up to be a credible main event act again. 

He has said pretty much the same himself in the post MITB prss conference to be fair.

To be honest I quite like it, I always hated how HHH, Taker, Goldberg etc could have a year off then come back and beat one of the top stars no problem. Only one you could really buy doing it is Brock as he was a UFC champion and an absolute monster of a man.

To me it's realistic that Cena after very little in ring activity over the past 5 or 6 years can't just come in and beat the top stars like he's never been away.

Edited by The King of Old School
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3 hours ago, The King of Old School said:

To me it's realistic that Cena after very little in ring activity over the past 5 or 6 years can't just come in and beat the top stars like he's never been away.

Especially when he usually turns to much fanfare then jobs to Solo or Austin Theory. Believing his own hype, getting complacent. Dire need of redemption.

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I wonder whether his run could be like Flair's last run where he'll have to prove he's up to the job. Put some youngsters over on the way up. It's a shame Joe's not around for this as I'd bet he'd love to have a match against his best mate at some point. 

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1 hour ago, Jazzy G said:

It's a shame Joe's not around for this as I'd bet he'd love to have a match against his best mate at some point. 

That match is cursed. It’s hard to say what fell through more times for Mania plans between 32 and 40, Joe vs Cena or Rock doing any match.

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50 minutes ago, air_raid said:

That match is cursed. It’s hard to say what fell through more times for Mania plans between 32 and 40, Joe vs Cena or Rock doing any match.

Wasn't Joe/Cena pencilled in for 34 before Joe's injury?

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