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Right I've had enough.

Someone tell me what they use to clean their bloody glasses. And link me to the actual product and I'll buy it.

I've tried microfiber cloths, spray, alcohol wipes and none of them are any good. 

I detest wearing glasses and if I had one wish it wouldn't be for world peace I'm afraid, it would be the ability to wake up in the morning and actually see properly.

Bin wearers unite, and I'm sure 90% of this forum are speccy gits.


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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

and I'm sure 90% of this forum are speccy gits.

And the other 15% wear contact lenses to try and disguise they aren’t maths nerds. 

Edited by Keith Houchen
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Plus one for the contact lense wearers. I first realised I needed glasses in my early 20s, so went for the lenses instead of the Dennis Taylors - which was the style at the time.

Still wear daily disposable lenses because I'm that used to them now. The optician keeps telling me I should wear glasses as not enough oxygen gets through to my eyes - but what does he know. I know best.

So in answer to your original question, can't help you.

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Most products are shit, I'm a bind I wash with soap and clean with a towel, gets all the handprints off. These from the Poundland are also very very good (and available at most discount stores)


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6 minutes ago, hallicks said:

Rubbing alcohol/isopropanol on a microfibre cloth. Bit of a faff but pretty reliable. 


2 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

And link me to the actual product and I'll buy it.

Please don't make me have to do my own research.

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I wonder if this will be another thread where someone makes a spectacle of themselves.

I need glasses but almost always wear them exclusively at home. If I'm going out anywhere it's contact lenses. Hated glasses when I was a kid. I wasn't bullied or anything just hated myself in them and worried terribly how everyone would think I was a geek. I mean, I am a geek but I didn't want anyone to know that. Went to contact lenses when I was 14/15 and been wearing them ever since and normally have a glasses-only day on a Sunday. Still don't like going people seeing me in glasses but, as with most things like that, I've began to care much less as I get older. 

SuperBacon is right though - I've often wondered what it's like to be able to wake up in the morning and be able to see. 

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Be careful with rubbing alcohol if you have any type of anti-glare finish on your glasses, it can take it off. 

We should do a little competition to see who is the blindest. I think I will win. I'm so blind that if I wear contact lenses, I have to wear two on each eye.

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, SpiritOfTheForest said:

If I'm going out anywhere it's contact lenses

Depends where. If I'm doing the school run (20 minutes or so) no, but other than that out and about always lenses.

I have this massive phobia that a disaster will occur while I'm out (say a nuclear bomb or an asteroid) and then if I lose or break my glasses I'm fucked for all eternity. I also always have at least 2 spare sets of lenses on me all the time, but I suppose I also couldn't survive for the rest of my life with just 3x sets of lenses.

12 minutes ago, SpiritOfTheForest said:

wonder if this will be another thread where someone makes a spectacle of themselves.


@deathrey That cannot be true! ?

I'm -4 and -3.25 

Edited by SuperBacon
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Absolutely true @SuperBacon they are known as piggyback lenses. I have one soft lense and then a hard gas permeable lense over the top because those bastards are very uncomfortable worn alone and feel like someone kindly poured sand in your eye.

Full disclosure, I do actually have a medical condition that affects my eyes rather than regular poor eyesight so I can't wear regular lenses and they have to be prescribed by the hospital. It affects my corneas and I had perfect eyesight till my early 20's when this genetic gift kicked in. It's wild, one check up I would be near sighted and 6 months later at my next check I would be severely long sighted. Luckily it stabilised in my early 30's so my prescription doesn't really change now but when I'm not wearing glasses or contacts, everything looks like a 90's dance video, a bit like this



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Never got on with lenses. Bought a whole load once, spent half an hour in front of a mirror fingering my eyeball and crying trying to get these poxy lenses in and just gave up.

Absolutely sick to the back teeth of glasses, though. I've toyed with the idea of laser eye surgery if I could summon the cash, but it feels very high risk...

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