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AEW Dynamite Thread 2024


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Can't wait for Hook-Jericho. A very significant occasion to see somebody compete for the most prestigious mens single's title recognised by the promotion other than the AEW World title, TNT title, Continental title, International/American title, ROH title and IWGP title.

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17 minutes ago, JNLister said:

Can't wait for Hook-Jericho. A very significant occasion to see somebody compete for the most prestigious mens single's title recognised by the promotion other than the AEW World title, TNT title, Continental title, International/American title, ROH title and IWGP title.

Egg on your face JNLister because the FTW title isn't officially recognised by AEW as a legitimate championship! 

...despite it being regularly promoted and defended on TV every week for four years now. Yeah, it's confusing and dumb.

I'm intrigued to see what reaction this match gets as Jericho is rubbish and everyone is sick of him, HOOK has been rendered ice cold by the Jericho Vortex and this'll be the third (fourth?) match between them and no one even wanted to see the first one. I can see Jericho being boo'd out the building but I can also see 50,000 people sitting in complete apathy. I'l be one of them.

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It’s such a weird one. I’d expect it to have loads of run ins and bells and whistles and interference. However, if any combination of Joe, Shibata and Suzuki are available for it then I’d rather they were booked and the match was a big multi man streetfight type thing from the start. You could still do that match for the FTW title as that belt doesn’t really have any rules to begin with, and could still finish it with Hook choking out Jericho. 


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56 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Yeah he has a very weird way of doing things. The pattern mostly seems to be 1) set up something logical and interesting, 2) either do no follow up, take them off TV inexplicably or have them go do something else entirely, then finally 3) rush them into a match a bit too late or at the wrong time. Usually the match itself is very good so everyone forgets how weird the booking was.

Bookers are usually either good or terrible, Khan has this unique ability to be both at the same time. The stuff they are putting out seems to contain so much high quality and confusing messy shite all at once it feels almost like a constant whiplash.

Agree with all of this. Another weird example was them announcing Darby Allin as the last member of Blood and Guts by having him attack Brandon Cutler in a nothing backstage segment, then having him do the from-the-rafters entrance to make the save the week later. Just don't do the pointless Brandon Cutler thing and Darby's entrance would've meant so much more.

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47 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Yeah he has a very weird way of doing things. The pattern mostly seems to be 1) set up something logical and interesting, 2) either do no follow up, take them off TV inexplicably or have them go do something else entirely, then finally 3) rush them into a match a bit too late or at the wrong time. Usually the match itself is very good so everyone forgets how weird the booking was.

Bookers are usually either good or terrible, Khan has this unique ability to be both at the same time. The stuff they are putting out seems to contain so much high quality and confusing messy shite all at once it feels almost like a constant whiplash.

Dynamite frustrated me no end for stuff like this. There was a recap of the Trios Titles situation where Christian Cage called the match a draw, obviously leading to a three-way match at All In. But then you also had the Tag Title match end in a rubbish DQ non-finish (remember when AEW said they wouldn't do those?), so you have both sets of multi-man titles doing a "who's the number one contender?" story between three teams. 

And even then, the Tag Title story started months ago when The Acclaimed became number one contenders, and then just did fuck all with that. They could have hammered home that the Young Bucks were using their positions of power to duck the challenge, but instead they just barely brought it up. So The Acclaimed end up doing the big Blood & Guts gimmick match before the straight tag team match to blow-off the feud, then get sidetracked feuding with FTR, to the point that the Young Bucks end up the afterthought in their own story.

If the Tag Title match was never going to happen until after Blood & Guts, why not have that be part of the stipulation? If Team AEW won, the Acclaimed got a Tag Title shot. If Darby Allin won, he got a TNT Title shot. Rather than having to have the babyface Darby Allin threaten to burn Jack Perry alive to get a title shot that, as far as I can remember, he'd never particularly been denied in the first place. Have Kenny Omega, Tony Khan or Christopher Daniels recruiting people for Team AEW by offering them something in return, rather than cobbling it all together after the fact.

13 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Egg on your face JNLister because the FTW title isn't officially recognised by AEW as a legitimate championship! 

...despite it being regularly promoted and defended on TV every week for four years now. Yeah, it's confusing and dumb.

I'm intrigued to see what reaction this match gets as Jericho is rubbish and everyone is sick of him, HOOK has been rendered ice cold by the Jericho Vortex and this'll be the third (fourth?) match between them and no one even wanted to see the first one. I can see Jericho being boo'd out the building but I can also see 50,000 people sitting in complete apathy. I'l be one of them.

I think this is the biggest example of what we're talking about. The entire feud started with Jericho losing to Hook, and then the pay-off, after months of faff, is going to be...Jericho losing to Hook. What's the point? It's not the rookie babyface having something to prove by beating the veteran, because that was square one.

It might not be terrible - the one thing Jericho is still good at is big daft plunder brawls. But he doesn't need the FTW Title to be doing that, and it should have been retired months if not years ago, by having Hook either win another belt and say he doesn't need it any more, or him saying that he's his own man and doesn't need to be tied to Taz's legacy any more, or whatever.

I complain a lot about how AEW stumbled into two really great feel-good babyface trios in The Conglomeration and Joe/Shibata/Hook, and in big multi-man matches featuring them being the highlights of Dynamite for weeks on end, but they've never even hinted at any of those groups having any interest in the Trios Titles. But the same things goes for The Learning Tree - another Trio that could actually do something with those titles, in a setting that could help cover up Jericho's weaknesses and actually tell some stories with the titles, but nothing. This feud might not feel quite like it's been dragged on forever if part of it had been The Learning Tree or Hook & The Super-Friends fighting for Trios gold and the other group getting in their way, or them fighting each other for the belts, for part of that time. Instead it's a feud that's looped all the way back round to where it began.

I doubt it, but I at least hope Taz gets involved at some point. That this whole story hasn't once had him try and get his hands on Jericho is a travesty. I know he's knackered and can't actually wrestle, but the idea that Taz's character wouldn't have at least once tried to get Jericho in a Tazmission doesn't work for me. Do it at All In, have Taz escorted to the back by security and bring out Nigel McGuinness to replace him for the rest of the show. 

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47 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

The entire feud started with Jericho losing to Hook, and then the pay-off, after months of faff, is going to be...Jericho losing to Hook. What's the point? It's not the rookie babyface having something to prove by beating the veteran, because that was square one.

Okada vs Claudio being on the Cardiff show and this being on the Wembley show is an absolute crime.

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On 8/14/2024 at 2:58 PM, mrtrickio said:

@JLM You must've gotten lucky this morning. Seems the rules have since changed...


"If you would like to upgrade your tickets, you may purchase a new ticket and sell your original tickets via Ticketmaster resale platform. I do apologise for the confusion regarding this. As I check it is no longer permitted to process a refund for this event."


Spoken to multiple agents. Thanks for your help though. Most appreciated. Will no doubt have a blast still but with a sour taste in my mouth. 


"Apologies but we have just received an update regarding this event and further exchanges are no more permitted"


Might be worth giving it a go today as I think they've lowered the price of more tickets.

I've tried again this morning after they wouldn't let me do it yesterday, and they've refunded my original booking.

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3 hours ago, JNLister said:

Can't wait for Hook-Jericho. A very significant occasion to see somebody compete for the most prestigious mens single's title recognised by the promotion other than the AEW World title, TNT title, Continental title, International/American title, ROH title and IWGP title.

Such a frustrating aspect of AEW. Much of the time feels like there's no hierarchy to their titles. Completely interchangeable and without their own unique identity to create any perception of value. More frustratingly, they can start out with an interesting concept and quickly get abandoned. I quite liked the initial premise of the All-Atlantic/International title being defended everywhere and in other promotions. And thought Ospreay was probably the ideal person to carry that title and do that with.

Not sure why they bother with the FTW title or what's it's even supposed to represent at this point. If Tony wants it as a little love letter to ECW and they want to do the occasional Death Match, may as well make it a Hardcore/Death Match-esque title. They've got enough guys going that would relish that kind of thing to make it a fun part of the promotion.


And on Pac, his time and use there has also been frustrating. I know injures, visa issues and global pandemics have got in the way and made much of his booking very stop-start. I remember when AEW were just starting up and had that press conference, with it revealed Pac was on board. I thought that was a hell of a get, feeling coming off his last run in WWE that he was probably the greatest wrestler on the planet at the time. That he's really put all the pieces together to be a true main event player and that AEW should probably build the entire company around him to make the most of this world class talent they'd acquired and that WWE had let slip. Felt like it could be an ideal fit for both parties. Such a shame the way his time there has unfolded.

Edited by MachoLibre
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1 hour ago, Supremo said:


Hoping for a double DQ. Both teams lose. Motor City Machine Guns or Maximum Male Models get the shot instead.

Or more likely- double count out or time limit draw...out pops Christopher Daniels and announces a three-way tag match for All In.

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Dynamite 14/08/24

Opening match was fine but the post-match was lame. Again, disappointing that this is Shida's role at the moment and she has nothing for All In. I had hoped Britt's suspension would stop this feud being over-exposed and keep it from spinning its wheels on TV every week until All In but it hasn't at all. Britt's return and the immediate follow up was good stuff but everything since then has cooled this off for me. 

Jeff's incredulous "A thorn in HIS SIDE??!?" to Renee was amazing. Completely justified as well, what a victim-blaming framing of the Jarrett/Hangman beef. Hangman/Lethal was more great work from Hangman. Quite funny to hear the "Cowboy shit!" chant as he sneak attacked and dragged his opponent to the ring though. 

MJF/Ospreay video package was good, sensibly papered over a lot of MJF's American champ schtick.

As has been discussed, the handling of Pac lately has been baffling. At the start of this promo it really sounded like he was going to invoke his title shot for Dynamite in Cardiff, but then he just... didn't. 

Darby's promo/video on Perry was fantastic. Calling out the "sacrifice" talk for the bullshit that it is, the stuff about Perry finally being himself and revealing that his real self is the WORST. Spot on content, great delivery, cool presentation. Loved this. Coffin match makes total sense too. Perry goaded by Darby into adding the stipulation, and of course Perry had the big coffin match win over Christian himself. 

Mariah video was better than most of the other follow up segments since the turn. Burning all the Toni outfits was a lovely touch. Appreciated them getting Mina's heartbroken reaction to it all in there as well. I saw she's booked for RevPro on the 24th, so guessing she'll have some involvement on these UK shows. Could see Mariah taking her out as well. 

Triple threat was loads of fun. I wanted OC in a featured singles match with high stakes at both All In London shows. Was not to be, but a marathon run in the gauntlet will do as a consolation. 

Claudio/Okada bit was short but effective enough, thought Claudio's closing promo was one of his better efforts. Looking forward to that but, more importantly, I'm already salivating at the prospect of Continental Classic 2. 

Can't quite believe they didn't announce a trios title three-way match for All In. Bizarre. 

Can't recall Hook sounding better than that on a live mic. Hook/Joe/Shibata in a trios match against almost anybody would have been preferable of course. I just hope they pack in enough nonsense into that FTW title match for it not to be a complete dud. 

Tag title match was decent, though was waiting for FTR the whole time which made it less engaging. Another pull apart brawl, way too many of those lately. Christian fucks up a number one contender's match and it doesn't end in a three way. FTR fuck up a tag title match and get rewarded with a number one contender's match. This is some convoluted business. FTR vs Bucks at All In for the titles would have been fine for me. 

Danielson video was sensational. I don't know if I'll be able to cope with the near falls at Wembley. Swerve is the fucking man but if Bryan loses I will be devastated. It would be amazing for him to retire on a big stage and give Swerve that huge win on the way out, but I'm not ready for there to be no more Bryan Danielson matches ever.

Main event/closing angle was also phenomenal stuff. Brilliant plucky performance from Yuta and Swerve on monstrous form. What's great is that, again, this has always been Swerve's playbook when it comes to being The Guy. He was ruthless on his way to the title and he's going to be even more dangerous when he's facing a threat like Bryan Danielson's final shot. He can effortlessly lean into being the heel in this feud just by remaining consistent. 

Not the greatest episode and I agree with the sentinments that a lot of the booking lower down the card has been puzzling and frustrating. However, the main event of All In feels monumental and I get more excited for it by the week. 

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On 6/12/2024 at 9:15 PM, Supremo said:

The more I think about it, the more happy I’d be with them sacrificing both Ospreay and Bryan to further build up Swerve. Clean pins all round. Bryan’s had his time. Will’s time will come. This is Swerve’s time and they need to ride it long and hard.

They’ve got a Golden Goose here. More fool them if they don’t milk it for all it’s worth.

Look at what this dickhead said. Absolute moron.

Bryan Danielson winning that belt and saving his career, even if it only gives us another handful of matches, is now the most important thing in the world. It's something unpredictable. But in the end, it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.

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