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Your 5 (or as many as you like really) policies


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Will be revisiting stuff, but here goes.


1. Kind of a two-in-one, but, like @Donald J Trump said (I cannot believe I just wrote that), turn the country into a federal republic - no monarchy, and essentially devoMAX the country, but more than just the historic nations: Scotland, Wales, NI (if we still have it), Northern England/Northumbria, South-West England/Wessex, Midland England/Mercia, and South-East England/East Anglia to effectively have "state parliaments".

Westminster will be the federal government, and only be responsible for the big stuff that needs uniformity across the board, like national trade agreements, defence, maybe taxation, criminal law, Bank of England management.


2. This is a massive cheat, but: adopt as principle that anything that is considered a human right - healthcare, water, homes, education, power - should have a nationalised industry. For food, set up a nationalised framework with farms so that farmers can earn a proper living providing affordable food to people; anything fancy, people can go to supermarkets.


3. Rejoin EFTA/EEA, but not the EU - the only thing we need is the single market and free movement of people. Yes, people will say "But that makes us ruletakers, not rulemakers!", and I say "This country needs a fucking lesson in humility, so suck it up". Also, there's the potential to generate jobs and wealth through internal dual economies - producing stuff that meets EU legislation to trade as part of the EFTA/EEA, but also stuff that doesn't but meets other countries' criteria that we can trade on the side. 


4. Anyone who advocates conscription to be conscripted themselves - as an emergency support worker to the fire service or the ambulance service.


5. Knighthoods to be earned by being an actual knight and jousting or fighting someone to the death.

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1) A national minimum income which will be anough to cover housing, bills, food, transport etc. If your wages don't reach this amount it gets supplemented until you reach this amount, if you can't work you get this amount. If you earn more, good for you. This gets reviewed in line with inflation.

2) Sitting MPs earn the national basic income. Any income from second jobs, expenses claims etc goes into the treasury.

3) Close tax loopholes. If there are taxes to be paid, then they're getting paid. The ones who can afford to support the vulnerable, support the vulnerable.

4) Equal rights for everybody regardless of race, religion, sexuality, gender etc.

5) Free healthcare for all.

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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Knighthoods to be earned by being an actual knight and jousting or fighting someone to the death.



Sounds like the return of the banneret knighthood, when you could earn it through prowess on the battlefield (almost) regardless of rank. The commander of the battle was the one who could knight you, but Henry VIII put a stop to it after the Battle of Flodden in 1513 because he didn’t like the idea of anyone but the monarch being able to grant knighthoods. It’s his fault!


1) Global ban on trophy and big game hunting. Hunters to become the hunted, see how they like it.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
Fuck trophy hunting
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A serious No.5 to replace my knighthood one:

5. A Chamber of Co-operatives Commerce specifically focused on promoting, organising, and providing support to co-operatives as the preferred model of business company, to actually facilitate a full paradigm shift towards an economic model of workers owning the means of production. Those who generate wealth should get a say in how that wealth is distributed.

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12 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

A serious No.5 to replace my knighthood one:

5. A Chamber of Co-operatives Commerce specifically focused on promoting, organising, and providing support to co-operatives as the preferred model of business company, to actually facilitate a full paradigm shift towards an economic model of workers owning the means of production. Those who generate wealth should get a say in how that wealth is distributed.

Don't panic, you can have more than 5.

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Alright then.

6. Re-establish the Industrial Training Boards, coupled with a campaign to reverse the cultural devaluing of blue-collar jobs and industries.

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34 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Alright then.

6. Re-establish the Industrial Training Boards, coupled with a campaign to reverse the cultural devaluing of blue-collar jobs and industries.

CITB (Construction Industry Training Board) are fantastic and do a lot of great work to show that it can be a brilliant career to have. Do a lot of work with them. 

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1 minute ago, Vamp said:

That's what's wrong with this country these days. 


On 5/2/2024 at 8:59 AM, SuperBacon said:

I'll refer the honorable gentleman to the thread tags...ORDEEEEEEEEER. 

Please don't make me quote this again.

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32 minutes ago, Vamp said:

That's what's wrong with this country these days. 

Reminds me of a fella I knew who always moaned about “Them lot breeding like rats”. At the time, he had 7 kids, and three of them were with two ladies from Eastern Europe. And of course, he didn’t mind that kind of immigrant. Can’t qwhite work out why. 

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On 5/3/2024 at 3:26 PM, Carbomb said:

Kind of a two-in-one, but, like @Donald J Trump said (I cannot believe I just wrote that), turn the country into a federal republic - no monarchy, and essentially devoMAX the country, but more than just the historic nations: Scotland, Wales, NI (if we still have it), Northern England/Northumbria, South-West England/Wessex, Midland England/Mercia, and South-East England/East Anglia to effectively have "state parliaments".

Beautiful suggestion, and a lot of people are saying that. Lots of people and many others. 

On a serious note, I do like the idea of extending devolution in England down to the regions. It would certainly be one way to level the playing field and resolve one of the biggest problems with a Federal UK, which is that one constituent part has over 80% of the population. Whilst the Senate style system I suggested could potentially work, there are negatives, and taking devolution down to the regional level may be a fairer and more democratic way of doing it.

I've just seen that we're allowed more than five, so I'll add an increase in defence spending. At the moment we appear to be struggling to maintain a nuclear deterrent and a force capable of being effectively deployed in any meaningful way. Whilst I don't believe there's likely to be a land war in Europe in which were directly involved any time soon, I also think theres no reason why Europe as a continent shouldn't have confidence in it's ability to defend itself without American support. I don't believe we're there yet, but if a few countries in Europe followed Polands example in terms of investment, and coordinated to eliminate unnecessary duplication in some areas, we wouldn't need to worry as much about who's in the White House. 

I'd also bring back the NFL Europe. I used to watch the Claymores pretty regularly but outside of them winning the World Bowl that one time nobody really cared. I think things have changed in the 20 years since Claymores bit the dust and there's much more of an appetite for it now. While we're at it, I'd start MLB Europe too, and build big, expensive ballparks around the UK. Real wasteful white elephants. We've already got the EIHL which is alright, and a Basketball thing nobody gives a shit about, so I'm not bothered about those. I'm not having lame, dignified names that are meant to evoke national pride either like The Edinburgh Bravehearts, Cymru Valley Dragons or the Thames Royal Crowns. I want stupid Minor League Style names, like the Yorkshire Shrimp Kickers and the North East Fun Bastards. 

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1. Universal basic income. It's been explained by others already but it's something that could address many of the issues we see in the UK today. 

2. Ban school uniform. The argument that it helps fight inequality is nonsense. So is the idea that it somehow helps children learn. It teaches them compliance and we need less compliant young people. 

3. Anything relating to health, social care or education will be free and delivered by the state or not for profit organisations. Private enterprise profiting from care and education will be banned. 

4. Private rental will be allowed but only if the landlord passes strict licensing exams, regular inspections and uses 50% of their profits to improve the property. Rents will be capped based on a figure related to the universal basic income. 

5. All chippies must declare whether they are 'Chippy only' or 'Chippy plus'. The former cannot sell anything hot that does not come out of the main fryer. 

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3 minutes ago, Donald J Trump said:

Seconded. That's exactly the sort of nonsensical shite I want to see. 

Don’t think anything will top the Rocket City Trash Pandas. If only shipping wasn’t so much I’d have one of their tops. Although I do love how when Calgary Cannons moved to Albuquerque, they had a vote to name the team and Isotopes won at a canter!

3 minutes ago, MungoChutney said:

Ban school uniform. The argument that it helps fight inequality is nonsense. 

Dunno. Poor kids with cheaper clothes always suffer with this. What I’d do is say if there is a uniform, it has to be provided free of charge. I’d also make all school dinners free. If it’s the law that children have to be in a place for 8ish hours a day, they should be fed. 

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