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I think AEW's focus on "workrate wrestling" also creates somewhat of a glass ceiling.  To some extent, especially as a singles wrestler, there's a certain level of match that you're expected to have if you're at the top of the card. Obviously people like MJF tried to play around with that but most of his more lauded moments as champion were the big workrate matches rather than the attitude era reference fest (parts of Adam Cole storyline were the exception - and that still had multiple big athletic matches).

There's maybe an argument that with better booking and more character work you could avoid this issue but I think it might just be baked into the DNA of the promotion.

Thing is that means certain people who might absolutely have a place on an AEW card find it hard to push past a certain level. Sammy Guevara is absolutely one of them (he's got plenty talent but he can't hold it together in that upper tier) and Ricky Starks might be too (his matches with Danielson were of the style I was talking about but that's with Bryan Danielson... who is arguably one of the best wrestlers in the world).

I was thinking this with Wardlow too. His look, certain skills (and the fact they're basically playing off fans having seen this "heavy for group becomes mega star" path before) give people the impression he's a main eventer in training. Can anyone genuinely picture him selling a main event as champion? What does that look like? Possilby as a mega badass heel against underdog but can you do that every PPV for 6 months?

I don't believe that AEW has to always have an attempt at an MOTY candidate as the main event but that seems to be the vibe they're going for. Especially when you're adding Okada, Osprey, maybe PAC and the like into the main event scene. Do they want to be having the bangers on the undercard and then make "standing closeline, headbutt, cruiserweight spot, play with your suspenders, powerbomb" the main event?

(I do realise there's a chance giving some of these people the main event spots might encourage / allow them to perform at a higher level but yeah these were some thoughts rattling around my head when I saw in other places people thought current Wardlow had a genuine chance at being next world champ)

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26 minutes ago, organizedkaos said:

think AEW's focus on "workrate wrestling" also creates somewhat of a glass ceiling.  To some extent, especially as a singles wrestler, there's a certain level of match that you're expected to have if you're at the top of the card

I think there should be a glass ceiling. Main event spots and World Championship runs are precious things should be reserved for the special few who can have great matches and do great character work at a level above everyone else.

We're seeing this now in the rise of Swerve Strickland. He's seperating himself from the pack and on his way to becoming a true main event player. 

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Best moment of this show was the production crew missing Hook moving out of the way so all we saw was Brian Cage inexplicably charging head first through a wall for seemingly no reason.

Other than that some guy called Okada turned up and Ospreay had a match that was pretty good, I guess.

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Okada looked the business and having him come in as a heel is great. I'm not sure I'm mad keen for his first fued to be the Mad King but I'm sure that he will just be keeping Okada ticking over until Kenny comes back. Nice to see there will be no replication of the Callis Family storyline by getting rid of Kenny from The Elite so we can have a proper heel\face dynamic when he does come back. 

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10 hours ago, DavidB6937 said:

Don't tell Jericho.

Seems he's moved on to leech from poor Hook. I don't know what you do with Jericho at this point, but the audible disappointment from the crowd when the pair interacted was telling. Even before allegations emerged about him, he sucked life out of anyone he interacted with. These days, he makes sure to finish the job. I think, if they're determined to keep using him, they'd be better off keeping him off screen for a few months, and maybe turning him heel. 

As far as the main event goes, it's a bit annoying that Fite TV has cut off the end - I'm sure this has happened before too. From looking elsewhere, it seems like this didn't happen on the main TV feed. 

It was nice to see the show open with a talking segment too, I'd like to see much more of that. The people involved did well too, particularly Joe, who is just outstanding as champion. 

I didn't see Revolution, so I didn't see the state Kyle O'Reilly was in, but he didn't look great at all. His mic work seemed off too. I don't want to be too harsh given how long he's been injured, but I was a bit taken aback by all of that. I hope he proves us all wrong, it must have been a tough time for him. 

I'm not convinced by The Bucks' new characters, or the association with Okada, but we'll see what happens. It seemed to hint towards Page and Omega reuniting at some point; but I'm assuming that was unintentional. The segment didn't really work for me.

I'd not really noticed it until recently, but the number of times the name 'Tony Khan' is said throughout each AEW show is truly astounding. Perhaps they'd be better off introducing some kind of on screen ambassador, who only really shows up to make announcements. I don't mean a GM, just an occasional face to make 'big' announcements that isn't Khan. Maybe it's Sting, maybe it's Arn Anderson, maybe it's Jake Roberts - anyone who can cut the number of Khan references on TV works for me. 

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22 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Best moment of this show was the production crew missing Hook moving out of the way so all we saw was Brian Cage inexplicably charging head first through a wall for seemingly no reason.

They had quite the night. The commentary feed was left up at the start of Kyle O'Reilly's backstage segment too, resulting in Taz, Tone and Excalibur snorting with laughter from a previous joke just as Renee said "Ladies and gentlemen, Kyle O'Reilly".  Justin Roberts had a few David Penzer tribute moments too with his mic being down. 

Thought it was another good show this week. They've very slowly, very satisfyingly gone from "Ship is steadied" to "Ship's looking pretty good."

Still think the Buck's current character work is the drizzling shits. Proper fans-cosplaying-at-the-controls stuff. Same ballpark as Rollins. 

The brighter look is much appreciated. AEW needed to get brighter, WWE needed to get darker! Dynamite now looks like the eyes wide open, 'A show' counterpart to Collision's more final days of Nitro feel. 

Edited by The Gaffer
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