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All in 2024

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So, I wasn't overly fussed about going to the show, I've been remarkably in and out of AEW recently and watched the go home Dynamite very much with a 'make me care' attitude. They did that in spades. 

Bryan Danielson is my favourite wrestler ever. Since the very first ROH show, coming out to Self Esteem in his white trunks and kick pads, looking kind of nerdy, he was MY GUY. Watching him become The Guy in WWE, watching them do everything they could to undercut him. Watching them force him to retire only to go back on it when it looked like he was going to wrestle on the first All-In. Talking Smack.The Strong Style Butlins match at COVID Mania. The Return of American Dragon. The Omega, Hangman, Kingston matches in AEW. All of the in ring. The 3 months when my daughter was obsessed with watching him on the Bella's YouTube. All of it.

Which is to say I'm really quite invested in Bryan Danielson and felt like if there was a very real possibility that he retired at All In, I'd not forgive myself if I wasn't there.

Fast Forward to Sunday, we made it to Wembley in good time, dropped our bags at Wembley Ark, had a cheeky pre show Pret and settled in for the show.

Again I was in the section where you couldn't see the scoreboard screens cos of the spots and was miffed that a lad I know from another wrestling group was sat where I was last year, same end, other side, in the gods and suffered from no glare at all. Fucker.

Enjoyed what I could see, we really suffered in the multi man matches for not having a screen on the canopy but largely got away with it during the more focussed stuff. The consensus on the show is pretty much spot on when it comes to the quality of it.

I'd convinced myself Danielson was retiring so I reckon I was pretty emotionally frail and the big pops all just seemed so much bigger. I had tears in my eyes when Jamie Hayter came back. I've lived in Manchester for 25 years but have never sounded more like the Pit Village yokel I am than when I screamed "Haway, Ya Basta'd", directly into the poor lass in front of me's ear when Pac unhooked those belts. I shrieked hysterically when Nigel McGuinness came out and roared like a maniac at the debut of Ricochet. 

I was on the hook for the show. I could barely see it but the atmosphere carried me along on waves of euphoria for the Ospreay match and I went mad like everyone else when the dozy bastard hit the tiger driver and got the 3. 

Other stuff happened, I popped. I misjudged how long Darby/Perry was gonna last and nearly missed Sting.

Then Danielson was on the screen meditating and I got Very Serious. The entrances happened and I screamed along to Final Countdown and sat stoic when Nana enquired as to the owner of the property. Springboard flip dive. Insanity. Swerve taunting the Danielsons. Incredulity. Bryan rallying and hitting the Busaiku. Hysteria. Swerve  completely absorbing it like a fucking Dragon Ball villain. Horror. I will never feel anything like that moment watching any entertainment ever again.

It had suddenly become the most important thing in the world that the American fucking Dragon win this match and not retire. 22 years watching this man go from being young and great to older and better and basically the touchstone to my fandom. All of it. It was all in danger of ending and I didn't want it to. I resented Birdy Danielson a little bit. 

I barely remember the kick outs, Hangman, more Busaiku's, the tap but I know I was up screaming with everyone else. I know I was crying. I know I was crying even harder when I rewatched it on Monday night.

Swerve was great. Genuinely brilliant. 

Bryan Danielson, The American Dragon is my favourite wrestler, has been for 22 years and will be until I pop me clogs.

Sorry to go on a bit lads, but you all fucked off for a week and me wife was sick of hearing about it about half an hour after I got home!


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I am glad JR is sounding healthy again, but he also sounded like he was reading from a sheet, weird and stilted, akin to those mid-00’s WWE games where he’d randomly say “I think the Undertaker may be the most dangerous hardcore champion we’ve ever seen!” in a totally unrelated match.

Still, that was my only negative in a truly outstanding match. I know he originally picked “Final Countdown” as a joke, but everyone belting out that chorus, completely earnestly, for him, was magical.  

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My heart sunk when JR called him, “Daniel Bryan,” at the start of the match. Thought we were going to have a repeat of the last time that happened, where he kept saying it by mistake, getting angrier and angrier, LOUDLY correcting himself. Thankfully he didn’t do it again and managed to stay on track.

On the subject of commentary, Tony Schiavone getting caught up in the emotion of it all after Bryan won was fantastic. Telling Excalibur and Taz he loved them as the fireworks and confetti went off. Brilliant. I love pro-wrestling.

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I thought Jim Ross was pretty good, actually, certainly compared to every other time I've heard him in AEW when he sounds like he wishes he was deader than those puppies. Added some nice historical background to the match and Danielson's career. This is the best way to use him. You don't want him doing the ladder matches.

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JR was fine.

Something that got me watching was that Hangman run-in during the main. Big Goldberg in the Eddie/Brock match energy. Didn't really play into the finish but it did make absolute sense to include it as a story wrinkle. I proper panicked first time you could see a disturbance in the crowd and legit thought some pisscan arsehole decided to try hopping the guardrail. Then the other camera picked focus and OH FUCK, there's Hangman looking mental as per. It gave a real element of danger, what's the lunatic going to do!? Great stuff, that main event was a real triumph.

Edited by Chili
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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

My heart sunk when JR called him, “Daniel Bryan,” at the start of the match. Thought we were going to have a repeat of the last time that happened, where he kept saying it by mistake, getting angrier and angrier, LOUDLY correcting himself. Thankfully he didn’t do it again and managed to stay on track.

On the subject of commentary, Tony Schiavone getting caught up in the emotion of it all after Bryan won was fantastic. Telling Excalibur and Taz he loved them as the fireworks and confetti went off. Brilliant. I love pro-wrestling.

That's why we all love Uncle Tony. He's like one of us being that bit closer to it that we'd all love to be. His enthusiasm and genuine love of pro wrestling is what has helped put AEW on the map. 


Loved him pn the behind the scenes AEW programme they did briefly too. 

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

My heart sunk when JR called him, “Daniel Bryan,” at the start of the match.

Mine did too, but thankfully he recovered. I’ve grown to enjoy JR’s cameo appearances. He’s not what he once was, but it gives me nostalgia for back when AEW felt new, fresh and exciting - when it brought me back into wrestling, after WWE began to push me out. An odd thing to associate Jim Ross with, but there you go.

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I thought the experience was great at Wembley again. The proper stage made the show feel larger than last year but also did its best to hide the small capacity.

What really hurt this year was at the end facing the ramp there was no screen above ring but there was on the hard cam where it was tarped off. A big miss! It meant most people that side couldn't see a thing up on the more delicate stuff or especially if you were on the floor they were all turned to see the big screen.

Fully agree with the fans. I've not been to a large UK event where some twat isnt behind you is making snarky comments or trying to be funny the whole time with chants. Shut the fuck up no-one round you cares. We were lucky though we had an area empty not far from us so by tag match our entire section left them And also had a screen to above the ring too 

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Late to the party here like all of us have been, thought it was a wonderfully fun show to watch on the box. The main event, the casino gauntlet and MJF v Ospreay being the highlights for me. No surprise that Mercedes and Baker fucked it. 

Despite Christian being incredible, I did have a gripe with him winning this shortly before the title match. I felt it totally telegraphed the main event outcome way more than almost any other option would have. Which was disappointing as in the last week or two they really had me right not being able to make up my mind what I thought would happen. That went out the window when Christian won. Which in a way is a testament to how good that main event was that they still had me with them all the way. 

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