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How many promos or interviews have Hangman or Swerve had in the past six months where the other one didn’t interrupt? It’s not a huge plot hole for the character of Hangman to assume Swerve would come out.

Plus, even if he hadn’t, he had the rest of the night to wallop him with the crutch.

Also, Hangman’s current character is literally a man losing his fucking mind. Trying to apply logic and sense to it is beyond silly. It’s nowhere the well actually gotcha people think is.

Honestly, imagine watching Sting come down from the rafters and want to spend time talking about anything else. Absolutely brilliant. Sting’s final run in AEW has been nothing short of perfect. Genuinely feel like going back and watching the Triple H and Seth Rollins shit shows before Sunday, to truly appreciate how incredible this has all been.

Edited by Supremo
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22 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:


Guys, I think we need to have a chat.. we might need to talk about Santa too..

I think that's a weak justification. We wouldn't expect that in a fictional TV show, so why shouldn't wrestling be held to a higher standard? It's a minor point for sure, but both WWE and AEW are generally good at avoiding that kind of thing. 

19 minutes ago, Nick James said:

If we are picking holes in the Hangman / Swerve segment for not making sense, then we need to talk about pretty much every aspect of wrestling in existence. Seems like nit picking for nit pickings sake. 

Not at all. You can do something like that, but do it better. If you want to avoid people picking holes in your logic gaps, make sure to seal them up. Like I say, I'm not pulling my hair out over it, but I think it was a little silly, and also a bit clunky. 

34 minutes ago, Chili said:

Any positives? I thought that was a fun go home episode.

I didn't hate the episode, don't get me wrong. I'm just finding AEW a bit boring right now. The wrestling is excellent, and there are some brilliant individual performances from a character perspective, but something is missing. You have - arguably - the best heel in wrestling in Christian Cage, yet he isn't in a storyline of consequence. You have a tremendous World Champion in Samoa Joe, feuding with two fantastic characters in Swerve and Hangman. You have Toni Storm emerging as one of the most entertaining characters in all of wrestling. I feel like AEW should be red hot right now, but it's hard to argue that it is. 

I think they're really good at coming up with characters, but they don't seem to know what to do with them once that idea is in place. Perhaps it's a lack of an obvious long term story. In WWE, Raw has Cody. Smackdown has Roman as the long-reigning Champion. You have Drew McIntyre - it's obvious where he's going, and the various people in Judgement Day doing what they do. There's an obvious direction. 

When AEW was red hot, it had an obvious direction and end game in mind - with Hangman Page being the central character, it was all about his journey to the top. But you also had MJF with a long term story, and Chris Jericho with The Inner Circle, Moxley with Kingston and his pursuit of gold, Cody Rhodes looking to find his identity after locking himself out of the title picture, Kenny Omega and The Elite descending into heel territory themselves. Everyone had an obvious purpose and end game. Perhaps that's what it is?

It's great that most people are getting more out of the show than I am, but I'm finding it a bit of a slog. 

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

Also, I'd completely forgotten about the Continental Crown. 

Is that the first time Kingston has been on Dynamite since he won it?  I can't remember seeing him wrestle since the tournament.

I saw a video on Reddit the other day of Kingston training with some MMA guy, and saying "if you've seen a transformation this is why" so when they announced that match at the start I thought "ooh, this'll be like when Bully Ray returned looking buff" but no, there's my Eddie with his big old beer belly and weird cup suction marks on his back.

I do love him but yeesh... no interest in his feud with Danielson, or the BCC who are collectively the equivalent of the Boring Men's thread from off-topic.

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38 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I didn't hate the episode, don't get me wrong. I'm just finding AEW a bit boring right now. The wrestling is excellent, and there are some brilliant individual performances from a character perspective, but something is missing. You have - arguably - the best heel in wrestling in Christian Cage, yet he isn't in a storyline of consequence. You have a tremendous World Champion in Samoa Joe, feuding with two fantastic characters in Swerve and Hangman. You have Toni Storm emerging as one of the most entertaining characters in all of wrestling. I feel like AEW should be red hot right now, but it's hard to argue that it is.

This is my feeling right now too. For the first time since Dynamite began, I've only read reviews of the show for the past few 4 weeks instead of watching the whole show. I'm not even bothering with Rampage or Collision unless a particular match gets rave reviews. It's great to see Samoa Joe as the top dog, however I think I miss MJF. But (and it shouldn't), the small/quiet crowds that some episodes get upsets me a little, too.

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57 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

You have - arguably - the best heel in wrestling in Christian Cage, yet he isn't in a storyline of consequence. 

Can’t agree with this at all. Not the best heel in wrestling bit, he’s definitely up there, but “not involved in a storyline of consequence”.

He’s feuding with Daniel Garcia, which is part of a long term story designed to elevate a young AEW original. The continental classic run with Danny finally getting a big win, his super team up with FTR where he got to be the hero against both House of Black and The Patriarchy. Daddy Magic stepping up to be his father figure and personal match commentator to help get said story across.

 Him stepping up to challenge for a singles title against a very over heel after this journey he’s been on is exactly the correct next step and is, in my opinion, EXACTLY how they should be using a veteran like Christian. 

The feud with Copeland isn’t over either, but using both of them to help out the rest of the roster in the meantime, rather than burning out that match by going back to it a third time immediately, is also sensible booking. 


Edited by JLM
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7 minutes ago, JLM said:

He’s feuding with Daniel Garcia, which is part of a long term story designed to elevate a young AEW original. The continental classic run with Danny finally getting a big win, his super team up with FTR where he got to be the hero against both House of Black and The Patriarchy. Daddy Magic stepping up to be his father figure and personal match commentator to help get said story across.

 Him stepping up to challenge for a singles title against a very over heel after this journey he’s been on is exactly the correct next step and is, in my opinion, EXACTLY how they should be using a veteran like Christian. 

Oh I agree with some of this, but the Danny Garcia match just kind of happened. He didn't (as far as I recall) win a match in order to face Christian - Adam Copeland got injured. The story getting Garcia from the Continental Classic to a TNT title match, in my opinion, hasn't been well told. I feel like it would have benefitted from more build-up, giving Garcia momentum through singles wins; building up to the moment where he declares that he's going after Christian. I'm slightly concerned that Matt Menard is there to turn on Garcia or to inadvertently cost him the match, but hopefully I'm wrong about that. 

The match just doesn't feel as hot as it could - that angle last week was great, and with earlier build up, this could have felt like one of the biggest matches on the card. 


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Will Ospreay is a very good pro-wrestler. I’m sure he’ll have phenomenal matches in AEW.

Will Ospreay as a character on weekly television though? His attempts at American-style promos and acting? Ooof. His appearance on this show didn’t fill me with confidence. Tough to watch.

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7 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Will Ospreay as a character on weekly television though? His attempts at American-style promos and acting? Ooof. His appearance on this show didn’t fill me with confidence. Tough to watch.

Ha, I actually thought he was really good! He seemed happy to be there, and I thought he came across very natural. I've been really impressed by his mic skills from the small amount of promo time he's had in AEW. 

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Yeah, Ospreay's promo, with him hamming up the Essex-isms, was a tough watch. He's better when he has something to actually talk about, so hopefully it won't be that bad every week, but I struggle to think of a storyline I'd want to put him in. He's almost better served being an occasional guest to fly in for big matches, rather than a regular fixture, but we'll see how he gets on with this.

In his promo, he mentioned flying Delta and them losing his bags, despite the fact that we've had two weeks of Don Callis saying that he was flying to England to pick Will up in a chartered private jet, and commentary using that to explain why Don wasn't on TV last week. Will can be excused for just talking off the cuff about what happened and not putting that much thought in, but Don or commentary could have at least picked up on it - Don's a scumbag, a liar, a cheapskate, and a heel, so they could easily play it off that he's been off scheming and just lied about what he was doing, is skimming his wrestlers' paycheques and telling them it's to pay for this private jet, and then making Will fly commercial anyway, but no one in that segment seemed to have it in them to turn it into a bit. 

The rest of the show was fine. Sting coming down from the rafters is one of those great moments that they just had to do at least once, even if a lot of what was building up to it made very little sense, and Ric Flair looked like shit. Good matches across the board, none that got me overly invested or excited, but Revolution is a stacked card that I'm looking forward to watching, though probably won't stay up to watch live.

There's probably good reason for it, but it's a shame given how much time they've given over to CMLL talent and the CMLL relationship in general on TV in the build to this show that there doesn't seem to be any CMLL wrestlers on the card. 

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12 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Oh I agree with some of this, but the Danny Garcia match just kind of happened. He didn't (as far as I recall) win a match in order to face Christian - Adam Copeland got injured. The story getting Garcia from the Continental Classic to a TNT title match, in my opinion, hasn't been well told. I feel like it would have benefitted from more build-up, giving Garcia momentum through singles wins; building up to the moment where he declares that he's going after Christian. I'm slightly concerned that Matt Menard is there to turn on Garcia or to inadvertently cost him the match, but hopefully I'm wrong about that. 

The match just doesn't feel as hot as it could - that angle last week was great, and with earlier build up, this could have felt like one of the biggest matches on the card. 


So he’s had the FTRCia vs HOB feud where he was the star of their big cage match win and also beat Mattews in a singles match. He also got the win in their match against The Patriarchy and made his intention to challenge Christian clear after that.

They acknowledged the fact that he’s essentially jumping the line ahead of Copeland and the two had a great promo battle about that and agreed to have a number one contenders match. Copeland said he was gonna beat Garcia’s ass. Then they had the match and that wasn’t what happened. Garcia was hanging with him and could believably have won it. Then Christian ruined it because he’s a bastard. Danny also tapped out Shane Taylor in a singles match. I won’t pretend that’s a consequential opponent for him to beat, but story wise him overcoming a larger opponent with his superior gameplan and tapping him out was a step up from the flash pins he’s had previously. 

He doesn’t have a long standing blood feud with Christian no, but it makes perfect sense for this to be the next step in Garcia’s progression. Christian is bloody brilliant so he’s been adding the personal stakes to it and is giving Garcia the chance to get extra mad in his promos, but the story of “can Danny get serious and win the big singles title match?” has been told over a very long time. 

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7 minutes ago, BomberPat said:


There's probably good reason for it, but it's a shame given how much time they've given over to CMLL talent and the CMLL relationship in general on TV in the build to this show that there doesn't seem to be any CMLL wrestlers on the card. 

See @Chili’s post on the previous page. :( 

I hope they get this resolved as I have not yet had my fill of Hechicero. 

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Watched the last two dynamites in chunks didn't watch them all in one go so hard to review them as a whole. I thought last weeks wasn't that good though. I mean it was OK but not as good as the others have been this year.

I did like that texas death match the other week with orange casidy though. I do think aew does generally deliver on hardcore wrestling. Bit disappointed that the BCC against the cmll guys doesn't seem to have gone anywhere. It seems like it was a time filler till they got to the ftr rivalry. Now we have a bcc, ftr rivalry and a match at revolution that could have had better build up. 

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1 hour ago, Supremo said:

Will Ospreay is a very good pro-wrestler. I’m sure he’ll have phenomenal matches in AEW.

Will Ospreay as a character on weekly television though? His attempts at American-style promos and acting? Ooof. His appearance on this show didn’t fill me with confidence. Tough to watch.

It does seem that those who have spent a long time in Japan (Omega, Bucks, Ospreay etc) have a particular way with their presence and promos that stands out as hokey in mainstream American wrestling (which is saying something when you consider how hokey mainstream American wrestling is).

You can't blame them, in so much as that was the culture they were in and it worked for that audience, but it doesn't really translate I think. 

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My nitpick's gonna be Swerve's new comic book style entrance graphics. They're at complete odds with the character he's portraying. Proper Super Cena circa-2009 stuff. 

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